Expert Directory
Having an expert witness or consultant at your side can help you navigate complex situations with confidence. These professionals understand your industry and excel at conveying crucial information, whether in a courtroom or a consulting environment. At Intellex, we have experts in over 30,000 areas in our database. We enable you to partner with an individual who has the knowledge, educational background, and relevant experience to support your needs effectively.
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Cellular Immunology, stem cells, regenerative medicine,
CELLULAR IMMUNOLOGY; CELLULAR IMMUNITY; HYBRIDOMA; IMMUNOCHEMICAL ASSAY. Expert's career has been spent in the area of basic and applied cellular immunology. He is very knowledgeable of infectious disease and the analysis of immune competence in humans and animals. He has…
Forestry, Soil, environmental (atmospheric) pollution
Expert (pronounced greegle) considers himself to be a forest ecologist, with an emphasis on the effects of disturbances on forests. Many of the disturbances which effect forests are related to humans, such as air pollution (acid rain and ozone) and…
Molecular Biology, Molecular Pathology, Polymerase Chain Reaction Technology
Expert has expertise in the adaptation and development of molecular biological techniques to answer medical questions of human genetics, differential gene expression, diagnostics, epidemiology, and pathogenesis, particularly in regard to infectious agents and genetic diseases. The CGS is a multidisciplinary…
Wound Healing, Combat Casualty Care, Hemostasis, Collagen, Pressure Ulcers, and Keloids
Expert's laboratory at The Wound Healing Center and the Laboratory of Tissue Repair has expertise in a variety of areas related to wound healing, tissue repair, chronic non-healing ulcers, and fibrosis. He and his staff have designed experiments to test…
Protein Biochemistry, Purification, Characterization; Gentle Immunoaffinity Chromatography
Expert is internationally known for his contributions to the fields of biochemistry and molecular biology. He has worked in this area since 1964, generally in purifying enzymes involved in RNA synthesis, characterizing the structure and function of enzymes, and studying…
Food Mycotoxicology, Mold, Aflatoxins, Toxicology
FOOD MICROBIOLOGY; MYCOLOGY; MYCOTOXICOLOGY. Expert has expertise in food microbiology, mycology, and mycotoxicology. His major research interests have included food poisoning bacteria, foodborne pathogens, food safety, and food processing to control potentially hazardous micro-organisms. He has conducted research with molds…
Carbohydrate Chemistry: Starches and Gums
Expert has extensive experience as a researcher, reference book editor, consultant, and teacher of starch polymer and granule structure and chemical modification. He is familiar with granule structure, behavior, properties, modification, and applications in a broad range of products (food,…
Electron Microscope, Light Microscopy, EBEAM Lithography and Nanofabrication, Scanning Electron
Expert has extensive experience in designing, implementing, troubleshooting, and interpreting experiments involving novel applications in all fields of biological microscopy (TEM, SEM). He also has expertise in confocal, fluorescence, DIC (Nomarski-Polarized), and other light microscopy techniques. His current work centers…
Mucosal and Systemic Immunity to Bacterial and Fungal Pathogens
Expert performs research in the area of infectious diseases (bacterial and mycotic) in germfree and conventional animal models. He is the acting director of the Germfree Research Laboratory at Employer, and has over 20 years experience performing research and teaching…
Pharmaceutical Technology, Manufacturing, Quality Systems and Regulations; GMPs and GLPs
Expert specializes in the field of pharmaceutical technology with particular emphasis on the development, manufacture, quality control and quality assurance of pharmaceuticals and medical devices. As a professional consultant to the healthcare manufacturing industries, he works with about 30 worldwide…