Intellex Acquires Expert by Big Village

We're thrilled to announce that Intellex has acquired Expert by Big Village, effective March 22, 2024. This strategic move enhances our capabilities and strengthens our commitment to delivering exceptional solutions to our customers.

Stay tuned for more updates on how this acquisition will benefit our clients and experts.

For inquiries or more information, please contact us at


Expert Directory


Having an expert witness or consultant at your side can help you navigate complex situations with confidence. These professionals understand your industry and excel at conveying crucial information, whether in a courtroom or a consulting environment. At Intellex, we have experts in over 30,000 areas in our database. We enable you to partner with an individual who has the knowledge, educational background, and relevant experience to support your needs effectively.

Utilize our expert finder tool to handpick the ideal mentor or consultant for your specific application.

ID: 726408 California, USA

Aromatherapy and Natural/Organic Products, Natural Fragrance Formulation, Writing

Expert has spent 15 years as a massage therapist, 12 years as a publisher/editor, 18 years as an educator, and 35 years developing personal care products, though not consecutively. In 1988 he founded an institution setting new standards for vocational…

ID: 726399 United Kingdom

Aluminium Wire Production and Products

Expert graduated in Metallurgy at the University of Sheffield in England and went on to complete a PhD in the thermodynamics and electrochemistry of high temperature, pseudo refining reactions. His first role in industry required the use of this electrochemical…

ID: 726308 California, USA

Credit Card, Debit Card, Prepaid Card, Wireless Payment, Mobile Banking Payment Platforms, ACH

Expert’s Summary Top IBM Field Marketing Executive Br. Mgr. ERP office - Chicago. IBM Banking Office San Francisco- # 1 Branch Manager US; 250 FTE/75 Marketing Founder Exec. Officer team - First Data Corporation; EVP/CMO - Worldwide Marketing/Sales; CEO Direct…

ID: 726288 New York, USA

Retail Products, Luxury Goods, Corporate Communications, Valuation, Finance, Start Ups, E-commerce

Expert has focused on valuation, including all of its methods and the sub-sections that are under debate, for several years and has worked on in-depth projects regarding solvency, financial service firms, and intangible goods. She also has experience with financial…

ID: 726116 Maine, USA

Market Research & Product/Service Development

He has over 15 years of market research experience. Most of it related to new product/service development. He specializes in uncovering the marketplace drivers for success. This is typically accomplished through in-depth marketplace analysis combined with customer research and operational…

ID: 726070 United Kingdom

European Business Development, particularly Germany, UK , Scandinavia

Expert has used his 30 years experience in European marketing to promote small businesses that normally would not be able to succeed with cutting edge marketing strategies. Expert is an accomplished management professional, equipped with a commanding track record of…

ID: 725891 United Kingdom

Furniture, Seating, Carpets, Flooring, Domestic and Contract

Expert works in close liaison with clients and appointed professionals from survey to completion. He and his company have a reliability record in place spanning over 40 years. His projects range from a single item to meet a specific task…

ID: 725878 Massachusetts, USA

Photochemistry, Polymers, Optical materials, Optical data storage, Holography, Start-up management

His expertise began with his first research experience for his Master’s Degree work at the Johns Hopkins University, where he prepared and studied the solvolytic decomposition of N-nitrosoamides. His experience continued at the University of Chicago where he studied photocycloadditions…

ID: 725856 Vermont, USA

Toy and Video Game Competitive Intelligence

Have consulted with major financial institutions on toy and video game competitive intelligence since 2002. Sources include retailer panel [ten stores each for toy and video game], buyers at WalMart, Target,ToysRUs, GameStop, Game Group etc. Sources also include senior sales…

ID: 725845 Georgia, USA

Communications Infrastructure, Acquisition of Technology, Public Safety Interoperable Communications

Expert's consultant engagements span a variety of markets and technologies. For example - tech lead on a 10.5 million public safety voice and data network - performed market study for communications console mfg - identified new vertical markets for a…

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