Expert Directory
Having an expert witness or consultant at your side can help you navigate complex situations with confidence. These professionals understand your industry and excel at conveying crucial information, whether in a courtroom or a consulting environment. At Intellex, we have experts in over 30,000 areas in our database. We enable you to partner with an individual who has the knowledge, educational background, and relevant experience to support your needs effectively.
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Neurosurgery/ Complex Spine Surgery
Expert is an academic neurosurgeon specialized in complex spine/deformity surgery, currently practicing as Assistant Professor at the Division of Neurosurgery at very prestigious university. During the past years, he has had the privilege of teaching and mentoring several residents in…

Nursing: Critical Care, Cardiology, Clinic Phone Triage
Nursing: As a nurse of 16 years, Expert has expertise in several areas of nursing. For 5 and a half years, she worked on a general surgery and medical floor at a large hospital in Austin, Texas. In this role,…

Pediatric Neurology, Pediatrics
As Director of Pediatric Neurology and Neurodiagnostics, Associate Professor of Pediatrics, Neurology, Neurosurgery, and Psychiatry, and Medical Director, Expert cares for a broad range of patients from birth to into their 30s. Additionally, he is a nationally sought-after expert for…

Medical Device Technology, Design and Manufacturing
Expert is a seasoned engineer with over 25 years of expertise in all aspects of medical device research, product and process development. His major areas of expertise include minimally invasive treatments of vascular disease as well as laparascopic and open…

Expert is a neurosurgeon, with a particular focus on childhood neurological development and disorders. He is responsible for the operative and non-operative care of 300-400 adults and children with neurosurgical conditions each year at Frenchay Hospital, Bristol.

Craniofacial Surgery, Paediatic Neurosurgery, HealthCare Strategy and Planning for the Middle East
Expert is a full time paediatric neurosurgeon at one of the largest paediatric hospitals globally. He manages patients with the a spectrum of neurosurgical disorders, specialising in craniofacial surgery. In addition to the listed areas, Expert has extensive experience in…

ENT/Otolaryngology, Noise Exposure Damage, SNHL, Sudden SNHL, General Practice and Otolaryngology
Expert had extensive experience preparing medical reports since 2000 receiving instructions from solicitors, insurance companies and reporting agencies. He is an expert in personal injury including road traffic accidents, injuries at workplace, disability assessment and medical errors/malpractice. He typically undertakes…

Neurosurgery, Pediatric Neurosurgery, Baclofen Pumps, Selective Dorsal Rhizotomy, Spinal Surgery
Expert is a consultant neurosurgeon in the UK with a particular interest in spinal and paediatric neurosurgery. He has over 100 publications and expertise in spinal surgery especially for congenital anomalies, spasticity and hydrocephalus including endoscopic third ventriculostomy.

Neurosurgery, IME, Workers Comp, Medical Legal, New Ventures
Expert is a Board Certified neurosurgeon in private practice in Northern Virginia. He has expertise in both intra-cranial and complex spinal surgery.He has been in practice in general neurosurgery for 15 years. In addition, he holds and MBA in Medical…

Drug & Device Clinical Development, Regulatory Approval, Adverse Reactions, Expert Witness
Clinical Pharmacology is the scientific discipline that brings science to the process of drug development, particularly at the key stage where a molecule of interest becomes a drug candidate. From this point, through the rest of Development, the science of…