Expert Directory
Having an expert witness or consultant at your side can help you navigate complex situations with confidence. These professionals understand your industry and excel at conveying crucial information, whether in a courtroom or a consulting environment. At Intellex, we have experts in over 30,000 areas in our database. We enable you to partner with an individual who has the knowledge, educational background, and relevant experience to support your needs effectively.
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Sterilization, Biomaterials, Tissue Banking, Medical Product Development, Polymer Toxicology
Expert K. Expert has spent 30 years in the medical products business, in which he developed sterilization processes such as ethylene oxide, gamma radiation, vapor phase hydrogen peroxide, plasma sterilization, aseptic processing, disinfection with formaldehyde, glutaraldehyde, and steam sterilization. Novel…
Pure Metals & Compound Semiconductors
SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNOLOGY; BRIDGMAN TECHNIQUE; CZOCHRALSKI PROCESS. Expert has 43 years of experience in the growth, characterization, and fabrication (to wafers, etc.) of the infrared sensitive compound semiconductors, including InSb, GaSb, InAs, CdTe, HgTe, and (Cd-Hg)Te. He presently is focusing primarily…
Semiconductor Device Process
Electronic Device Reliability; Semiconductor Device Reliability A major focus of Expert's research over the past two decades has been on the reliability issues in semiconductor devices; in particular, high-field effects, hot-carrier effects, and ionizing radiation effects. His research in this…
Metrication, Metric Standards; Steam Engines, Gas and Diesel Engines; Renewable Energy; Scroll Expansion
Since entering the field in 1973, Expert has become one of the foremost experts on the application of metric (SI) units and international (metric) standards. He has helped over 100 companies and government agencies adopt metric practices. He has written…
Thin Film Science and Technology
THIN FILM APPLICATIONS; THIN FILM INTEGRATED CIRCUIT. The majority of Expert's academic, industrial, and research experience has been thin film science and technology. Although most of his experience has been in the microelectronics (semiconductor) industry, he has applied his knowledge…
Electron Microscope, Light Microscopy, EBEAM Lithography and Nanofabrication, Scanning Electron
Expert has extensive experience in designing, implementing, troubleshooting, and interpreting experiments involving novel applications in all fields of biological microscopy (TEM, SEM). He also has expertise in confocal, fluorescence, DIC (Nomarski-Polarized), and other light microscopy techniques. His current work centers…
Thin Films, Vacuum Technology, thin film resistors, semiconductor processing
Expert has over 25 years experience in all areas of physical vapor deposition. He is experienced in vacuum and sputter deposition, as well as reactive and diode sputtering. He heads a company offering services and manufacturing in this area, consults…