Intellex Acquires Expert by Big Village

We're thrilled to announce that Intellex has acquired Expert by Big Village, effective March 22, 2024. This strategic move enhances our capabilities and strengthens our commitment to delivering exceptional solutions to our customers.

Stay tuned for more updates on how this acquisition will benefit our clients and experts.

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Expert Directory


Having an expert witness or consultant at your side can help you navigate complex situations with confidence. These professionals understand your industry and excel at conveying crucial information, whether in a courtroom or a consulting environment. At Intellex, we have experts in over 30,000 areas in our database. We enable you to partner with an individual who has the knowledge, educational background, and relevant experience to support your needs effectively.

Utilize our expert finder tool to handpick the ideal mentor or consultant for your specific application.

ID: 735043 Florida, USA

All Refinery Catalytic Units; Reforming (Fixed Bed and CCR); Isomerization; Hydrogenation; and FCC

Expert possesses more than 30 years of executive level experience working directly with the world’s largest petroleum and petrochemical companies, specifically in catalyst manufacturers and end users. As the head of global business development for this critical component of their…

ID: 727392 Colorado, USA

Catalyst Development, Molybdenum Chemistry, Process Development

Expert (prefers "Expert") worked for Climax Molydbenum company where R&D work involved the preparation and testing of many molybdenum-based catalysts. The catalyst supports included alumina, silica, charcoal, titania, and zirconia. Model processes involved reforming, HDS, and syngas conversion to hydrocarbons.…

ID: 722784 Canada

Process Engineering and Chemistry of Inorganic Chemicals

Expert W. Expert has 20 years’ experience in process design and operation of chlorine manufacturing facilities. He has worked on projects including the development of material and energy balances and the equipment sizing for a 15% chlorine plant expansion, troubleshooting…

ID: 722290 Canada

Adhesive Consulting, Formulating, & Research in Structural, PSA, Hot Melt, Epoxy, Urethane, & Wood

Expert D. Expert has done adhesive failure analysis projects in connection with establishing cause in litigation cases or in research and production problems. For example, a wood millwork manufacturer claimed an adhesive was faulty, resulting in customer loss and damages.…

ID: 107765 Connecticut, USA

Homogeneous Catalysis, Water oxidation, CH oxidation, inorganic chemistry, organometallic chemistry

Expert is an expert in alkane and alkene chemistry and can provide insight into aspects of oxidation, partial oxidation, hydrogenation, hydrosilation, hydroformylation, and polymerization. Expert is knowledgeable of all aspects of the synthesis, structure, uses, and reactions of organometallic compounds…

ID: 107574 New Jersey, USA

Catalytic Organic Chemistry

Expert has over 30 years of experience in catalytic organic chemistry. His exceptional skills encompass basic research, product development, scale-up, manufacturing, sales and marketing, joint venture, and contract negotiating on catalytic-related issues important to the chemical, pharmaceutical, and petroleum industries.…

ID: 107787 Ohio, USA

Fuel Cell Manufacturing

Expert has been developing chemical process technology for industrial materials and chemical firms for over 14 years. He has developed several novel chemical processes, including those for synthesis of advanced ceramic powders, pigments, and a wide range of inorganic materials.…

ID: 718421 California, USA


Expert has experience synthesizing and characterizing novel electrophilies, i.e., classical and nonclassical carbocations, carbodications, halonium ions, oxonium ions, thioacylium ions, selenonium ions and nitrenium ions in low nucleophilicity highly superacidic solvent systems using low temperature NMR spectroscopy. He has studied…

ID: 721060 Florida, USA

Bionewable Conversion Processes, Homogeneous and Heterogeneous Catalysis, Adsorbents

The catalyst synthesis technology developed by expert and his associates is directly applied to the catalysis of petroleum and chemical reactions. Therefore, the insight that he has in the catalyst technology allows him to solve many problems relating to the…

ID: 108060 Pennsylvania, USA

Electron Microscopy of Materials

Expert has over 30 years of experience in obtaining compositional and diffraction information from thin specimens in the electron microscope. Materials he has analyzed have included steels, aluminum alloys, oxide ceramics, and heterogeneous catalysts. Some significant effort has been made…

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