Expert Directory
Having an expert witness or consultant at your side can help you navigate complex situations with confidence. These professionals understand your industry and excel at conveying crucial information, whether in a courtroom or a consulting environment. At Intellex, we have experts in over 30,000 areas in our database. We enable you to partner with an individual who has the knowledge, educational background, and relevant experience to support your needs effectively.
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Laboratory Medicine, Pathology
Expert is experienced in the application of basic sciences to clinical and biomedical problems. Most recently, his interests have centered on infectious diseases, concentrating on pathogen-host interactions and biomaterials with special emphasis on biocompatibility. Expert's laboratory has recently elucidated the…

Petroleum Refining and Optimization
Expert sold and provided technical service for hydrotreating of naphtha, distillate, gas, oil, and residium feedstocks. He is knowledgeable of new diesel specifications (1990 CAA) and unit optimization. Expert's FCCU experience includes the reactor (riser and bed cracking), regenerator (coke…

X-Ray Imaging
Expert is the inventor, designer, and project scientist/program manager of a number of different X-ray imaging systems, ranging from satellite-based X-ray telescopes to large systems for nondestructive imaging of 50 ton rocket motors and nuclear pressure vessels. Expert has both…

Chemistry of Materials
APPLIED INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. Expert has extensive experience in applied inorganic chemistry. Using new sol-gel methods that employ hydrogen peroxide, Expert has made a variety of ceramics and minerals, for example, forsterite, enstatite, and members of the olivine family. Sols (colloidal…

Chemical Engineering
Expert has taught a course in air pollution control at BYU about a dozen times in the past 22 years, a course which he organized. He has general experience in the design of air pollution control systems and has specific…

Combustion, Air Pollution, Waste Destruction, Energy, Diagnostics
A significant portion of Expert's career has been involved in solving pollution problems for a wide range of combustion systems, including furnace flames, gas turbine combustion, and internal combustion engines. His work has led to significant reduction in pollution via…

Materials Science, Patents, Fiber Optics, Laser Medical Devices
As a research scientist and now a consultant, Expert has been involved with material science, especially on projects related to the mechanical and optical properties of materials, both organic and inorganic. For the past 14 years, a majority of his…

Synthetic Organic Chemistry. Evaluates organic spectra (NMR, MS, HPLC, GC/MS, etc.) Writes & edits chemical procedures. Retired Professor of Chemistry & General Science.
Expert has expertise in many aspects of organic chemistry. He is skilled in applied synthetic procedures. He is also knowledgeable about rare and fine chemical intermediates. Expert has experience with: aldehydes, ketones, and esters; many types of alcohols; and amides…