Expert Directory
Having an expert witness or consultant at your side can help you navigate complex situations with confidence. These professionals understand your industry and excel at conveying crucial information, whether in a courtroom or a consulting environment. At Intellex, we have experts in over 30,000 areas in our database. We enable you to partner with an individual who has the knowledge, educational background, and relevant experience to support your needs effectively.
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General Industrial Hygiene; Toxicology; Laboratory Safety; Hazard Communication; Chemical Hygiene
Expert has worked as a consulting industrial hygienist for 24 years. He is both a Certified Industrial Hygienist (CIH) and a Certified Safety Professional (CSP). He has conducted many detailed compliance evaluations/inspections and has developed helpful code interpretations for clients.…

Biomedical Engineering, Biomechanics, Industrial Hygiene, Toxicology, Epidemiology, Occupational Health
Expert is a physician, attorney, industrial hygienist, and biomedical engineer licensed to practice medicine and law in Michigan and Illinois. He is a graduate of Kalamazoo College, Wayne State University School of Medicine and Law School as well as Harvard…

Environmental and Occupational Health and Safety
Expert is an experienced Occupational Safety and Health professional with over 30 years of diverse background as a trainer, consultant, and manager. Currently a high-level team leader with highly effective interpersonal and communication skills, Expert is recognized as an organized,…

Physical Therapy
1969 B.S. SUNY Downstate College of Health Related Professions, 1971 M.S. Exercise Physiology Long Island University, Masters Degree Thesis: A Comparison of the Effectiveness of Eccentric Vs. Concentric Strength Training Programs on the Contractile Strength of the Elbow Flexors. 1995…

Environmental Science, Risk Assessment
He has managed risk assessments and developed site sampling plans, data evaluation, calculation of risk estimates, and development of risk-based cleanup standards for commercial clients and governmental agencies. He has extensive experience in the assessment of soil, groundwater, surface water,…

Asbestos Personal Injury (defense), Industrial Hygiene, Workers Compensation, Mold, Toxic Torts
Provided Expert Witness and Litigation Support in Asbestos Personal Injury (defense) Litigation over the last 20+ years. Expert Witness in all aspects of workplace health litigation including 3rd party litigation, workers compensation, including toxicology and epidemiology. Experts in ENVIRONMENTAL, INDUSTRIAL…

Expert is a Ph.D., Board-Certified toxicologist and Licensed Professional Engineer with more than 30 years of continuous experience in the environmental field. His consulting services include expert witness testimony and other litigation support, human health risk assessments, hazardous waste site…

Molecular Biology, Genetics, Cancer Biology, Radiation Biology, Genetic Engineering
Expert was continuously funded 1990-2018 by the NIH (NCI, NIGMS), typically as PI of 2-3 concurrent R01 grants, and is currently funded by the American Lung Association (2020-2022). Expert published more than 130 reports of original research and reviews that…

Lab Safety in Industry and Academia (Pre/Post-Sec.): Medical, Forensic, Clinical, Biotech and Pharma
Expert worked for Dow Chemical Company's Lab overseas as a process research chemist. During his time with Dow, he was engrained in his work and lab safety activities. President of organization that provides advice on regulatory compliance, facilities design safety…

molecular modelling, QSAR, drug design, cytokine mimics, complex systems, nanotechnology, biomaterials, machine learning, AI, evolutionary methods
Expert has a PhD in radioastronomy and microwave spectroscopy and degrees in chemistry, chemical engineering, and physics. He is boundary-crossing, multi-skilled lateral thinker with unusually broad, highly relevant formal academic training in physics, chemistry, chemical engineering, and mathematics. He has…