Expert Directory
Having an expert witness or consultant at your side can help you navigate complex situations with confidence. These professionals understand your industry and excel at conveying crucial information, whether in a courtroom or a consulting environment. At Intellex, we have experts in over 30,000 areas in our database. We enable you to partner with an individual who has the knowledge, educational background, and relevant experience to support your needs effectively.
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Financial Services, Retail Financial Services and Payments
Expert is a seasoned senior executive with extensive payments and financial services experience. He has experience with the new products and technologies that are changing the financial services industry, an excellent grasp of business strategy, with strategic advisory experience, strong…

Chemistry, Crystallography, Crystalline Solids, Polymorphism, Hydrates and Pharmaceuticals
Expert has extensive experience in research on crystalline molecular solids, X-ray and neutron crystallography, coordination chemistry and supramolecular chemistry (RSC Meldola Medal; Bob Hay Lectureship; Corday-Morgan Prize). His research involved organic solid state chemistry, crystallography, polymorphism, solid form and cocrystals.…

Site, Infrastructure, Building Construction and Development (all aspects including safety issues)
Expert has extensive experience through management positions in site, infrastructure, building construction, and land development. His initial construction experience was obtained in construction of roads, streets and highways, other infrastructure, public works projects, and extensive site preparation for commercial and…

Architecture, Engineering, Surveying,Construction Technology, Building Design, Professional Practice
Expert Evans is a registered and chartered architect with unusually wide and diverse experience gained during over three decades of architectural practice. In addition to core architectural skills, Expert has developed related expertise in the roles of: construction defects consultant,…

Electronics, IT and Telecommunications
Expert has over 25 years experience in the application of analogue and digital electronics and software, chiefly as a designer of IT and telecommunications products and systems. He has worked with organizations such as GEC, Courtaulds and the MOD, on…

Identity Theft, Internet, eCommerce, Authentication, Phishing, and Software Applications, Social Media
In this day and age of phishing scams and identity theft where recent headlines feature stories of privacy issue violations and security breaches from various entities such as AOL, the U.S. Government, Choice Point, Bank of America and LexisNexis, Expert…

Reasonable Legal Fees, Ethics of Legal Billing, Litigation Management
Expert graduated from New York University School of Law and began her career in 1979 as an associate specialized in corporate finance. Five years later, she joined with a brokerage house and specialized in oil and gas transactions. She eventually…

Physical Security, Vulnerability Assessment, Cargo Seals, Tampering/Counterfeiting, Election Security, Insider Threat, Security Consulting, Litigation Support
Expert has demonstrated vulnerabilities on a number of access control and biometrics systems, locks, tags, and seals. He understands design flaws and potential attacks, can recommend practical countermeasures, and is knowledgeable about the vulnerabilities demonstrated by others as a result…

Economics and Finance: Damage & Loss Analysis, Econometrics, Churning, Antitrust, AAA, NYSE, NASDAQ
He has conducted basic as well as applied research in areas of antitrust including horizontal price fixing, mergers and damages. In the area of unlawful price fixing, pursuant to Section 1 of the Sherman Act, he has carried out an…

Neuropharmacology, Aging, Brain Injury, Memory Impairments, Imaging, Neurodegenerative Disorders
Expert has worked on several projects involving Alzheimer's disease (AD). In particular, he has used genetically engineered mouse models to test ideas and answer questions related to how biological memory might be affected by AD pathophysiology. In addition, he has…