Expert Directory
Having an expert witness or consultant at your side can help you navigate complex situations with confidence. These professionals understand your industry and excel at conveying crucial information, whether in a courtroom or a consulting environment. At Intellex, we have experts in over 30,000 areas in our database. We enable you to partner with an individual who has the knowledge, educational background, and relevant experience to support your needs effectively.
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Computer Simulation, Space Shuttle Logistics, and Database/Web Application Design Operations Analysis
LOGISTICS; OPERATIONS RESEARCH. Expert's Ph.D. is in Operations Research and he has taught graduate and undergraduate courses in the area. He has been intimately involved in Space Shuttle logistics since 1982. His primary interests include probabilistic systems analysis, logistics, queueing,…

Futures Studies, Governance Design, East Asian Culture and Governance
FUTURES STUDIES: Expert has expertise in futures studies. This includes the forecasting and design of alternative futures for societies, technologies, and specific institutions. These specific institutions include governance design, the law, the judiciary, other governance institutions, and education. Expert is…

Continuum Electromechanics
Expert has focused on minimizing the current needed to yield lift/stabilization forces with high speed magnetic bearings. He uses boundary element field analyses to perform this optimization as well as to get leakage and eddy current losses. He is developing…

Food Chemistry & Shelf Life
FOOD ANTIOXIDANTS; NATURAL ANTIOXIDANT; LIPIDS; FOOD LIPID OXIDATION. Expert has broad expertise in the area of antioxidants, particularly as related to lipid oxidation (rancidity) in foods. He has an active research program in this area and has industrial experience in…

Petroleum Refining and Optimization
Expert sold and provided technical service for hydrotreating of naphtha, distillate, gas, oil, and residium feedstocks. He is knowledgeable of new diesel specifications (1990 CAA) and unit optimization. Expert's FCCU experience includes the reactor (riser and bed cracking), regenerator (coke…

Exercise Physiology Nutrition
EXERCISE PHYSIOLOGY. Expert is an expert in the bodily responses of people to exercise. He is extremely knowledgeable about the physiological factors which limit or determine a person's ability to exercise. He has studied a wide variety of people ranging…

Innovation Methodologies, Processes and Tools Training & Certification; Innovative Problem-Solution Coach/Consultant using: FMEA, FH-Decomp, MVIS & PDS-G
Expert in: Innovation Methodologies & Tools Innovation Coach/Consultant and Certification Training Systems Reliability & DfR DFSS-Black Belt, Failure Mode Effects Analysis, FMEA, DFMEA, PFMEA, FMECA, FTA, FH-Decomposition Innovative Rapid System Problem Solving Expert developed PDD, Principle Driven Development to help…

Semiconductor Lasers, Photonic Devices, MOCVD Growth
Expert has expertise in many aspects of materials (including crystal) growth, characterization, and devices made from compound semiconductors, especially GaAs and related materials. This includes both liquid phase epitaxial growth and and metalorganic chemical vapor deposition of both optical and…

Wireless/Telecommunications, Venture Capital/Funding, Startups/Entrepreneuring
Expert (pronounced "Quay-low," ) is the CEO and founder of Employer, the leading provider of wireless content platforms and SMS aggregation to large enterprises in the United States. Prior to this he founded MobileSys (now called mBlox) which is the…

Pesticide Toxicology, Pesticide Chemistry
Expert has conducted research in pesticide toxicology and chemistry, focused primarily on insecticides, including the chlorinated hydrocarbons (such as DDT, methoxychlor, dieldrin, and heptachlor), the pyrethroids (such as pyrethrum and many synthetic pyrethroids), organophosphates, carbamates, and natural products. His work…