Expert Directory
Having an expert witness or consultant at your side can help you navigate complex situations with confidence. These professionals understand your industry and excel at conveying crucial information, whether in a courtroom or a consulting environment. At Intellex, we have experts in over 30,000 areas in our database. We enable you to partner with an individual who has the knowledge, educational background, and relevant experience to support your needs effectively.
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Water Treatment, Corrosion By Waters, Boiler Water Treatment, Cooling Water Treatment, Demineralization, Reverse Osmosis, Clarifiers Cold Lime Softeners
Expert understands the chemical processes and had practical experience in the use of activated carbon in water and wastewater treatment to remove organic contaminants and chlorine. She has audited existing applications for conformance to industry standards for contaminant removal and…

Business Plans
Array Expert has developed and implemented chemical safety procedures for several clients, including a chemical recycling facility, and metal finishers using strong acid and alkaline chemistries, etchants, and electropolishing chemicals in their manufacturing and/or wastewater treatment processes. Activities include safety…

Environmental Compliance, Pollution Prevention, Health and Safety, and Fire Loss and Prevention
Expert has extensive practical knowledge and experience in the field of pollution prevention technologies. He has performed numerous pollution prevention audits internationally resulting in millions of dollars in waste minimization, energy and feedstock material savings for clients. He has worked…

Air, Water and Solid Waste Pollution Control & Energy Recovery in US & Asia
Expert was responsible for the introduction of activated carbon fiber adsorption systems into the U.S. as a licensee of the Japanese firm that developed them. This involved technical liaison with the Japanese as well as sales/marketing to customers. He was…

Incineration Technology and Other Thermal Technologies for the Treatment and Disposal of Wastes
Expert has over 30 years experience in incineration technology specializing in the design, evaluation, construction, operation and permitting of incineration systems for industrial installations, site remediation, resource recovery facilities, hospitals and wastewater treatment plants. Expert also has experience with troubleshooting,…

Membranes, Filters, Separations, Validation, Extractables, Leachables
Expert was responsible for building a new manufacturing facility for hollow-fiber thin film composite membranes for industrial gas and liquid. He helped design the equipment, created the plant layout, hired staff, and led the trouble-shooting phase. He led the engineering…

Specialty Polymers and Fibers
HYDROGEL; POLYELECTROLYTES. Expert's fundamental knowledge in polyelectrolytes and their interaction with small and large molecules has enabled him to offer consultation in diverse industries, including personal care, healthcare, cable wrap, food packaging, railroad, paper, and wastewater treatment. He has developed…

Fires, Explosions, Hazardous Chemicals, Chemical Burns and Toxic Exposure; Consumer and Industrial Products and Processes
CFEI, CPC, CChE, FAIC, FRSC, DABFET; Forensic Litigation Expert; Products Liability; Personal Injury Experienced, forensic expert witness for plaintiff or defense; both Federal and State. Accepting cases including, but not limited to: fires and explosions, hazardous chemicals, chemical burns and…

Wastewater Treatment
Dr. G. Expert has applied his background in chemical engineering, particulate filtration, and membrane separation technology to the areas of water and wastewater management, pollution prevention, and the treatment of industrial wastewaters and hazardous wastes. He is knowledgeable of waste…

Business & Technical Practices: Safety Issues, Environmental Issues, Capital Project Management, Complex Chemical Circumstances, and Litigation
Expert is a highly regarded chemical engineer, consultant, entrepreneur and expert witness with over 35 years of experience specializing in industrial chemicals and environmental, health and safety engineering. He has been providing guidance and opinions to attorneys, governments, and organizations…