Intellex Acquires Expert by Big Village

We're thrilled to announce that Intellex has acquired Expert by Big Village, effective March 22, 2024. This strategic move enhances our capabilities and strengthens our commitment to delivering exceptional solutions to our customers.

Stay tuned for more updates on how this acquisition will benefit our clients and experts.

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Expert Directory


Having an expert witness or consultant at your side can help you navigate complex situations with confidence. These professionals understand your industry and excel at conveying crucial information, whether in a courtroom or a consulting environment. At Intellex, we have experts in over 30,000 areas in our database. We enable you to partner with an individual who has the knowledge, educational background, and relevant experience to support your needs effectively.

Utilize our expert finder tool to handpick the ideal mentor or consultant for your specific application.

ID: 718724 Missouri, USA

Chemical Manufacturing

Expert has specialized in the design of batch and continuous blending operations typical in the chemical, food, detergent, and personal care products industries. He has developed designs to minimize product aeration and eliminate product storage equipment. He has designed solid…

ID: 717253 Illinois, USA

Nanoparticles, Nanotubes, Nanofibers, Droplets, Sprays, Microfluidics, Nanofluidics, Aerosols, Thermal Management of Electronics, Electronics Cooling

His current research focus is on fluid/particle transport and interfacial phenomena relevant to emerging micro and nanotechnologies. Specific projects use advanced experimental diagnostics and high-resolution electron microscopy techniques to investigate fluid behavior in nanoenclosures, droplet dispensing and deposition (ink-jet printing),…

ID: 108426 Colorado, USA

Plastic Molding Processes

Expert has extensive experience with plastic molding processes and with injection molding in particular. He is often called upon to help clients with issues such as injection molding machine selection, injection mold lubrication, and in-mold labeling. He has been responsible…

ID: 108400 Texas, USA

Insulating Oils, Heat Transfer, Electronics Cooling, Environmental Lubricants, synthetic lubricants

Expert has many years of experience working with electrical insulating and heat transfer fluids (including insulating oils) and the dielectric properties of liquid and solid materials. He is considered an expert on material characteristics and heat transfer with all types…

ID: 711241 Maryland, USA

Electrical Power Generation and Control–Design, Project Management and Troubleshooting

Expert has provided project management, issue management, owner'Expertengineer, agency contact, design, plant modification, installation supervision, start-up, commissioning, and troubleshooting services for power generating plants, auxiliary systems and sub-systems for more than thirty years. Most of these services have been performed…

ID: 720194 North Carolina, USA

Mixing, Pilot Plants, Scaleup, Atomization, Agglomeration, Evaporation, Heat Exchangers

Expert has extensive knowledge of mixing operations needed in the chemical, petrochemical, and biochemical industries. His knowledge includes the proper selection of effective mixing geometries and the power requirements needed by a mixing unit in either laminar or turbulent applications.…

ID: 108284 Georgia, USA

Fluid Sealing Technology

SEALS; MECHANICAL SEALS; LIP SEALS; FACE SEALS. Expert's primary expertise is in the area of fluid sealing technology, a branch of tribology. He specializes in mechanical seals (or face seals) for pumps, compressors, and other turbo machines, and lip seals…

ID: 718550 Minnesota, USA

Heat Transfer

HEAT TRANSFER; HEAT CONDUCTION; HEAT CONVECTION. Expert has worked in the field of heat transfer for 20 years, both as a researcher and as a teacher. His experiences have encompassed all aspects of heat transfer (conduction, convection, radiation, boiling, and…

ID: 716557 Oregon, USA

Fluid Flow Systems/Heat Transfer Equipment/Porous Media Flows/Thermal Management

FLUID MECHANICS; FLUID BOUNDARY LAYER. Expert has spent much of his career solving Euler, Navier-Stokes, and Bernoulli equations For their application to complex flow fields such as gas and liquid jets, channel flow design, turbulence, flow separation and mixing processes,…

ID: 107992 Pennsylvania, USA

Flow Measurement and Metering

FLOWMETERS; FLOW MEASUREMENT; METERING. Expert has devoted the majority of his career to the field of flow measurement. While this work has touched on metering products for several market areas (including gas meters, multiphase flow meters, and open channel flowmeters),…

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