Expert Directory
Having an expert witness or consultant at your side can help you navigate complex situations with confidence. These professionals understand your industry and excel at conveying crucial information, whether in a courtroom or a consulting environment. At Intellex, we have experts in over 30,000 areas in our database. We enable you to partner with an individual who has the knowledge, educational background, and relevant experience to support your needs effectively.
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Combustion and fires
Expert is a University Professor with more than 20 years experience in combustion research. I have done consulting on combustion engineering and fire consulting for about 10 years. Consulting experience included large industrial fires, the characterization of emission from these…
Artificial Intelligence, Biomedical devices, Telecommunications devices and protocols, Software Development, Software Testing
Expert worked as a distinguished member of technical staff at Bell Labs in the field of test generation for complex systems. He has seven U.S. patents in the fields of testing and artificial intelligence. He co-haired several international conferences in…
DNA Sequencing, Next-Generation Sequencing, Personalized Medicine, Cancer Genomics, Epigenetics
I lead a bioinformatics and computational biology research group at a major academic center. We have analyzed hundreds of whole-genome sequencing data from multiple DNA sequencing platforms; we have developed many algorithms for analysis of genomic data including DNA copy…
Genomics and Biomarkers
Expert is a solutions-oriented business development and scientific professional with broad experience in the development of genomics and proteomics tools and the applications of these tools in research and drug discovery. Expert has a BA in Biology from Clark University.…
Computer Vision, Image Analysis, Face Recognition, Appearance Modeling & Rendering, Data Acquisition
Expert has extensive experience in computer vision and image analysis, especially in the representation and recognition of faces under variable lighting and viewpoint, and in the estimation of object geometry and surface reflectance from image brightness. Work by Expert has…
Prior Art for Software Patent Challenge
Expert has 34 years experience teaching mathematics and computer science at universities and colleges in the United States. He has consulted with engineers and developed algorithms and processes for manufacturing gears and other specialized parts. He has investigated prior art…
Financial Technology, Market Surveillance, Regulatory Systems
He is currently an expert witness in a case involving high-frequency trading and the improper handling of orders on the leading option exchanges. The case requires expertise in market surveillance and regulatory technology associated with order audit trails, alerts and…
Applied Mathmatics, Fluid Dynamics, Mineral Thickeners, Algae Growth, Aircraft Corrosion
Expert's PhD was in Civil Engineering on computational wind engineering, which led to engineering research work in many aspects of fluid dynamics and its mathematical modeling. There was a major project on sludge thickening for the minerals industry that was…
Numerical Linear Algebra, Iterative Methods, Data Assimilation
She has completed her PhD in numerical linear algebra in 2007 where she worked on iterative methods for eigenvalue problems and linear equations. She has wide experience in computer mathematics, numerical analysis, data assimilation and the implementation of algorithms using…
Thermal-fluid Systems, Water Distribution with a Special Interest in Developing World Applications
Expert has developed expertise in the area of thermal fluids engineering through graduate study, undergraduate teaching, graduate research advising and practice over the past 35 years. He has taught heat transfer and fluid mechanics numerous times and advised student teams…