Expert Directory
Having an expert witness or consultant at your side can help you navigate complex situations with confidence. These professionals understand your industry and excel at conveying crucial information, whether in a courtroom or a consulting environment. At Intellex, we have experts in over 30,000 areas in our database. We enable you to partner with an individual who has the knowledge, educational background, and relevant experience to support your needs effectively.
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Medical Devices, In Vitro Diagnostics Design, Quality Control, Trouble-Shooting, etc.
Expert has authored and submitted 510(Experts for more than 25 IVD (In Vitro Diagnostics) products. These 510(Experts encompass a variety of IVD products from manual, semi-automated to fully automated non-isotopic diagnostic tests including point-of-care devices. Expert has the expertise to…

Biopharmaceutical Development
Expert, PhD, is a consultant in the field of BioPharmaceutical Development. He has over 23 years of biotech industry experience in biotherapeutic and diagnostics development, having held senior positions at several biotech companies, most recently, VP of Biologics Development at…

Biotechnology, Biochemistry, Molecular Biology: Enzymology, Protein Biochemistry, Industry
As a researcher in plant molecular biology, he published scientific data relevant for genetic modification of crops. He generated and characterized genetically modified plants, and published these data in peer-reviewed scientific journals. This research, and tangential research, allowed him to…

Pharmaceutical & Life Science Research and Manufacturing, New Drug Discovery, Therapeutic Strategy
By using standard analytical tools of cellular and molecular biology he has elucidated the molecular mode of action of an anti-diabetic candidate BMOV on the key components of insulin signaling cascades like IR Kinase (IRK) and IRS complexes including gross…

Experienced expert witness in personal injury, malpractice and wrongful death cases, Autopsy pathology, slide and record review. Expert is and an Independent Medical Examiner. Internal Medicine, Forensic Pathology and Toxicology. Board Certified in Anatomic and Clinical Pathology. Expert is board…

Commercialization of Scientific Devices, Inventions, Scientific Management Consulting, etc.
Expert has used his experience and knowledge of biochemistry and biophysical measurement to create tools for measurement of clinically significant targets for the biomedical industry. He has developed Drugs of Abuse and many other assays, supported the development of complex…

Assay Development/Molecular Biology
The expert's private consulting and research company was established to provide innovative solutions to technical problems for researchers in academia and industry. Its charter is to develop strategies and protocols that streamline scientific research in the most time/cost effective ways.…

Intellectual Property Law, Patent Law; Industries: Biotech, Pharmaceutical, Life Sciences
Expert's Ph.D. thesis research concerned the plasma proteins, especially fetuin. He completed postdoctoral research fellowships at Harvard Medical School / NIH (Alzheimer’s disease, tau gene, genomic cloning), Johnson & Johnson (skin diseases, homeobox transcription factors), and Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center…

EU GMP and Quality Systems
Educated to bachelors degree and masters level in biochemistry with many years experience in this field educated to bachelors degree level with many years experience in the field The Client retained Expert of Employer to help and guide it towards…

Microbiology, Biotechnology, Cleanroom Microbiology, Sterilization, etc.
As a consultant, Expert has used his broad-based scientific background to work with a variety of clients. These clients have required expertise in such widely divergent subjects as the production of cellulosic ethanol (requiring a knowledge of basic thermodynamics, enzyme…