Expert Directory
Having an expert witness or consultant at your side can help you navigate complex situations with confidence. These professionals understand your industry and excel at conveying crucial information, whether in a courtroom or a consulting environment. At Intellex, we have experts in over 30,000 areas in our database. We enable you to partner with an individual who has the knowledge, educational background, and relevant experience to support your needs effectively.
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Material Science and Metallurgy
FAILURE ANALYSIS Expert's failure investigations have encompassed a wide range of oilfield products including, but not limited to, wellhead and Christmas tree equipment, rock bits, OCTG, motors, packers, and downhole tools. Failure investigations have included but not been limited to…

Aerospace System Engineering, Program Managing, & Lean Six Sigma Black Belt
Expert is a senior multidisciplinary Aerospace Design Engineer with multiple years of aircraft design experience and project/program management. He has sized advanced aircraft concepts and performed aircraft performance analysis. He has demonstrated ability to utilize 3-D design and modeling CAD…

Software Systems Scalability, Performance, Reliability, Positive Train Control, Industrial Control Systems, Data and Telecommunications Systems
Extensive experience in engineering, tuning, and evaluating software systems for performance, and scalability in many applications, including big data analytics for industrial systems, Positive Train Control, web-based systems for financial services, telecommunications operations support, conveyor systems, and performance requirements and…

Process Science, Process Equipment and Thin Films Material Characterization for PVD Poly-Crystal (AlN, AlScN, Mo, Ti, Al), CVD Epitaxial (Si, SiGe, GaAs, AlGaAs) and PECVD Amorphous Dielectrics.
Engineer with a strong background in semiconductor materials, characterization, and process. Experienced compound materials, HEMPT, and solar cell development, manufacturing, and reliability. Strong background in epitaxial materials growth, device failure analysis, and process troubleshooting with hands-on most of the epitaxial…

Mechanical Engineering, Rocket Science, Research and Development: Manufacturing and Design
Licensed mechanical engineer, rocket scientist, and former director of research and development with manufacturing and design experience as well as hands on experience with the retail and wholesale bicycle industry, nuclear industry, consumer products, license plate cameras, cooking appliances and…

Electric Power Systems
Expert works as a consulting Electrical Engineer for a variety of projects ranging from large scale including utility scale renewable generation to oil and gas production facilities, down to smaller such as fault troubleshooting or interconnection application support. Expert develops…

Materials Failures
CORE COMPETENCIES • Extensive knowledge in material science and engineering, particularly in corrosion and electrochemistry, metallic coatings, and characterization from over 30 years of experience in teaching and research. • Strong analytical, technical, and problem-solving skills with great enthusiasm in…

Engineering, Construction, and Standard of Care
Expert has 25 years of engineering experience working on regional, national and global projects including the design, engineering, construction and commissioning of numerous residential, commercial and industrial facilities. He has provided subject matter expertise in engineering, engineering management, facility design…

Forestry, Arboriculture, and Wildland Forest Fire Assessments
Arboriculture, experiences over 40 years, forestry field experiences over 45 years, wildland fire leadership roles over 25 seasons, working as a consultant in arboriculture, forester and wildland fire over 27 years. Have worked as an expert witness for over 27…

Green and Clean Energy: Petrochemical, Refining, and Downstream Chemical and Utilities Sectors: Pre-commissioning, Commissioning, and Plant Startup
Executive summary: Expert has 17 years' experience in the petrochemical, refining, and downstream chemical and utilities sector. His experience includes pre-commissioning, commissioning, plant routine startup, shutdown, and emergency operations. His management roles include service as process trainer and process commissioning…