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Materials, Processes and Hermeticity Testing of Microelectronics for Aerospace and Medical Implants
He has demonstrated expertise in hermetic sealing and leak testing processes for cavity style packaged microcircuits intended for high reliability military, aerospace and Class III medical implants. He has worked as a hermeticity consultant for prominent military and aerospace companies…

Engineering and Physics of Photonics and Electronics Technology
A major part of his career has been engaged in the technology of compound semiconductors, especially from the III-V family of semiconductors (using elements from group III and group V of the periodic table), which are of great interest for…

Materials Science, Process Analytical Chemistry, Laser Applications, Disaster Forensics
In his 27 year research career at Texas Instruments, he developed many chemical processes. This included the methods of measuring and monitoring those semiconductor processing and processing related chemistry. The instrumentation ranged from sophisticated electro-optical and laser technology for examination…

Optoelectronics, Semiconductors, Microwaves
INTEGRATED OPTICS; FIBER OPTICS. Expert has spent a majority of his recent career in the area of integrated optics, including both optical integrated circuits and optical fibers. He designed and fabricated integrated optic devices in both III-V materials and lithium…