Expert Directory
Having an expert witness or consultant at your side can help you navigate complex situations with confidence. These professionals understand your industry and excel at conveying crucial information, whether in a courtroom or a consulting environment. At Intellex, we have experts in over 30,000 areas in our database. We enable you to partner with an individual who has the knowledge, educational background, and relevant experience to support your needs effectively.
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Wastewater Treatment
Dr. G. Expert has applied his background in chemical engineering, particulate filtration, and membrane separation technology to the areas of water and wastewater management, pollution prevention, and the treatment of industrial wastewaters and hazardous wastes. He is knowledgeable of waste…

Clean Water Act, Wastewater
WATER QUALITY ASSESSMENT. Expert has designed, performed, and managed water quality studies of rivers, streams, lakes, estuaries, coastal ocean areas and bays, and groundwater systems for water bodies throughout the U.S. and in Puerto Rico. WATER QUALITY MODELING. Expert has…

Environmental Management
A significant portion of Expert's expertise is involved with assisting industrial manufacturing companies with determining their air emission sources, their facility's emissions, and Potential to Emit. This includes evaluation of whether the company is a Natural Minor, Synthetic Minor or…

Industrial Pollution Control
ACTIVATED CARBON; ACTIVATED CARBON WATER FILTRATION; DESORPTION. For the last five years, Expert has been closely involved in projects utilizing activated carbon. Projects have included carbon sourcing, carbon quality control systems, carbon equipment design (liquid and vapor), and new technology…

Cleaning Formulae & Government Regulations
Expert has spent the majority of his career with a specialty chemical company that formulates products primarily for metal cleaning, industrial water treatment, odor control and detergents. He is particularly familiar with both solid and liquid operations that include mixing,…

Information Management
Expert has had over 30 years of experience in the laboratory environment. Prior to starting his independent consulting practice in 1985, he was employed in industry. He has been actively engaged in the use of computers for the management of…

Environmental & Energy Engineering
ENERGY ENGINEERING; ENERGY AUDITING; FACILITY-WIDE ENERGY EFFICIENCY ANALYSIS. Expert has evaluated energy use and optimization of manufacturing processes of manufacturing and office buildings. He has conducted dozens of energy surveys with the objective of minimizing energy costs. He has made…

Wastewater & Permits, Electro/Electroless/Semiconductor Plating Processes, Water Recycle
Expert has 25 years of R&D, technical service, and consulting experience in most areas of electroless plating, electrolytic plating, and printed circuit board plating. He owns his own consulting and contract R&D firm, which has numerous U.S. patents. A certified…