Expert Directory
Having an expert witness or consultant at your side can help you navigate complex situations with confidence. These professionals understand your industry and excel at conveying crucial information, whether in a courtroom or a consulting environment. At Intellex, we have experts in over 30,000 areas in our database. We enable you to partner with an individual who has the knowledge, educational background, and relevant experience to support your needs effectively.
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Refinancing, Capital Markets, Restructuring/Turnaround, Profit Enhancement and Cash Flow
A Harvard Business School educated dynamic Interim C-Level (CEO/CFO) Executive and Board Member with 27 years diverse experience in all facets of start-up, developmental stage, growth (organic and M&A) and mature businesses up to $500 million in revenue. Delivered growth…
Facades, Building Envelopes, Glazed Roofs, Glass Structures, Design, QC, Building Commisioning
Expert has almost 40 years of experience in the facade industry and design. His expertise goes from the early stages of the facade design (teaming up with architects for competitions) up the the forensic analysis of existing facades. Design including…
Transparent Armor
Expert has extensive experience in the transparent armor industry and some of his responsibilities and achievements are as follows: Planned and managed projects. Examples include: lower the cost of McCurdy’s Armor through complete redesign (DDM), hyperspectral sensor (DDM), Transparent Armor…
Architectural Precast Concrete, Cast Stone, Commercial Construction Process
Expert is successful in the management of projects in the IT arena and in construction-related manufacturing and subcontracting. He consistently adds value to projects and delivers high levels of client/customer satisfaction. He has experience and comfort in multiple environments: Fortune…
air and hydraulic brake systems and products. Mobile equipment hydraulic powered lift mechanisms
Global product related planning, development, application, support engineering; engineering and business unit management of mechanical, electromechanical, pneumatic and hydraulic products and systems in the mobile commercial vehicle industry. Cross functional experience beyond product engineering including project management, purchasing, supplier selection…
Energy, Oil & Gas–Resources, Global Market & Geopolitics | USA, EU, Latin America, China, OPEC
Expert's expertise is the global, market-centered oil-and-gas (O&G) system including both (1.) Consuming and (2.) Producing states: -1.a- Producing countries' O&G sectors. For example OPEC in Latin America (especially Venezuela and Brazil) and OPEC in the Mideast (especially Iran, Iraq,…
Lasers and Electro Optics
Provide R&D, engineering, application, product development, 3rd party technical/service, employee training, due diligence research, safety and regulatory compliance of lasers. electro optics and light based instrumentation. As a laser and electro optic technology specialist I’ve been an ongoing engineering, application,…
Petroleum Processing Chemistry and Oil Products Compositional Chemistry
Expert was the lead process chemist supporting Acid Gas Amine Treating units in Shell US and Canadian Refineries and for Shell Canada Gas Plants. Expert also provided technical support Canadian Gas plants operating Shell licienced Amine systems (SCOTT and Sulfinol-D…
Batteries and Battery Interfaces: System Design and Analysis
Expert has a great deal of experience in failure analysis of various battery systems including lithium, lithium-ion, lithium-polymer, and various other nonaqueous and aqueous based systems, both primary and secondary. He is the sole battery safety instructor for NASA and…
Banking, FDIC, Garnishments, Levies, Fraud, and Internal Controls
Expert has over 30 years of experience in banking and bank regulation, including bank operations, both retail and back room. He also has extensive mortgage experience, including time spent at Fannie Mae as a consultant. He has spent over 20…