Expert Directory
Having an expert witness or consultant at your side can help you navigate complex situations with confidence. These professionals understand your industry and excel at conveying crucial information, whether in a courtroom or a consulting environment. At Intellex, we have experts in over 30,000 areas in our database. We enable you to partner with an individual who has the knowledge, educational background, and relevant experience to support your needs effectively.
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Chemical Separation/Purification
Expert focuses on separations and bioprocess development. His experience including identifying alternate process technologies and configurations; evaluating, modeling, specifying and supervising necessary laboratory and pilot testing; interpreting data, design, and startup; and measuring and predicting vapor-liquid and liquid-liquid equilibrium data.…

Web Coating Technology
Expert has spent over 28 years in the web coating industry. He has experience in wax coating, hot melt, solvent coating, solventless coating, and emulsion coating on a wide variety of webs, from light weight films and foils to SBS…

Microoptic Devices, Specialty Products, Polymer Chemistry, Epoxy Encapsulants, etc.
TECHNOLOGY DEVELOPMENT; TECHNICAL MARKETING; TECHNOLOGY TREND; TIME-TO-MARKET. Expert has over 37 years of experience in product development, business development, and business consulting. As Manager of Advanced Manufacturing for Allied-Signal, Inc., Expert achieved critical time-to-market objectives by moving innovative state-of-the-art prototype…

Catalytic Organic Chemistry
Expert has over 30 years of experience in catalytic organic chemistry. His exceptional skills encompass basic research, product development, scale-up, manufacturing, sales and marketing, joint venture, and contract negotiating on catalytic-related issues important to the chemical, pharmaceutical, and petroleum industries.…

Purchasing, Strategy, Global Sourcing, Negotiation, Supply Chain, Global Culture
Negotiation in 38 countries: real estate, business issues, supply management, logistics, quality and service issues Expert in Supplier selection and management, "partnerships" and resolution of complex issues Portfolio of training modules includes: negotiation, supplier development, sourcing strategy, "global culture in…

Surface Mount Technology
Expert has been involved with surface-mount assembly for the past 18 years. He has extensive knowledge of solder paste printing, component placement, reflow and wave soldering, cleaning, inspection, and repair. He is familiar with materials, component packages, and the related…

Printed Material Publishing
Expert has worked for major publishing organizations as a production director, director of manufacturing, and vice president of manufacturing. He has successfully negotiated supplier contracts, developed and improved department procedures, organized quality control systems, trained personnel, and increased productivity while…

Project Risk Management, Project Management, Cost Engineering, Technology Forecasting
Expert is a leader in performing analyses and developing recommendations for potential manufacturing cost reductions associated with Air Force space programs. The results of his studies have been an integral part of cost estimates provided to the Air Force and…

Process Heat and Mass Transfer, Energy Systems and Equipment, Alternate Energy, Power Generation
Expert has more than 20 years of experience dealing with the theory and application of devices to heat and mass transfer applications. He has published widely in the area of direct-contact condensation, evaporation, and liquid-liquid exchange. He is also knowledgeable…

Manufacturing, Project Management
Expert (pronounced ko-val-ski, ) has conducted seminars and instructed consultants on how to utilize state-of-the-art project management techniques. He can develop project plans and evaluate project management software and techniques. He can assist or critique how to set up, schedule,…