Expert Directory
Having an expert witness or consultant at your side can help you navigate complex situations with confidence. These professionals understand your industry and excel at conveying crucial information, whether in a courtroom or a consulting environment. At Intellex, we have experts in over 30,000 areas in our database. We enable you to partner with an individual who has the knowledge, educational background, and relevant experience to support your needs effectively.
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Process Automation: Process Control, Computer System Validation, Alarm Management, & Modeling
Expert served for several years as a major pharmaceutical company's chief Quality Assurance GMP/GLP computer validation auditor. He chaired the team that developed the company's first policy and guidelines regarding computer validation,- and served for several years as the company's…
Human Factors, Ergonomics, Job Safety, Product Safety, Industrial Hygiene, Forensic Psychology, and Occupational Injury
Expert has experience in the implementation of numerous accident and injury reduction programs in various workplace type settings. Through the analysis of worker accidents and on-the-job injury reports, potentially hazardous work areas, equipment or tool designs and configurations and work…
Chemical Hazard Consulting, Environmental Compliance, Occupational Safety
He has applied his knowledge of employee chemical hazard communication to creating chemical labeling compliant with all world-wide regulations. Expert has extensive knowledge of chemical regulations pertaining to hazard communication in the US, Canada, EU, Japan, and other national requirements.…
Oil & Gas, Environmental Law, Regulation, Petroleum Geology & Mineral Leasing
As a practicing environmental attorney for 10 years (1995-2005), he represented several clients in matters involving air quality compliance and alleged environmental effects due to air pollution. He reviewed several air pollutant effect studies and dispersion models, and conducted preliminary…
Chemical Process Industries, Waste Water and Air Pollution Control
Expert has wide ranging experience in the efficient application of Chemical Engineering principals such as Unit operations, Unit Processes and materials of construction towards economic & safe conversion of raw materials into useful products, and sound environmental stewardship. He has…
Corrosion, Materials, & Chemicals: Oil & Gas Production and Wastewater Treatment Facilities
Expert is experienced in materials engineering, corrosion control and mitigation, failure analysis, root cause analysis, materials selection, non-metallic materials, protective coatings, cathodic protection, environmental control, specifications and standards. He has made contributions in pipeline corrosion integrity management, risk assessment, risk-based…
Industrial Hygiene, Safety, Indoor Air Quality, Mold, Asbestos, Lead Based Paint, Environmental
Performed indoor air quality assessments for over twenty years. Experienced in testing for fungi (mold), bacteria, endotoxins, allergens, volatile organic compounds (VOC), welding fume, asbestos, silica, particulates, and gases. Managed and performed numerous asbestos projects for over twenty years. Inspected…
SARS-CoV-2 Coronavirus, COVID-19, Sanitization Procedures, Forensic Science, Toxicology, DNA Analysis, Food Poisoning, and Toxic Torts
Expert is a Full Professor of Toxicology and has received grants from NIH in the area of Applied Toxicology. Expert has received grants from NIH in the area of Biotoxicology. Part of his research entails molecular analysis of toxins. Expert…
ISO 14001 EMS Implementation, Auditing, and Tailored Training; Integration with GRI Reporting
As a former member of TC 207 and former accredited EMS auditor, as well as an instructor of several accredited ISO 14001 Lead Auditor course providers, he was involved with ISO 14001 since the early 1990's - by way of…
Wind Energy, Wind Turbine Design, Aircraft Icing and Anti-icing, Wind Turbine Icing, and Aerodynamics
In more than 30 years of activity, Expert has gained a wide and solid experience in fluid dynamics and applied aerodynamics, particularly in wind turbine and aircraft aerodynamics. In these domains, he has conducted research that covered analytical and numerical…