Expert Details
Neuropharmacology, Aging, Brain Injury, Memory Impairments, Imaging, Neurodegenerative Disorders

ID: 724265
Expert is considered an expert when it comes to using a variety of different animal models of CNS disease or brain injury. In particular, he has used animal models (rats, mice) to simulate stroke, traumatic brain injury (TBI), epilepsy, Alzheimer's disease, and even memory disorders. These models include: fluid-percussion, cortical impact, cortical ligation, long-term potentiation (LTP), Morris water maze (MWM), and the Barne's maze, etc. Transgenic strains have included, PS1-M146V, CRND8, p50 KO, 3X Tg, etc. The models have also been used to test novel drugs, natural products and to investigate mechanisms of CNS disease.
Expert has extensive experience in both academia and industry where he has used a variety of animal models to test standard drugs and also novel compounds. For the most part these methods were performed in order to test drugs in models of CNS disorders. The analyses have included behavioral, electrophysiological, MRI, and histological, etc. In addition, he has worked with a variety of age groups from neonatal to aged models. Compounds have included NMDA antagonists, natural products (spider, snake, and scorpion venom), antioxidants, etc.
Expert is a Pharmacology Professor and has taught several classes in the past on drug action, classification, and mechanisms, etc. These classes have included medical, graduate, and nursing students. In these classes he has lectured on the basics of anticonvulsant drug therapy, classification of anticonvulsant drugs, and drugs improving or affecting memory. In addition, he has experience in the industrial sector in both clinical trials and preclinical drug screening. Expert has also used a variety of anticonvulsant drugs for his research. In addition, he is considered an expert on drugs that affect the NMDA receptor, a protein receptor involved in normal physiology, memory, normal aging, CNS disease, and brain injury.
Expert has a Expert in Neuroscience from the University of Utah's School of Medicine. In addition, he has received advanced training on brain biology at a number of internationally recognized institutes. A majority of his past and current work focuses on brain function and brain disease. He has also been a course director in classes focused on General Neurobiology.
Expert has extensive experience in both drug development (Pfizer, Warner-Lambert) and in preclinical drug discovery (NPS Pharmaceuticals). In particular, he attended over 30 classes while at Pfizer (Ann Arbor. MI) on topics associated with drug development, clinical trials, clinical monitoring, and adverse events, etc. In addition, he served in the clinical research department while at Pfizer working on Clinical Trials. This involved extensive medical writing in order to produce documents such as: investigational new drugs (IND), investigator's brochures, safety reports, clinical research reports, etc.
Expert has conducted several animal studies in the past concerning the use of novel electrical stimulation for seizure control. His work has been published in several high impact journals where he has shown differences between low vs. high frequency stimulation protocols with regard to seizure attenuation effectiveness. In addition, he has investigated mechanisms of action associated with the beneficial effects of electrical stimulation in animal models of epilepsy.
Expert has spent over 12 years using methods involving in vitro electrophysiology. These techniques have included intracellular, extracellular, and patch-clamp recording configurations in a variety of rodent and bird models. In addition, he has recorded in vitro from human brain tissue resected from human epilepsy patients at the Cleveland Clinic. This technique has been applied for questions related to epilepsy, Alzheimer's disease, dementia, memory disorders, head trauma, and stroke, to name a few. Also the technique has been used for testing novel drugs. The expert also tutors/instructs medical and graduate students on topics in the area of membrane biophysics.
Expert is considered an expert with several types of neuroimaging methods. In particular, he has used MRI in rodent models for evaluating the progression of head trauma and stroke. In addition, he has tested a variety of novel drugs using this method to determine efficacy and regional specificity. Moreover, he has used a variety of MRI scan protocols including those for standard anatomical imaging (T1, T2, proton density) and also diffusion-weighted imaging (DWI) and functional MRI (fMRI) for physiological based questions and testing. He has several publications in this area.
He is considered an expert with experimental paradigms that simulate biological memory encoding or more scientifically called, synaptic plasticity. Methods such as long-term potentiation (LTP), Morris water maze (MWM), Barnes maze, etc. have been used in conjunction with other cell, molecular, and behavioral techniques for a thorough investigation of plasticity and memory mechanisms during normal memory processing and also under conditions of brain disease or injury.
Expert has worked on mechanisms involving glutamate (glutamic acid) neurotransmission for almost 20 years. Glutamate is of course a very important molecule not only for normal synaptic transmission (binds to NMDA and AMPA receptors), but plays a role in normal memory, memory disorders, CNS disease, and CNS injury. Increases in glutamate, go hand-in-hand with increases in intracellular calcium. He has published extensively in this area and has written several important reviews associated with this topic (e.g.., NMDA receptor functioning).
Expert has published or has in press over 85 scientific articles on topics involving the CNS, brain injury, memory, neuroimaging, aging, drugs, and neurodegenerative diseases, such as Alzheimer’s and epilepsy, etc. This includes 20 peer-reviewed papers, 5 peer-reviewed proceedings, 3 book chapters, 15 monographs/collective works, 40 abstracts, and 4 clinical trial reports. In addition he has at this writing (Oct 2007) 5 manuscripts in preparation. He also has extensive editorial service including being an editor on a new book (Nova Science Publishers, Inc.). Moreover, expert has written many successful grant applications (12 to date) and has received funding as PI, co-PI, or co-applicant from the CIHR, NSERC, MMSF, MHRC, Scottish Rite Found., Bayer co., to name a few. He also has served or currently serves on several grant review panels including the NIH (SBIR, RO1, R29 grants, etc.), CIHR, Alzheimer's Assoc. (USA), Alzheimer's Soc. (Canada), AIBS, and CRDF, etc. Furthermore, expert has received formal training in technical/medical writing from Pfizer (Warner-Lambert) and ProEd Healthcare Comm. Finally, he has served as an editor on a number of newsletters and currently is an ad hoc reviewer for several well known medical journals. Examples of other clinical documents that he has prepared include: safety reports/updates, investigator's brochure, research reports, investigational new drug (IND) application, etc.
He also has taken over 10 classes in computer programming, which include: Classes in C/C++, UNIX, BASIC, FORTRAN, NEURON, AutoCAD, SPSS, Documentum, & Computer Graphics (used BASIC). Knowledge of UNIX, DOS, Windows 95, XP, & Mac OSs and SUN, SGI, & IBM PC workstations. Experience with MS Office, Lotus 123, XV, NIH-Image, Visual Basic, SMIS, FrameMaker, AutoCAD, PowerPoint, Matlab, Origin, ParaVision, SPSS, WinTrack, Voxel View, AXOSCOPE, Axon pClamp, NEURON, LabVIEW, BioCell, WinWCP, CorelDRAW, & Minitab programs.
Methods Development -- University of Utah - School of Medicine: established electrophysiology methods in university labPatent Litigation - Supplied expertise on drugs for Alzheimer's disease. Researched medical journals for case development. Offered advice/clarification on history of drug mechanism of action, etc. Program Development for Pharmaceutical Sales Team. Wrote text for education program for new hires. Also created an audio script for part of the training program.Methods Development - Wrote review article for cell culture methods in collaboration with a major pharmaceutical company (co-authorship).Clinical Trials Report Publications and Other Publications -Assisted in writing clinical trial results, analysis, and interpretation, etc. - for publication. In addition, several manuscripts have been published (client paid) in trade journals focusing on novel drugs and drug signaling pathways. Some ghost review writing has also been done on several novel drugs.
Year | Degree | Subject | Institution |
Year: 1995 | Degree: PhD | Subject: Neuroscience | Institution: Univ. of Utah |
Year: 1992 | Degree: MA | Subject: Biology | Institution: Sonoma State Univ. |
Year: 1982 | Degree: BS | Subject: General Science | Institution: Univ. of Oregon |
Year: 1999 | Degree: Postdoctoral Scholar | Subject: Department of Anatomy & Neurobiology and Aging | Institution: Sanders-Brown Research Center on Aging (Alzheimer’s Disease Research Ctr.) and University of Kentucky Medical Center |
Year: 1997 | Degree: Postdoctoral Fellow | Subject: MRI, trauma, neuroprotective drugs | Institution: Georgetown Univ. - Inst of Cognitive & Compuational Sci. |
Work History
Years | Employer | Title | Department |
Years: 2005 to Present | Employer: Undisclosed | Title: Associate Professor | Department: |
Responsibilities:Faculty, research (95%), teaching, administration, service |
Years | Employer | Title | Department |
Years: 2005 to Present | Employer: Undisclosed | Title: Principal Investigator | Department: |
Responsibilities:Research (95%), teaching, administration, service |
Years | Employer | Title | Department |
Years: 2003 to 2004 | Employer: Case Western Reserve University | Title: Adjunct Assistant Professor | Department: Department of Biology |
Responsibilities:Course director, teaching |
Years | Employer | Title | Department |
Years: 2001 to 2004 | Employer: The Cleveland Clinic Foundation | Title: Project Staff ( Research Assistant Professor) | Department: Dept. of Neurological Surgery |
Responsibilities:Research |
Years | Employer | Title | Department |
Years: 1999 to 2001 | Employer: Pfizer Global Research & Development, Inc | Title: Research Contractor | Department: Clinical Research Dept |
Responsibilities:Clinical trials team, safety reports, investigator's brochure, new drug application, clinical research reports |
Years | Employer | Title | Department |
Years: 1987 to 1991 | Employer: Natural Product Science Pharmaceuticals, Inc. | Title: Research Associate (predoctoral) | Department: |
Responsibilities:Preclinical research, electrophysiology, data analysis, report writing, poster presentations |
Years | Employer | Title | Department |
Years: 1986 to 1987 | Employer: Multi-Tech Labs, ETTC (Environmental Chemistry & Toxicology) | Title: Analytical Chemist (pre-doctoral) | Department: |
Responsibilities:Bench chemistry, wet chemistry, inorganic chemical analyses, microbiology testing, environmental testing, water samples, waste samples |
Government Experience
Years | Agency | Role | Description |
Years: 1985 to 1985 | Agency: California Dept. of Forestry | Role: Inspector | Description: Dutch Elm Disease Project |
Years: 2001 to 2006 | Agency: NIH | Role: Panel Member | Description: 1) Reviewer of grants (R01, SBIR, R29, etc). 2) Acting chairman of grant panel |
International Experience
Years | Country / Region | Summary |
Years: 2005 to Present | Country / Region: Canada | Summary: Professor |
Years: 1985 to 2004 | Country / Region: USA | Summary: Pharmaceutical company experience, academia |
Years: 2005 to 2005 | Country / Region: Germany | Summary: Invited lecture |
Years: 2001 to Present | Country / Region: Spain | Summary: Scientific advisor, medical writer |
Career Accomplishments
Associations / Societies |
Centre on Aging, University of Manitoba, Membership status: Research Affiliate American Society for Pharmacology & Experimental Therapeutics (ASPET), Manitoba Inst. of Child Health (MICH), Membership status: Scientist, Spinal Cord Res. Ctr., Univ. Manitoba, Membership status: Associate Member, Canadian Association for Neuroscience, Pharmacological Society of Canada, Institute of Electrical & Electronics Engineers (IEEE) Computer Society, American Physiological Society, American Society for Neurochemistry, American Epilepsy Society, Brain Injury Association, International Neural Network Society, International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM), International Brain Research Organization (IBRO), American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS), Society for Neuroscience |
Licenses / Certifications |
Certificate in Management - Univ. of Utah |
Professional Appointments |
Assistant Professor - Univ. of Manitoba Principal Investigator - St. Boniface Research Ctr. Scientist - Manitoba Inst. of Child Health Research Affiliate - Ctr. on Aging, Univ. of Manitoba |
Awards / Recognition |
AWARDS & FELLOWSHIPS: Academic Scottish Rite Charitable Foundation of Canada Award Ceremony, Wpg. MB Manitoba Medical Service Foundation (MMSF) Award Ceremony, Wpg. MB Manitoba Health Research Council (MHRC) Award Ceremony, Wpg. MB Univ. of Manitoba Faculty Travel Fund, $1000, Wpg, MB New Opportunities Fund Award Ceremony, Canada Foundation for Innovation, University of Manitoba, Wpg., MB NIH - NINDS Travel Award, International Geriatric Epilepsy Symposium, Coral Gables, FL U. of Kentucky Med. Ctr., Spring Neurosci. Day, 1st Prize-Best Poster (cash award) Georgetown University Medical Center Research Fellowship William D. Carey Science Award – American Association for the Advancement of Science Surrey Medical Imaging Systems Travel Stipend Medical Imaging Research Lab Symposium, Sundance, UT, Oral Presentation Finalist Graduate Research Fellowship Award, Univ. of Utah Industrial Warner-Lambert's Colleague Recognition Award (cash award) Multi-Tech Labs., ETTC Corp., Achievement Award Biographical Listings 25th Edition- Who's Who in the World 10th Edition – Who’s Who in Science and Engineering 62nd Edition - Who's Who in America 9th Edition – Who’s Who in Science and Engineering 22nd Edition - Who's Who in the World 8th Edition - Who's Who in Science and Engineering 58th Edition - Who's Who in America 21st Edition - Who's Who in the World 20th Edition - Who's Who in the World 57th Edition - Who's Who in America 19th Edition - Who's Who in the World 3rd Edition - Who's Who in Medicine and Healthcare 17th Edition - Who's Who in the World 51st Edition - Who's Who in America 3rd Edition - Who's Who in Science and Engineering |
Medical / Professional |
1) Postdoctoral Fellowship at the Inst. of Cognitive & Computational Sciences - Georgetown Univ., Washington, DC 2) Postdoctoral Scholar at the Sanders-Brown Ctr. on Aging- Univ. of Kentucky |
Publications and Patents Summary |
20 peer-reviewed publications 5 peer-reviewed proceedings 14 collective works 40 abstracts 4 industrial research reports (internal) 1 Expert thesis 1 MA thesis |
Additional Experience
Expert Witness Experience |
No court appearances to date. However, he has helped to provide research articles and personal expertise for patent cases. |
Training / Seminars |
Neuroscience, neuropharmacology, drug action, aging, dementia, epilepsy medications, brain injury (stroke & head trauma), memory medications, cognition, electrical stimulation therapy, general biology, zoology, |
Vendor Selection |
Almost everyday he locates new suppliers for scientific materials for the lab. Expert also belongs to several scientific societies and has considerable networking capability. |
Marketing Experience |
Competitive intelligence reports, scientific marketing (marketing for his consulting services). In addition, Expert, has a certificate in management from University of Utah and several years of experience in the training and supervising of lab personnel. |
Other Relevant Experience |
Training, lectures, medical writing, grant writing, report writing, editing, competitive intelligence reports, scientific experiments, clinical research, basic preclinical research, clinical trials experience, new drug testing, data analysis, statistical analyses, publishing, poster presentations, new methods development, neuroimaging, photography, video. |
Language Skills
Language | Proficiency |
English | native tongue |
Italian | intermediate |
French | beginner |
Fields of Expertise
Alzheimer's disease, dementia, biological aging, amnesia, animal disease model, animal drug testing, new drug, anticonvulsant drug, drug, molecular pharmacology, neurochemistry, neuropharmacology, pharmaceutics, pharmacology, brain, central nervous system, neuron, neuroscience, central nervous system disease, drug development, clinical research, clinical study, clinical trial, clinical trial design, documentation process, electrical medical treatment, epilepsy, clinical neurophysiology, neurophysiology, cell membrane biophysics, magnetic resonance imaging, memory, memory disorder, glutamic acid, neurotoxicity, calcium, report writing, SBIR grant writing, technical writing, writing, proposal writing, technical editing, computer programming, cognitive disorder, neuronal plasticity, craniotomy, neurodegenerative disease, cerebrovascular trauma, neuroimaging, impairment, neurological trauma, medical writing, brain injury, brain disease, investigational drug procedures, biological therapy, public speaking, technical education, human biology, education, cytotoxic drug, antagonistic drug, agonistic drug, cognition, cognitive science, ischemia, head injury, inflammation, medical diagnostic imaging, cell, biomedical imaging, epileptic seizure, image analysis, technical document, pharmaceutical drug, cell (biology), stimulator, toxicology, technical skill training, pharmacokinetics, investigational drug, drug therapy, cell physiology, camera, biotechnology, biology, anti-inflammatory drug