Expert Directory
Having an expert witness or consultant at your side can help you navigate complex situations with confidence. These professionals understand your industry and excel at conveying crucial information, whether in a courtroom or a consulting environment. At Intellex, we have experts in over 30,000 areas in our database. We enable you to partner with an individual who has the knowledge, educational background, and relevant experience to support your needs effectively.
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Electrical/Mechanical Apparatus, DC, AC, Motors, Obsolete, Antique, Habitual Failures or Performance
Expert, has thirty plus years of experience with Electrical Motors, AC MOTORS [Alternating Current], from fractional Electric motors to Horsepower in the Thousands. He has the knowledge to not only repair, he has developed and was the Instructor for many…

Construction: General, Electrical, and HVAC Contractor, Building Envelope & Mechanical, Electrical, and Plumbing (MEP) Disciplines
Expert is a distinguished construction consultant, expert witness, and construction management advisor with over 36 years of experience in the construction industry. As a licensed General, Electrical, and HVAC Contractor in California for 25 years, Expert has cultivated specialized expertise…

Process Science, Process Equipment and Thin Films Material Characterization for PVD Poly-Crystal (AlN, AlScN, Mo, Ti, Al), CVD Epitaxial (Si, SiGe, GaAs, AlGaAs) and PECVD Amorphous Dielectrics.
Engineer with a strong background in semiconductor materials, characterization, and process. Experienced compound materials, HEMPT, and solar cell development, manufacturing, and reliability. Strong background in epitaxial materials growth, device failure analysis, and process troubleshooting with hands-on most of the epitaxial…

Electric Power Systems
Expert works as a consulting Electrical Engineer for a variety of projects ranging from large scale including utility scale renewable generation to oil and gas production facilities, down to smaller such as fault troubleshooting or interconnection application support. Expert develops…

Engineering, Construction, and Standard of Care
Expert has 25 years of engineering experience working on regional, national and global projects including the design, engineering, construction and commissioning of numerous residential, commercial and industrial facilities. He has provided subject matter expertise in engineering, engineering management, facility design…

Analysis of Electrical and Energy Conversion Systems
Expert owns a full service Failure Analysis lab with specializations in failure of Electrical and Mechanical Systems, Fire Investigation and construction defects. Our licensed engineers, investigators and staff are experienced and professional. Expert is the Principal of a technology related…

Electronics Controller Engineering / Industrial Electricity / Manufacturing Safety
Senior Automotive Electronics Engineer with 33 years’ experience. Industrial Electrician for seven years prior. Managed embedded controller projects on very high volume vehicle programs, as well as engine (ignition) sensor applications. Having provided robust designs for manufacture in North America,…

He is a licensed PE in the state of Massachusetts and has over 35 years of experience in designing electronics control systems for a wide variety of industries. This experience includes doing design reviews, troubleshooting, failure analysis and technical training.…

Machine Tools, Heavy Equipment, and Aerospace Manufacturing Technologies
Expert began using CAM in its earliest stages, using Compact II and DataCut to created machine instructions for Numerically Controlled (NC) Machine Tools. He advanced to writing scripts and macros in Automatically Programmed Tools (APT) to perform machining functions around…

Plasma Physics and Pulsed Power
Expert has a Ph.D and over 10 years' experience in the analysis, design, commissioning and operation of large power and control systems associated with plasma physics experiments. His experience includes DC and pulsed power systems, high-voltage and high-current systems, and…