Intellex Acquires Expert by Big Village

We're thrilled to announce that Intellex has acquired Expert by Big Village, effective March 22, 2024. This strategic move enhances our capabilities and strengthens our commitment to delivering exceptional solutions to our customers.

Stay tuned for more updates on how this acquisition will benefit our clients and experts.

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Expert Directory


Having an expert witness or consultant at your side can help you navigate complex situations with confidence. These professionals understand your industry and excel at conveying crucial information, whether in a courtroom or a consulting environment. At Intellex, we have experts in over 30,000 areas in our database. We enable you to partner with an individual who has the knowledge, educational background, and relevant experience to support your needs effectively.

Utilize our expert finder tool to handpick the ideal mentor or consultant for your specific application.

ID: 725726 Belgium

Nanotechnology, Biomaterials, Sol-gel Sciences, Optics, Biotechnology, Glass, Ceramics, Spectroscopy

Expert is a specialist of sol-gel chemistry. He developed a new non-aqueous method for sol-gel glass coating to obtain transparent films for integrated optics and photonics using polysiloxane materials. The aim was to obtain low-softening temperature glasses to permit facile…

ID: 725601 Kentucky, USA

Water Testing, Air Monitoring, Energy Research & Development

Expert has over 25 years of experience in managing and operating a network of CEMS for large electric utility. Established QA/QC programs, monitoring plans, reporting, and certifications. Worked with personnel in Washington DC (US EPA) on rules and was instrumental…

ID: 725067 Illinois, USA

Biomedical Engineering, Biomechanics, Industrial Hygiene, Toxicology, Epidemiology, Occupational Health

Expert is a physician, attorney, industrial hygienist, and biomedical engineer licensed to practice medicine and law in Michigan and Illinois. He is a graduate of Kalamazoo College, Wayne State University School of Medicine and Law School as well as Harvard…

ID: 725009 Indiana, USA

Wastewater Plant Design, Wastewater Plant Operation, Terrorism Prevention Engineering

He has over thirty years of experience as Environmental Manager, Engineer, Professor, Auditor, American Borate, Expert Witness, etc. Has ample expertise in the following: Civil and Environmental Engineering, Construction Inspection & Management, Business Development, Risk Assessment, Policy, Planning, Lobbying, Industrial…

ID: 725008 Washington, USA

Waterway Project Planning & Engineering Design, EIS’s, Permitting, Contaminated Sediment Remediation

Land-Forming and Waterway Engineering Project Development The processes associated with stepping through the “Project Continuum” associated with today’s high complexity/high diversity land-forming and waterway engineering projects are overwhelming. To progress through the gauntlet, each project must comprehensively address a spectrum…

ID: 724944 California, USA

Hydrocarbon Chemistry and Analysis

He has worked widely on the analysis of petroleum (crude oil) and its refined products by using a wide variety of chromatographic and spectral techniques. These include gas chromatography with mass spectrometer detection, with element specific detection for sulfur, nitrogen,…

ID: 724840 Nevada, USA

Optical Science and Engineering

Expert has applied his optical engineering expertise to designing, building, calibrating and testing pushbroom imaging spectrometers for remote sensing and surveillance applications. Wavelength ranges for the various instruments were visible and near infrared (400 nm to 1100 nm) and longwave…

ID: 724452 Texas, USA

Water Pollution, Toxic Chemicals, Pesticides

Expert’s specialty is in the analytical chemistry of natural and anthropogenic compounds. She has used modern chromatography and spectroscopy instrumentation for analysis of organic and inorganic compounds in air, water and soil. She has published several articles on the use…

ID: 724265 Canada

Neuropharmacology, Aging, Brain Injury, Memory Impairments, Imaging, Neurodegenerative Disorders

Expert has worked on several projects involving Alzheimer's disease (AD). In particular, he has used genetically engineered mouse models to test ideas and answer questions related to how biological memory might be affected by AD pathophysiology. In addition, he has…

ID: 724249 Florida, USA

Environmental Chemical Analysis, Quality Assurance And Control

Expert has 15 years of experience in the pesticide residue and environmental analytical laboratory industry. He was responsible for Quality Assurance and quality control, including Environmental Laboratory Certification and Accreditation interacting with Federal and State agencies. He has written and…

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