Intellex Acquires Expert by Big Village

We're thrilled to announce that Intellex has acquired Expert by Big Village, effective March 22, 2024. This strategic move enhances our capabilities and strengthens our commitment to delivering exceptional solutions to our customers.

Stay tuned for more updates on how this acquisition will benefit our clients and experts.

For inquiries or more information, please contact us at


Expert Directory


Having an expert witness or consultant at your side can help you navigate complex situations with confidence. These professionals understand your industry and excel at conveying crucial information, whether in a courtroom or a consulting environment. At Intellex, we have experts in over 30,000 areas in our database. We enable you to partner with an individual who has the knowledge, educational background, and relevant experience to support your needs effectively.

Utilize our expert finder tool to handpick the ideal mentor or consultant for your specific application.

ID: 726916 Florida, USA

General Internal Medicine- Geriatrics- Primary Care

Doctor Expert is board certified in general internal medicine by the American Board of Internal Medicine and a Fellow of the American Colege of Physicians. He received " Added Qualifications in Geriatric Medicine" in 1992. Expert is a " generalist"…

ID: 726838 Florida, USA

Plastic Surgery, Cosmetic Surgery, Reconstructive Surgery, Wound Healing

Expert is a board certified plastic surgeon and has a Maintenance of Certification by the American Board of Plastic Surgery. He has been in practice since 1995. He is an Affiliate Assistant Professor of Clinical Biomedical Science at Charles E.…

ID: 726816 Florida, USA

General Psychiatry, Addiction, Neuropsychiatry

Expert is a board certified psychiatrist and Distinguished Fellow of the American Psychiatric Association. He has been in the practice of psychiatry since 1976 at an academic and primary private practice level. His primary clinical areas of patient care have…

ID: 726784 Florida, USA

Plastic Surgery, Cosmetic Surgery

Expert received his M.D. degree from the University of Miami Medical School in 1967 and completed his rotating internship at the Philadelphia Naval Hospital in 1968. He also trained in orthopedic and surgery in the Navy until 1971. He completed…

ID: 726783 California, USA

Children’s Health Care, Children’s Hospitals

Expert has over 30 years of experience, in clinical practice(pediatric infectious disease) teaching, clinical research and scientific writing. He has over 15 years experience as a children's hospital physician-executive, currently as executive vice president and chief administrative officer at a…

ID: 726654 Florida, USA

Dentistry: Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery, Implantology, Bone Grafting, Wisdom Teeth, Sedation & Anesthesia

Expert is an accomplished oral and maxillofacial surgeon with over 35 years of clinical expertise. After completing his Doctor of Dental Medicine at Tufts University School of Dental Medicine, he began his career practicing general dentistry in the U.S. Air…

ID: 726532 Tennessee, USA

Hepatology and Liver Transplantation Medicine

Expert is a specialist in Hepatology and Liver Transplantation Medicine. His expertise extends to multiple areas of liver disease including viral hepatitis from a variety of infectious agents including A, B and C; autoimmune liver disease, Wilson disease and hereditary…

ID: 726467 California, USA

Breast Cancer, Cancer Genetics

Expert has expertise in the field of breast cancer and is certified by the School of Breast Oncology. She has a special interest in cancer genetics and is able to offer an array of services to her patients including treating…

ID: 726022 California, USA

Automated Property Valuation, Statistical Inference, Artificial Intelligence, Theoretical Physics

His Ph.D. is in Theoretical Physics, which can be considered a form of applied mathematics. He has applied advanced mathematics extensively throughout his career. He conducted applied research in applied Artificial Intelligence at Carnegie-Mellon from 1984 - 1990. Followed the…

ID: 725979 Georgia, USA

Banking Industry Standards; Business, IP & Patent Valuation; Economic Damages; Real Estate

He has forty years' experience in corporate finance and management consulting to businesses of all sizes and types. As a successful manager, he has had many opportunities to re-engineer business units under his management. He has extensive experience in business…

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