Expert Directory
Having an expert witness or consultant at your side can help you navigate complex situations with confidence. These professionals understand your industry and excel at conveying crucial information, whether in a courtroom or a consulting environment. At Intellex, we have experts in over 30,000 areas in our database. We enable you to partner with an individual who has the knowledge, educational background, and relevant experience to support your needs effectively.
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Human Environmental Physiology: Work, Heat & Cold Tolerance; Clothing Comfort & Function, Body Armor
Expert is one of the leading international experts on human tolerance for heat, cold, and work; clothing for comfort and protection against extreme environments; the fibers and fabrics used in clothing; measurement of thermal environments and their effects on people;…
Computers, Data Communications, VOIP, Voice Over Internet Protocol, philatelist, expert witness
Expert is an expert in data and voice communications-based systems, networking to include LANs and WANs, and PC technology. He has over 40 years of experience in the design, operation, and modification of complex, nationwide data and computer communications networks.…
Information Management
Expert has had over 30 years of experience in the laboratory environment. Prior to starting his independent consulting practice in 1985, he was employed in industry. He has been actively engaged in the use of computers for the management of…
MS Windows engineering, C++
Expert (rhymes with easy, ) has been writing MS-Windows applications since before the release of Windows 1.0 (1985). His clients have included Lotus, Digital Equipment Corp., Waters-Millipore, Aspen Technologies, and Polaroid as well as several smaller companies in the Boston…
Microelectronics Processing and Contamination Control, Cleanrooms, Particulates, Ultra High Purity
Expert has twenty years of research experience in semiconductor technology in major industrial laboratories. This, combined with his expertise gained by fifteen years managing microelectronics laboratories where he performed semiconductor fabrication research at two major universities (Minnesota and Arizona), makes…
Computer Systems, System Programming, Digital Forensics, Computer Scientist
Expert earned his Ph.D. from the Graduate Center of the City University of New York (2018). He received his B.A. (1981) and M.S. (1983) degrees from New York University in computer science. His work involves the design, implementation, and use…
Instrumentation: Project Management, Marketing, and Sales
Expert has spent 25 years in instrumentation, dealing with the end instruments listed next to this paragraph. He has designed, improved, and used all of these in all types of applications. He lays emphasis on reliable use, even under unique…
Urban Design and Planning, Pedestrian and Bicycle Facilities, New Urbanism, Context-Sensitive Design
Expert has spent a significant portion of his career researching the relationship between the chemical and physical properties of asphalt cements. He has extensive knowledge of the rheology and durability of asphaltic materials, and also of the methods used to…
Fossil Fuel Hydroprocessing
Expert has devoted his research career to catalysis, especially in the areas of fossil fuel hydroprocessing and solid acid catalysis. He has done research on polymer supported catalysts, supported metal catalysts, especially novel catalysts made from metal clusters and other…
Chemical Reaction Engineering
POROUS MATERIAL; REACTIONS IN POROUS SOLIDS. A major portion of Expert's research has been concerned with reactions of porous solids, the kinetics of which are largely controlled by pore diffusion. In particular, he has worked on coal/char combustion and desulfurization…