Expert Directory
Having an expert witness or consultant at your side can help you navigate complex situations with confidence. These professionals understand your industry and excel at conveying crucial information, whether in a courtroom or a consulting environment. At Intellex, we have experts in over 30,000 areas in our database. We enable you to partner with an individual who has the knowledge, educational background, and relevant experience to support your needs effectively.
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Portland-Based Building Materials, Particularly Cellulose Fiber-Reinforced Cement and Composites
Expert M. Expert has long experience in the selection of material and proportions of cellulose fiber reinforced cement composites. The most commonly used of these composites are manufactured on modified paper machinery in the Hatschek process. This combines wood pulp…

Rheology, Nanotechnology, Particulate/Multiphase Processes, Chemical Engineering.
Expert operates his contract research & development small business incorporated in 1990 in Saint Paul, Minnesota, USA. Expert's professional experience spanning over four decades in chemical engineering has focused around the broad areas of particulate/multiphase processes and rheology. Chemical engineering…

Concrete Technology, FRC, HPC, HVFA, SCC, Use of Byproducts in Cement-based Materials
He has used his 20 years of research experience in concrete technology to utilize other materials, fine aggregates (sand) and coarse aggregates, in concrete. He has explored the possibility of using coal fly ash, bottom ash, waste foundry sand, and…

Un-Rivaled Expertise in Problem Solving for Chemicals, Polymers and Plastic Industry.
Having worked 27 years in a world-class "Analytical Sciences" organization, he developed a unique expertise in solving complex problems. The latter sometimes led to "Discovery of New Concepts" that translated to new business growth. Successful case histories of complex problem…

Pulping,Fiber Raw Material, Biomass,Sourcing,Processing and Quality Control; Occupational Safety
Expert has 47 years of experience in the forest products industry. At Weyerhaeuser, he initiated the Fiber Raw Materials Technology program that developed and implemented processes and quality assessment methods to maximize the value of wood and non-wood fiber sources.…

Materials Engineering; Expert Witness for Litigation Liabilities in Fiber Cement Industries
Expert has taken a leading role in the development of fiber-reinforced composite materials. He has an intimate knowledge of varied synthetic fibers and cellulose fibers used for the reinforcement for cement based materials. He also has a fundamental understanding of…

Specialty Polymers and Fibers
HYDROGEL; POLYELECTROLYTES. Expert's fundamental knowledge in polyelectrolytes and their interaction with small and large molecules has enabled him to offer consultation in diverse industries, including personal care, healthcare, cable wrap, food packaging, railroad, paper, and wastewater treatment. He has developed…

Food Technology, Nutraceuticals, and Cereal Grain Processing, Agriculture, Biotechnology, Nano Technology, etc.
Specialties: Agriculture, Biotechnology, Dry and wet Corn Milling, Food Extrusion, Food Emulsions, Green Carbohydrate Chemicals and Nano Technology for Food and Beverage, Expert is a cereal scientist and grain technologist of international repute. He has worked extensively with corn, sorghum,…

Absorbent Technology
Expert K. Expert has spent over 25 years with Johnson & Johnson Co. developing new materials for absorbent products. He also managed a diversified group in one of the divisions of Johnson & Johnson responsible for R&D and pilot plant…

Wood Science, Wood Chemistry, Wood Coatings, Recycling
Expert has been involved in research in weathering of wood for the past 20 years. He studies wood discoloration, surface oxidation, and surface protections. He uses electron spin resonance to characterize free radicals (formation, termination) and mechanisms of weathering. He…