Expert Details
Energy, Oil & Gas--Resources, Global Market & Geopolitics | USA, EU, Latin America, China, OPEC
ID: 731662
-1.a- Producing countries' O&G sectors. For example OPEC in Latin America (especially Venezuela and Brazil) and OPEC in the Mideast (especially Iran, Iraq, Saudi Arabia and Algeria).
-1.b- He works from the bottom up, understanding local resources & reserves, technology and managerial capacities of domestic and foreign firms, each country's role in the global marketplace, and its relations with the USA, Chinese and European firms and governments. His academic-&-practical competence (physics-and-engineering plus economics-social science) brings insight into the interrelationship of all phases of a producing state's O&G (or nuclear) sector.
-2- Consuming countries energy policies: especially the USA, China and EU.
-2.a- Besides consulting and writing and talks, he is well-known for his post-graduate seminars on "The Global Oil System" applied to the USA, or the Mideast, or Latin America
-2.aa- His university seminars also include "Latin American Development" (from an energy-economics and historical perspective), on "Natural Resource & Energy Economics" and "Energy and the Environment" He has/is teaching at U. Michigan (Ann Arbor), The New School (Graduate International Affairs, in NYC), The Ohio State U (Middle East and Latin American Studies), and Freie University (The JFK Institute of North American Studies in Berlin, Germany), etc.
-2.b- He is a popular speaker, (esp. in NYC, Washington, Venezuela, Germany, ...) often lecturing for public, private, conference, diplomatic audiences on O&G and energy issues, and related international crises. He is often quoted in the international media, and consults and the professional energy-sector press. Example topics: US-Iran energy relations, Venezuelan energy affairs (Pdvsa, Chavez), China's energy strategy (globally, in Latin America, and in the Mideast). on the USA & European Union's (esp. Germany's) domestic and foreign energy policies, on the Arab Spring and the history of MENA (MIddle East and North African) wars and unrest, esp. related to the oil sector.
-2.c- His deepest local contacts are in (in order): USA, Venezuela, Germany, China, Iran and Algeria, etc.
Expert's PhD (doctorate) is in experimental nuclear physics from the University of Michigan at Ann Arbor. He is author or co-author of about 40 peer reviewed scientific papers on this work.
His expertise has both (1) FUNDAMENTAL RESEARCH (both Experimental and Theoretical) and (2) PRACTICAL APPLIED aspects.
- He has given public lectures and investor-consultations on: The Fukishima Nuclear accidents, Iranian nuclear program, Venezuelan uranium mining, the US nuclear weapons programs and Hiroshima-Nagasaki historical talks, on prospects for nuclear power in the USA (SMR's etc.), review of private-investor-funded novel nuclear energy research projects, cold fusion,
-1- FUNDAMENTAL RESEARCH: He has conducted research at university and national labs in the USA, Japan and in European and Russian collaborations. He taught Physics at Introductory and advanced levels at U. Michigan for several years. He won the Distinguished Dissertation Award (Terwilliger Prize) for "Best Thesis" from the faculty of physics. His nuclear work has both Experimental and Theoretical aspects:
1.a- EXPERIMENTAL: He produced ("discovered") and identified several new, extra-heavy neutron-rich isotopes by developing and using a 40 cm-bore superconducting solenoid ion-optical "lens" to collect and identify isotopes in flight (with U. of Michigan Nuclear Group collaboration). These isotopes were products of a nuclear fragmentation reaction (136Xe on thin-C, peripheral collisions) at a heavy-ion superconducting cyclotron accelerator (located at the NSF's NSCL national laboratory at MSU). The device is now installed at Texas A&M cyclotron facility to produce new superheavy elements.
Expert also developed a novel particle-identifier data analysis method, which removes all ambiguity as to charge state of isotopes identified in-flight..This and other heavy-ion and low- and intermediate-energy experimental work was conducted at numerous national laboratories in the USA, Europe and Japan.
-1.b- THEORETICAL / PHENOMONOLOGICAL: He is co-author of a series of papers of calculations and predictions of the extent of stable isotopes and elements possible within the universe written with Prof. J. Janecke (emeritus, U. Michigan) and Prof. Goldansky (deceased, Moscow State, Russian Academy of Sciences). This is a check on the validity of various current models of the nucleus within theoretical nuclear physics. There are also astrophysical and cosmological implications.
-2-.PRACTICAL & APPLIED NUCLEAR EXPERIENCE: Professor has extensive experience in radiation & nuclear safety including: project design, oversight, and radiation-protection systems
-2a- Examples: He has worked as Radiation Safety officer during the operation and then initial decommissioning of a research nuclear reactor, and was responsible for oversight and approval of all nuclear and radiological activities at one of the USA's largest engineering schools (U. Michigan), for novel high-energy synchrotron radiation and nuclear safety. Locations: Argonne National Labs' Advanced Light Source collaboration, NSCL Superconducting Cyclotron Labs, U Michigan, etc.)
-2b- He designed a multi-million$, novel gaseous-radiation collection system that was installed at U. Michigan Hospital/Medical School) for cyclotron-produced gaseous C11 isotope while being processed in hot-cell fume hoods into (FDA regulated) injectable liquids for PET (positron emission tomography) treatment of patients and experimental investigations. He then worked with the chief engineer as special consultant to oversee the installation/construction and commissioning projects. multi-million dollar system
Expert (from U. Michigan, Ann Arbor in nuclear physics) has extensive academic, practical, and research experience in energy, alternative energy and low-temperature applications
-1- He taught several university courses and seminars Energy and Environment issues, including: "Natural Resource and Environmental Economics" Alternative Energy, "Energy and Environment" and Nuclear Physics topics at The U. Michigan (Ann Arbor) and The New School University (Graduate International Affairs, NYC) and he has lectured on these topics at the US Environmental Protection Agency,in Latin American, North Africa and European institutes and universities on these topics.
-2- He has done extensive practical and theoretical work in the Thermodynamics of Large Buildings (he has an exhaustive engineering knowledge of HVAC systems [Heating Ventillation and Air Conditioning] and of high- and low-pressure steam boilers and engines; of large-scale absorption refrigeration (Lithium Bromide absorption with low-pressure H2O working fluid), industrial-sized turbine-compressor chillers, instrumentation and etc. optimized for high efficiency and environmental protection. He brings unusual hand-on experience from prior years as self-employed consultant.
-3- He has extensive hands-on ultra-low temperature cryogenic experience. As a physics graduate student he was the U. Michigan Physics Dept. cryogenics technician responsible for production, distribution and recycling of all cryogenic gasses and liquids used in the ultra-low-temperature solid state physics and high-energy particle physics laboratories. He regularly produced 500 liters/week of liquid helium, rebuilding a helium liquifier.
-4 He has extensive experimental experience attaining ultra-low pressure vacuums in large volumes and associated with use of cryogens for ultra-low temperature. This is primarily in large-scale nuclear and elementary particle experimental application and/or solid state physics.
Expert has years-long expertise in international affairs, development, geopolitics and geo-strategic issues. Much of this work is related to energy issues, from oil and gas (O&G) to nuclear (his PhD is in nuclear physics) and alternative energy strategies.
-1- Areas of focus are the geopolitical relationships between US, EU, China, the OPEC states of Latin America (esp. Venezuela and Brazil) & OPEC istates of the Mideast (esp. Iran, Iraq, Saudi, Algeria, issues of the "Arab Spring," etc.) His academic-&-practical competence (physics-and-engineering plus economics-social science) brings insight into the interrelationship of practical resource and economic driven interests of states and their foreign policies, conflicts, etc.
-2- He is well-known for his post-graduate seminars on "The Global Oil System" (applied to the USA, or the Mideast, or Latin America), on "Latin American Development" (from an energy-economics and historical perspective), on "Wars and Revolutions: The Mideast from 1945 to Present." "The Iraq War," and on Iran and Gulf Regional conflicts ...
-3- His blog treats these issues. He has published several book reviews and articles on these topics.
-4- He is a popular speaker, (esp. in Washington, NYC, Berlin, Caracas, ...) often lecturing for public, private, conference, diplomatic audiences on O&G and energy issues, and related international crises. Examples: at The University of Michigan (Ann Arbor), The New School (Graduate International Affairs in NYC), The Ohio State U (Middle East and Latin American Studies), and Freie University (The JFK Institute of North American Studies in Berlin, Germany), Princeton U.,Yale U., UCLA, etc.; at many national and industry conferences, at the US State Department, foreign embassies, industry groups, etc.
-5- Topical example: US-Iran energy relations, Venezuelan energy affairs (Pdvsa, Chavez, ...), China's energy strategy (globally, in Latin America and/or the Mideast) on USA & European Union (esp. Germany) domestic and foreign energy policies, the Arab Spring and history of MENA (Middle East and North African) energy, wars and unrest.
-6- His deepest local professional contacts are in (in order): USA, Venezuela, Germany, China, ...
Year | Degree | Subject | Institution |
Year: 2000 | Degree: PhD | Subject: Nuclear Physics | Institution: University of Michigan, Ann Arbor |
Year: 1991 | Degree: M.S. | Subject: Physics | Institution: University of Michigan |
Year: 1988 | Degree: B.S. | Subject: Physics | Institution: University of Michigan |
Work History
Years | Employer | Title | Department |
Years: 2013 to Present | Employer: Undisclosed | Title: Professor - Visiting | Department: JFK Institute of North American Studies, PostßGraduate |
Responsibilities:Expert's 2014 graduate seminar is "The USA & Global Oil System: The formation & impact of American energy policy" |
Years | Employer | Title | Department |
Years: 2006 to Present | Employer: Undisclosed | Title: PT Faculty | Department: Graduate International Affairs |
Responsibilities:Expert gives graduate seminars in:- "The Global Oil System" including the Middle East, OPEC, Latin America, the USA, EU and China - Latin American Development" - The Middle East in Revolutions and Wars: From the Suez Crisis to Arab Spring - Energy & Natural Resource Economics |
Years | Employer | Title | Department |
Years: 2008 to 2010 | Employer: US Fulbright Scholar &/or CENDES, UCV | Title: Associate Professor | Department: Center for Study of Development, Central University of Venezuela in Caracas |
Responsibilities:Research the political economy of oil in the foreign and domestic policy of Bolivarian Venezuela |
Years | Employer | Title | Department |
Years: 2000 to 2007 | Employer: The University of Michigan, Ann Arbor | Title: Lecturer & Visiting Assistant Professor | Department: Physics;Dept. & Program in Science, Technology & Society, |
Responsibilities:- Research: Nuclear Physics, Complex Systems, & Synchrotron examination of semi-conductors- Teaching: Residential College, Science, Technology & Society Program, Energy & Environment, Middle East and North African Studies [With courses listed also in History, Sociology, Geology, Colle of Natural Resources & Environment, etc.] |
Years | Employer | Title | Department |
Years: 1991 to 2001 | Employer: Consulting and skilled technology services | Title: Self-employed & employed as consultant, etc. | Department: |
Responsibilities:1. Radiation Safety and Health Physics services - Oversightof large engineering research facilities; initial decommissioning of research nuclear reactor, Design and oversight of airborne radiation in large-scale research facilities hospital facilities, etc.2. Commissioning and Evaluation (with project engineers) of new and re-tooled scientific and engineering research facilities and university hospitals. 3. Provided services including: Energy project evaluations; Project-contracter oversight; Large Building and Industrial HVAC, Steam and Refrigeration problem analysis and efficiency calculations - on behalf of property managers and owners. |
Years | Employer | Title | Department |
Years: 1976 to 1990 | Employer: Heavy Industry: Ford Mo Co., Chrysier Motor Co., Conrrail and local railways | Title: Skilled and technical positions | Department: |
Responsibilities:Technical and skilled work in large-scale, heavy industry and railways in Chicago and Detroit regions. |
International Experience
Years | Country / Region | Summary |
Years: 2000 to 2008 | Country / Region: Venezuela | Summary: US Fulbright Scholar & Associate Professor at Center for the Study of Development, Central U. of Venezuela, Caracas investigating Petroleum sector in Bolivarian policy at home and abroad. |
Years: 2005 to 2005 | Country / Region: Algeria | Summary: Visitor, Lectures at University of Algiers, Departmen of Economics and Management; on Petroleum Sector & Social-Political development |
Years: 2011 to 2013 | Country / Region: Germany | Summary: Energy sector research on EU and German Energy Policy. Family Leave Year Visiting professor at Freie University's JFK Institute of North American Studies on "Global Oil System & US Policy Formation" |
Language Skills
Language | Proficiency |
Spanish | Fluent. Frequently give public and private lectures, write articles, do research and interviews in Spanish |
German | B1 Level (European Union proficiency ranking system) - i.e., everyday interactions. Presently studying. |
French | Reading. |
Mandarin Chinese | Three years of study; however long ago. |
Fields of Expertise
crude oil market analysis, crude oil supply, petroleum production, world crude oil prices, petroleum industry, petroleum, energy market analysis, energy supply, energy policy, energy economics, nuclear decay theory, nuclear fission, nuclear fusion, nuclear physics, nuclear physics experimental method, nuclear science, collective nuclear motion, alternative energy, conservation of energy, energy research, energy, geopolitics, international dispute, international affairs, international development, international relations, nuclear proliferation, nuclear medicine, hazardous nuclear material, nuclear safety, energy technology, petroleum product prices, energy consumption, nuclear waste cleanup, medium-energy nuclear theory, radioactive contamination, Nuclear Regulatory Commission, binding energy, atomic pile, alpha radiation, energy loss, nuclear isomerism, nuclear force, nucleon number, critical nuclear reactor, critical reaction, nuclear spin, electromagnetic radiation human health effect, nuclear radiation measurement, boiling-water nuclear reactor, energy-efficient building, energy-efficient energy storage system, energy efficiency analysis, energy conversion, light-water nuclear reactor, heavy-water nuclear reactor, molten-salt nuclear reactor, liquid metal cooled nuclear reactor, graphite-moderated nuclear reactor, fast-neutron nuclear reactor, enriched-fuel nuclear reactor, breeder nuclear reactor, black-body radiation energy, energy generation, energy efficient building design, nuclear power, national defense, energy storage, nuclear particle, biomass energy system, nuclear technology, energy efficiency, energy measurement unit, nuclear radiation, spent fuel, radiometric dating, nuclear radiation shielding, petroleum pipeline, nuclide, nucleon, nuclear structure, nuclear reactor safety, nuclear medicine imaging, nuclear instrumentation, natural gas, enriched nuclear fuel, building energy management, energy management, energy level