Expert Directory
Having an expert witness or consultant at your side can help you navigate complex situations with confidence. These professionals understand your industry and excel at conveying crucial information, whether in a courtroom or a consulting environment. At Intellex, we have experts in over 30,000 areas in our database. We enable you to partner with an individual who has the knowledge, educational background, and relevant experience to support your needs effectively.
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Gasification & Pyrolysis of Coal, Biomass and Wastes.
Expert has 18 years of research supervision experience with the University of N.Dakota Energy Research center, dealing with lab scale to large pilot scale coal gasification. This dealt mainly with bituminous and subbituminous coals, and extension of same technology to…

Soil Properties,Stormwater and Flooding, Waste Management, Landfilling, Groundwater, Coal Ash, fly Ash landfills, Hazardous Waste
Expert has a Ph.D. and over 90 publications in specialized areas. He has carried out expert consulting, research, and provided expert advisory services. He was hired by a legal firm to provide expert assessment of flooding that resulted due to…

Petroleum Reservoirs, Coalbed Methane, CBM, Shale Gas, Unconventional Gas, Sorption, Sorbed Gas
The emergence of "unconventional reservoirs" as the principal focus of present-day fossil fuels exploration has blurred the boundaries between what were at one time distinct resource categories, based upon specific production technologies. The unifying theme of this group of topics…

U.S. Coal Industry and Several Countries (all issues)
Expert has managed the production and sale of bituminous and sub bituminous coal since 1978. He has managed three of the largest coal companies in the U.S., one of whose sales have exceeded $1 billion. Expert has been an independent…

Coal Mine Safety Regulations, underground , surface and highwall miners. Areas of expertise is Under
Expert currently provides education and training services to various mining entities. These services encompasses surface coal production, underground coal production and preparation plant facilities. My areas of knowledge and responsibility were that of managing, regulatory compliance with both health and…

Coal Mining Accidents, Safety, Training and Roof Control
Expert has a Masters Degree in Geology. He was a research assistant with the U.S. Bureau of Minings working with coal mine roof control using LANDSAT satellite imagery, then with U.S. Deptartment of Labor, Mine Safety and Health Administration (MSHA)…

Steel Production, Coal Tar, Napthalene
Expert has 35 years of experience in Commissioning, Testing and Production of coal chemicals and fertilizer plants. Has led the team of 36 Executives and 500 Non-executives at Bokaro Steel Plant. He has headed the six units of coal chemicals…

Coal Property Development, Coal Mining and Processing and Marketing of Coal
He has developed two large mineral properties in the Midwest that included all aspects of mineral development from location, exploration, engineering, permitting and marketing of the project. Both of these projects have subsequently been subleased to large NYSE mining companies…

Mining Engineering, Ore Reserve Estimation, Process Control, Artificial Intelligence, Coal Mines
Expert has not only worked in a highly gassy underground coal mine, but has also taught coal mine design, besides having designed a multi-seam mine himself. His master's work was on stress transfer between multiple seams. He won the Flame…

Coal Combustion, Fossil Fuel Combustion, Biomass Combustion, Pollution Control, Renewable Energy
Expert has over 30 years experience in the fields of combustion, air & water pollution control, and renewable energy. Within combustion he has particular expertise with coal, fossil fuels, and biomass. He has experience in both industry as well as…