Expert Directory
Having an expert witness or consultant at your side can help you navigate complex situations with confidence. These professionals understand your industry and excel at conveying crucial information, whether in a courtroom or a consulting environment. At Intellex, we have experts in over 30,000 areas in our database. We enable you to partner with an individual who has the knowledge, educational background, and relevant experience to support your needs effectively.
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Automotive Electronics
Expert has been involved in the automotive electronics business since 1963. He is experienced in applying electrical and electronics to the vehicle, including body, chassis, and power train systems. He is currently assisting clients with understanding how and when new…
Fuel Cell Manufacturing
Expert has been developing chemical process technology for industrial materials and chemical firms for over 14 years. He has developed several novel chemical processes, including those for synthesis of advanced ceramic powders, pigments, and a wide range of inorganic materials.…
Anesthesiology, Physiology
ExpertPaul Expert is an Associate Professor and Director of Research in the Department of Anesthesiology at the Employer. He has a joint appointment in physiology and is a core facultly member in the biomedical engineering institute. Prior to this, Expert…
Machinability, Cutting Tools, Workpiece Material Development, and Surface Integrity
Expert's company is internationally recognized for its work in developing and distributing data for machining of a wide variety of materials. It's the premier source for machining data (specific operating conditions), process engineering, machinability testing, and machine tool and cutting…
Dairy Product & Process Development: Ricotta Processing, Bifido Products, Probiotics, WHEY, etc.
DAIRY PROCESSING; DAIRY PRODUCT. Expert has 24 years experience in dairy processing. He has developed lactose reduced milk products, an all-dairy formulated cream cheese, processed cheese, ricotta processing techniques, and yogurts stabilized with milk products. He is also familiar with…
Fine Particle Processing, Dispersion Engineering, Acoustic Separation Methods
Expert has developed several methods that use acoustic fields to trap, agglomerate, and collect suspended solids or droplets from stationary or moving liquids. These separation methods are fast, continuous, controllable, and energy efficient. Expert has done extensive research in the…
Project Risk Management, Project Management, Cost Engineering, Technology Forecasting
Expert is a leader in performing analyses and developing recommendations for potential manufacturing cost reductions associated with Air Force space programs. The results of his studies have been an integral part of cost estimates provided to the Air Force and…
Infrared Imaging
INFRARED IMAGING: THERMAL IMAGING; INFRARED DETECTION SYSTEMS. Expert has worked with infrared imaging systems for the past 15 years. He is fully conversant on all subsystem components including optics, scanners, detectors, coolers, electronics, displays, and human interpretation of image quality.…
Plastic Molding Processes
Expert has extensive experience with plastic molding processes and with injection molding in particular. He is often called upon to help clients with issues such as injection molding machine selection, injection mold lubrication, and in-mold labeling. He has been responsible…
Electronics Reliability and Testing, Electronics Packaging Semiconductor Packaging, Patent Analysis
Expert has worked under sponsorship from the US Air Force on the development of integrated circuit, hybrid, and multichip module package design guidelines, focusing on reliability, to enable the design of packages for specific end-use environments. The report for this…