Expert Directory
Having an expert witness or consultant at your side can help you navigate complex situations with confidence. These professionals understand your industry and excel at conveying crucial information, whether in a courtroom or a consulting environment. At Intellex, we have experts in over 30,000 areas in our database. We enable you to partner with an individual who has the knowledge, educational background, and relevant experience to support your needs effectively.
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Sheet Metal Formability and Metallurgy
Expert is founder and President of a consulting firm providing product applications assistance to materials and manufacturing companies. Expert helps companies make more cost-effective use of the sheet metal specified for each application. He performs technical analyses to determine if…

Metallurgical Engineering, Failure Analysis, Heat Treatment, Supplier Development and Coatings
He has performed over 500 failure analysis of components which fractured due to fatigue. This has included both low cycle and high cycle fatigue failures due to mechanical, thermal mechanical and environmentally enhanced fatigue. He has specified and developed various…

Surface Engineering, Diamond like hard coating, material science, Medical device, hard disk
Most of Expert's scientific career has been devoted to the development of surface modification and thin film deposition technologies, including plasma nitriding, plasma carbonization, boriding, chromizing, cathodic arc, filtered cathodic arc, pulsed laser ablation, magnetron sputtering, pulsed mid-frequency dc magnetron…

Quality Auditing, Welding Engineering
Expert has applied his knowledge of Welding Engineering in training Welders/Fitters in the area of Welding Inspection and some of them are now AWS Certified Welding Inspectors which helped the companies they work for save a lot of money employing…

Welding, Fabrication, Failure Analysis conventional and nuclear stainless & nickel base
Expert learned that stainless steel parts in a carbon steel world are welded to another metal. Success requires attention, not only to chemistry mixtures (metallurgy) (Ferrite Diagrams), but also to mechanical forces before and during welding, as well as service…

Steel and Iron Casting Processes, Foundry Consulting, Metallurgy, and NDT Non Destructive Testing
Expert has extensive foundry experience with a strong emphasis in melting steel using both acid and basic processes. He developed metallurgical and operational melting procedures that optimized the acid and basic slags. He is very familiar with the use and…

Automotive Engineering Materials
METAL MATRIX COMPOSITE APPLICATION. Expert has expertise in the many aspects of incorporating metal matrix composites into mechanical devices. He has been involved in the design, fabrication, machining, joining, and evaluation process for automotive applications. In particular, Expert has extensive…

Corrosion in Plant, Buildings, HVAC, Hi-Temp, Surveys/Failure Analysis; Expert Witness, Seminars
Expert has over 35 years of experience in practical aspects of materials utilization involving steels, stainless and high alloy steels, nickel and nickel alloys, copper and copper alloys, aluminum and aluminum alloys, and titanium and titanium alloys in many corrosive…

Metallurgical Engineering, Materials Processing, Materials Failure Analysis
Expert has gained extensive experience in the uses of ferrous metals and alloys (carbon and alloy steel, high strength steel, structural steel, heat resistant steel), non-ferrous metals and alloys, superalloys, stainless steels (austenitic, ferritic, martensitic, and precipitation hardening grades), tool…

Biomedical Metals Technology
PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT CYCLE TIME. Expert has focused a significant portion of his career on product development manipulation. This has involved reducing the cycle time from concept to product introduction. He has applied this experience to a variety of scientific disciplines.…