Intellex Acquires Expert by Big Village

We're thrilled to announce that Intellex has acquired Expert by Big Village, effective March 22, 2024. This strategic move enhances our capabilities and strengthens our commitment to delivering exceptional solutions to our customers.

Stay tuned for more updates on how this acquisition will benefit our clients and experts.

For inquiries or more information, please contact us at


Expert Directory


Having an expert witness or consultant at your side can help you navigate complex situations with confidence. These professionals understand your industry and excel at conveying crucial information, whether in a courtroom or a consulting environment. At Intellex, we have experts in over 30,000 areas in our database. We enable you to partner with an individual who has the knowledge, educational background, and relevant experience to support your needs effectively.

Utilize our expert finder tool to handpick the ideal mentor or consultant for your specific application.

ID: 738063 California, USA


- Expert Witness for California Law cases since April, 2012 - Perform all necessary functions required of Expert Witness including vehicle inspection, complaint verification, repair order review, technical-system research, report composition, consultation with plaintiffs and legal council and giving testimony…

ID: 737626 India

Advance Materials for Applications: Automotive, Aerospace, Pharmaceutical, Construction, Food and Beverage, Electronics, Oil and Gas, Appliances

Expert is currently working as the Manager Sales and Business development at a global leader in advance materials and application technology; and engineered high performance polymer products for virtually every industry around the globe, including automotive, medical, pharmaceutical, chemical, food,…

ID: 728212 Michigan, USA

Commercial, Contract, Office, Educational, Healthcare, and Hospitality Furniture Industries

Expert is the owner and principal of his business consulting services company, which focuses on issues involving the commercial furniture industry, which includes the office, educational, heath care, and hospitality environments,. Expertise includes international partnerships and collaboration, strategic market planning,…

ID: 732537 North Carolina, USA

Traffic Accident Reconstruction, Motorcycles, All-Terrain Vehicles ATVs/ROVs/UTVs, Industrial Accident Reconstruction, Amusement Ride Accidents, Product Defect and Failure Analyses

Expert has more than 15 years of experience providing forensic engineering services in motor vehicle crash reconstruction to law firms, public defenders and insurance companies; Automotive engineer; worked in the automotive industry for approximately nine years; Board certified Forensic Engineer…

ID: 730401 Arizona, USA

Automotive Cause of Failure, Appraised Value, Lemon Law,Negligence, Standards & Practices, Tire Ind.

Expert has spent over 35 years in the Automotive Industry and is experienced in all areas of Automotive Repair, Diagnosis, and Inspection. The first part of his career was spent working as a Master Certified Technician, Service Center Supervisor, and…

ID: 728241 California, USA

General Automotive, Automotive Design, Wheel Design, Wheel Manufacturing, Aftermarket Automotive

Expert has worked in the Automotive Aftermarket Industry for 25 years, as a designer of Aftermarket products ranging from Accessories, Body Kits, and Wheels. Cars have not only been his profession but his hobby and life study since before he…

ID: 727708 Portugal

Automotive, Alternative Fuels, Steel and Aluminum, Petrochemical, Oil & Gas, Wind Power

Expert is an Engine and Chassis Engineer and holds Experts in Material Sciences and Metallurgy. Expert is an automotive executive with 29+ years of experience in the most relevant professional areas of the industry incl. engineering, R&D+i, quality, manufacturing, purchasing,…

ID: 722158 Texas, USA

Contamination Control and Cleanrooms

The relationship between facility cleanliness and product cleanliness, between design criteria and operational conditions is one that even today oftentimes remains a mystery. Particle fallout is the source of visible contamination for contamination sensitive products during storage and assembly. While…

ID: 722008 Michigan, USA

Vehicle Engineering, Design, Development and Testing, Manufacture Engineering, Automotive Industry

Expert spent over 33 years in engineering for General Motors, his last 17 years as the Engineering Director. The Engineering Director is responsible for the entire automobile, its design, manufacture, cost, reliability, and safe performance in the hands of the…

ID: 721744 New York, USA

Automotive Vehicle Dynamics (Handling), and Tire Mechanics (Tire Force and Moment Properties)

Expert has over 35 years of experience working in vehicle dynamics. He has worked on a wide variety of projects and with a broad selection of different vehicles. These range from determining tire properties for radio control cars to improving…

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