Expert Directory
Having an expert witness or consultant at your side can help you navigate complex situations with confidence. These professionals understand your industry and excel at conveying crucial information, whether in a courtroom or a consulting environment. At Intellex, we have experts in over 30,000 areas in our database. We enable you to partner with an individual who has the knowledge, educational background, and relevant experience to support your needs effectively.
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Pharmaceuticals, Biotechnology, Clinical Pharmacology, Pharmacokinetics, Clinical Trials
Expert is an expert in drug discovery and development years of experience in clinical pharmacology, pharmacokinetics and clinical trials of pharmaceuticals. Trained in medicinal chemistry, Expert undertook clinical pharmacology research in a University Hospital for 12 years before joining the…

Psychopharmacology in Historical Perspective, Regulatory Behavior, etc.
Over the past 20 years he has done extensive research on the history of drug discovery, drug development, drug registration, and the use of psychopharmaceuticals in medical practice. Among the documents he has collected are the virtually complete set of…

Antitrust, Banking, Damages, Demography, Discrimination, Finance; IP Surveys, Statistics, Economics
Expert and his firm are responsible for all Quality Control on all litigation support activities for the Department of Justice. With an office of 15 professionals in the Washington DC metro area, they sample and evaluate the work of multiple…

Clinical Pharmacology, Toxicology, Drug Development, Product Liability, Regulatory Affairs, Pharmaceutical Patents
Expert worked in pharmacological research concerning opiate analgesics. The objective of the research was to find an anti-diarrheal drug with minimal analgesic and addiction potential. In particular, he led the research team that discovered and developed nufenoxole, an antidiarrheal drug.…

Neuropharmacology, Aging, Brain Injury, Memory Impairments, Imaging, Neurodegenerative Disorders
Expert has worked on several projects involving Alzheimer's disease (AD). In particular, he has used genetically engineered mouse models to test ideas and answer questions related to how biological memory might be affected by AD pathophysiology. In addition, he has…

Statistical Consulting, Biostatistics, Statistical Support to Litigation
Expert has over 13 years experience as statistician and Director of Biometrics in the pharmaceutical industry. In addition, he has 8 years experience as a Professor of Statistics at the University of Florida. He served as functional manager for statistics,…

Biomaterials: Biocompatibility, Pathology, Devices
Expert J. Expert is a D.V.M. with a Ph.D. in veterinary pathology. He is also board certified by the American College of Veterinary Pathologists. As part of his Ph.D. research training he was involved in the characterization of several spontaneous…

Immunology, Vaccine Research
Expert is an internationally recognized expert in mucosal immunology. He has published more than 70 papers and reviews in several prestigious scientific journals. He is best known for experimentally establishing (with continuing research) the concept of a common mucosal immunologic…