Expert Directory
Having an expert witness or consultant at your side can help you navigate complex situations with confidence. These professionals understand your industry and excel at conveying crucial information, whether in a courtroom or a consulting environment. At Intellex, we have experts in over 30,000 areas in our database. We enable you to partner with an individual who has the knowledge, educational background, and relevant experience to support your needs effectively.
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Marine Oil/ Gas Terminals, Piping/ Pipelines, Boiler/ Machinery/ General Mechanical Forensic Engineering
Expert is an experienced consultant with forty eight years of experience in mechanical engineering, including design, analysis, troubleshooting, failure investigations, expert testimony and training. Expert's specific areas of expertise include engineering and construction support for marine oil and gas terminal…

Industrial and Institutional Power Plant and Boilers
Design, engineer, project manage, install and retrofit industrial and institutional boilers and heat recovery steam generators that fire natural gas, oil, coal, biomass, waste gas and oils and combinations of fossil fuels. Specialize in redesign of existing units to modify…

Boiler, HRSG, Pressure Vessel, and Heat Exchanger Root Cause and Failure Analysis, Development of Corrective Actions, Material Selection, Codes, Reverse Engineering, and Training
Expert is an expert at failure analysis, root cause analysis, and determining corrective actions. With years of experience, he has the ability to take complex problems and convert them into a manageable list that can be verified using available tools…

Pressure Part Design, Metallurgical Lab, Failure Analysis, Boilers
Expert has over 25 years of experience in utility and paper mill boiler pressure part design and manufacturing. Expert is the Engineering Director at a company that specializes in the utility boiler market; has Structural Engineers, Boiler Engineers, and a…

Boilers, Piping, Power Plants, ASME Boiler Codes, and Metallurgy
As Principal of his own engineering firm, Expert assesses and manages critical power plant components, including boiler tubing, high-energy piping, headers, drums, and pressure vessels. This specialty includes comprehensive assessment program development at the plant or fleet level, as well…

Water, Reuse, Legionella, Recycle, Filtration, Cooling Tower, Boiler, All Water Treatment, Leader Training, Point of Use, Expert Witness, Consulting
Expert has worked in the water treatment industry for 30+ years. Primarily in cooling/boiler/domestic/industrial process/wastewater areas. This expertise has branched out the last 15 years or so to include Executive Management, Legionella Management, IAQ, Water use, reuse, reduction, recycle. He…

Influent, Boiler, Cooling and Waste Treatment, Refinery, Petrochemical, Steel, Paper
Ms. Expert has an Bachelor's Degree in Science and a Master's Degree in Environmental Engineering. Expert has experience in the field of municipal water and wastewater treatment. Expert worked for a large municipal drinking water treatment plant and has several…

Water Chemistry, Boiler Water Treatment, Cooling System Water Treatment, Large HVAC: extensive experience with injury, property damage due to use of chemicals.
Water is used in a wide variety of ways industrially; heat transfer, transport and product dilution and formulation. In all cases, the chemistry and characteristics of water will impact on the success of the process using water. He has solved…

Combustion, Air Pollution Control, and Utility and Industrial Boilers, Air Heaters, Dryers, Furnaces, Thermal Oxidizers
He has developed combustion modifications for reducing emissions of CO, unburned hydrocarbons, NOx and SO2, and specified and designed post-combustion systems for the control of NOx, SO2, HCl, and PM. These systems have been both prototype and commercial. He can…

Steam and Power Plant Engineering, Economics, Operation, and Design; Boilers and Boiler Rooms
Expert began training on marine boilers in 1978 as a cadet at the Massachusetts Maritime Academy. He added experience as an operator of stationary fire tube and water tube boilers around Boston. Expert's 20+ years of employment with the Navy…