Expert Directory
Having an expert witness or consultant at your side can help you navigate complex situations with confidence. These professionals understand your industry and excel at conveying crucial information, whether in a courtroom or a consulting environment. At Intellex, we have experts in over 30,000 areas in our database. We enable you to partner with an individual who has the knowledge, educational background, and relevant experience to support your needs effectively.
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Power Electronics and Switched Mode Power Supplies
Expert has spent a large part of his career developing products in technical leadership positions in the general category of power electronics. He is a member of the IEEE Power Electronics Specialists Society and has attended and presented papers and…
Bioprosthesis, Cardiac Valves, Biocompatible Materials, Cardiovascular Diseases, Biomedical Eng.
BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERING. Expert has expertise in biomedical engineering, particularly in the areas of prosthetics and implantable devices. HEART VALVE PROSTHESIS; CARDIAC VALVE. The bulk of Expert's research has been related to heart valve prosthesis. His work has focused on the…
Design for Manufacturability, Mass Customization, Build-to-Order, Concurrent Engineering
Expert is a const reduction expert that helps companies reduce cost as much as half the total cost through product development and cost savings through on-demand production and spontaneous (pull based) supply chains. He has developed leading-edge methodologies that show…
Flow Measurement, Level Measurement, Process Control, Variable Speed Drives
Expert has over 40 years of experience specifying, installing, starting-up, calibrating and troubleshooting flowmeter systems. He has authored a flow measurement textbook and developed and taught seminars for over 35 years. Qualified as an expert witness, he has performed numerous…
Polymer Additives, Agrochemicals, Flame Retardants of Polymers and Textiles, Phosphorus Chemistry
FLAME RETARDANCY OF POLYMERS AND TEXTILES; FABRIC FLAMMABILITY. Expert has over 30 years of experience in the design, synthesis, and formulation of flame-retardant additives, reactives, monomers, and textile finishes. He invented several successful commercial products used in the field, and…
Agricultural and Food Engineering
Expert's primary areas of specialization are agricultral systems analysis, agricultural production, agricultural safety, food and agricultural processing, greenhouse, and tissue culture. Expert has broad knowledge about agriculture, agricultural production, and agricultural systems. This knowledge comes from being raised on a…
Petroleum Exploration and Exploitation
PETROLEUM EXPLORATION; PETROLEUM PRODUCTION; SEISMIC INTERPRETATION. Expert is a petroleum geologist with over 35 years of expertise in petroleum exploration and exploitation. He has extensive experience in imagery (including LANDSAT, SEASAT, TECTOSAT, and SPOT), rift tectonics, and seismic interpretation. He…
Throughout his professional career Expert has both been a member and an active contributor to several professional associations, beginning in 1962 with a student membership in the Society of Manufacturing Engineers (SME). He also became a member of the Computer…
Digital Communication Systems
COMMUNICATION THEORY; SATELLITES; DATA TRANSMISSION; VOICE COMMUNICATION; ERROR-CORRECTION CODING. For over half of his career, he has worked in the area of communication system design. He has been involved in the development of several sophisticated communication systems, including the MILSTAR…
Communications, Radar, Electromagnetics, Signal Processing, Antennas, Propagation, and System Design
Expert has his main technical strengths in signal processing, all aspects of RF (including antennas, propagation, and microwave subsystems) and system and component design and analysis. His experience spans more than 27 years in the fields of radar, electronic warfare,…