Intellex Acquires Expert by Big Village

We're thrilled to announce that Intellex has acquired Expert by Big Village, effective March 22, 2024. This strategic move enhances our capabilities and strengthens our commitment to delivering exceptional solutions to our customers.

Stay tuned for more updates on how this acquisition will benefit our clients and experts.

For inquiries or more information, please contact us at


Expert Directory


Having an expert witness or consultant at your side can help you navigate complex situations with confidence. These professionals understand your industry and excel at conveying crucial information, whether in a courtroom or a consulting environment. At Intellex, we have experts in over 30,000 areas in our database. We enable you to partner with an individual who has the knowledge, educational background, and relevant experience to support your needs effectively.

Utilize our expert finder tool to handpick the ideal mentor or consultant for your specific application.

ID: 732634 United Arab Emirates

Supply Chain Management in Oil and Gas Upstream

Expert is an oil and gas executive with strong commercial acumen and a passion for building robust professional relationships. He is a decisive leader who makes the tough decisions quickly and pragmatically. He has extensive international experience and excels in…

ID: 732557 India

Leather Industry Developments

Expert has been a part of a company management team to interact with research and government organizations to seek & review newer directions in technology and management for the company and the industry. He also has been a part of…

ID: 732401 Zimbabwe

Sulphuric Plant, Sulphur, Phosphate Fertilizers Mineral Processing, Gold, Iron and Steel

Expert is a process engineer with 20 years’ experience and an excellent safety record in corrosive manufacturing environments. Management skills include the following: coaching, day-to-day budget management, cost control, and prioritizing resources utilization in order to achieve efficient product recoveries.…

ID: 732393 India

Expertise for Sodium Chlorate/Perchlorates Projects, Economics on Power consumption/Process, Revamping/Rehabilitation of running/old plants

He has over 37 years of experience working in chlorates/perchlorates fields. He has worked in several countries in various fields, including chemical plant equipment design, plant operation and administration, money and manpower management, product marketing, project planning and commissioning. Presently…

ID: 732020 Arizona, USA

Carbides, Nitrides, SiAlON, Powder Synthesis & Processing, Ceramics Development & Fabrication

Technology: R&D + Engineering, Advanced Ceramics and Materials; Powders and Parts; Synthesis – processing – handling - transfer – ready-to-press feedstock – fabrication of parts – consolidation - finish - marketing. Development, processing and fabrication of fine and ultra fine…

ID: 731993 California, USA

Manufacturing Economics: Markets, Sourcing, Exporting, Energy

37 Years Experience working as an employee and a consultant to U.S. Manufacturing Companies beginning as an engineer and evolving manufacturing operations management, financial analysis, strategy, and market economic analysis. MBA in Finance and Managerial Economics from The University of…

ID: 731984 New Hampshire, USA

Materials Technology, Powder Metallurgy, Advanced Ceramics, Process & Product Development, R&D, Lean

25+ years of experience in successfully managing and spearheading R&D and Operations projects to completion. Developed new products and processes, led cross-functional teams, project management and implementation, mentored subordinates and peers, provided team building and leadership, problem solving skills, and…

ID: 731662 Germany

Energy, Oil & Gas–Resources, Global Market & Geopolitics | USA, EU, Latin America, China, OPEC

Expert's expertise is the global, market-centered oil-and-gas (O&G) system including both (1.) Consuming and (2.) Producing states: -1.a- Producing countries' O&G sectors. For example OPEC in Latin America (especially Venezuela and Brazil) and OPEC in the Mideast (especially Iran, Iraq,…

ID: 731552 Israel

Cybersecurity, Cybercrime, Cyberwarfare, Cybersecurity Technology Due Diligence, and Venture Capital

Having started his career as a computer security practitioner, developing and standing up a computer security capability for a $700M enterprise, he migrated to the security software vendor side in the early days of the commercial Internet when it became…

ID: 731401 Florida, USA

Structural Dynamics, Shock, Vibration; Missiles, Guided Projectiles, Missile Defense

Expert has multiple years experience in the dsign, analysis and test of missiles, projectiles and targets including modal analysis, shock and vibration and structural analysis. This includes ground support equioment as well as flight hardware and instrumentation. Programs he has…

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