Intellex Acquires Expert by Big Village

We're thrilled to announce that Intellex has acquired Expert by Big Village, effective March 22, 2024. This strategic move enhances our capabilities and strengthens our commitment to delivering exceptional solutions to our customers.

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Expert Details

US National, Military, and International Spectrum Management / Electromagnetic Compatibility Analysis

ID: 738636 Maryland, USA

Request Expert

Expert is a recognized consultant specializing in quantifying the technical and regulatory aspects of accommodating spectrum-dependent systems in complex military, US domestic, and international electromagnetic spectrum environments.


Year Degree Subject Institution
Year: 1972 Degree: MSEE Subject: Electronics - Radar Systems Institution: Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Maryland
Year: 1969 Degree: BSEE Subject: Electrical Engineering Institution: University of Bridgeport, Bridgeport, Connecticut

Work History

Years Employer Title Department
Years: 2007 to Present Employer: Undisclosed Title: Owner Department: Spectrum Engineering
- Generated US national and international spectrum options for proposed millimeter-wave civilian helicopter-borne Detect and Avoid (DAA) radar
- Identified optimum millimeter wave and sub-terahertz operating frequency bands for proposed radiolocation and mobile applications
- Generated Spectrum Supportability Risk Assessments (SSRAs) required by DoD Instruction 4650.01 that quantified the likelihood of diverse land-based and airborne federal spectrum-dependent systems obtaining US national and host nation spectrum approvals
- Performed link budget and interference analyses to determine optimum operating frequency bands for federal spectrum-dependent radar, communication, and satellite systems
- Advocated/defended federal Ku-band data link and radar spectrum access as a member of the US delegation to the 2015 and 2003 World Radiocommunication Conferences (WRC-15/WRC-03)
- Generated FCC and federal regulatory and technical pre-checks of federal agency National-level Spectrum Planning Subcommittee (SPS) requests for US spectrum approval, i.e., EL-CID, DD Form 1494, as well as draft Certifications of Spectrum Support (NTIA-44)
- Quantified mutual electromagnetic interactions between federal mobile Ku-band Earth stations and co-band geostationary commercial satellites
- Generated innovative update to Army Regulation AR 5-12, Army Management of the Electromagnetic Spectrum, to reflect latest spectrum technological trends and regulatory environment

- Authored four International Telecommunication Union (ITU) “Characteristics and Protection Criteria” Recommendations facilitating spectrum sharing while protecting federal C-band, Ku-band, and Ka-band ISR data link spectrum access
- Quantified implications of potential new civil Ku-band SATCOM allocation on co-band federal data link spectrum access and briefed results of analyses to NATO and internal US technical support teams
- Generated innovative methodology defending future federal radar and data link access to C-band and Ku-band spectrum ITU Working Party 5B
- Quantified electromagnetic compatibility of federal UAS data links with civil broadband mobile wireless systems and generated innovative methodologies to allow operation of the data link in spectrum allocated on an exclusive basis to the civil sector
- Generated frequency-distance curves showing conditions to achieve mutual compatibility of a federal Ku-band radar with a sample set of co-band linear FM radars
Years Employer Title Department
Years: 2004 to 2007 Employer: Alion Science and Technology, Annapolis, MD Title: Senior Engineering Scientist Department: Spectrum Engineering
- Advised federal agency on long term national and international spectrum regulatory methodologies to protect spectrum access of data links, sensors, radar, and satellite networks
- Generated federal agency input contributions to World Radio Conference (WRC) preparatory process quantifying guard bands required to achieve compatibility between land-band radars and adjacent-band passive satellite sensors
- Designated as US spokesperson for International Telecommunication Union (ITU) Working Party 8B-1A UHF broadcasting satellite versus federal radar issue
- Quantified the ability of tethered aerostats to provide reliable emergency communications to public, first responder, and federal rescue forces -
- Determined interference potential between federal agency co-band radars
- Generated recommended policy initiative option documents specifying federal agency spectrum roles and responsibilities
Years Employer Title Department
Years: 1991 to 2004 Employer: USAF Frequency Management Agency, Washington, DC Title: Technical Director, GS-15 Department: Command Section
- Articulated and defended AF spectrum interests at national-level Interdepartment Radio Advisory Committee (IRAC)
- Advanced U.S. global spectrum access as a member of the US Delegation to Conference Preparatory Meeting and World Radio Conference
- Organized and led AF response to Congressional spectrum reallocations
- Generated AF input to National Third Generation (3G) Civil Communications study
- Briefed Congressional staffs on effects of proposed legislation of AF spectrum access
- Advocated innovative spectrum policies to military test range commanders
- Engineered national regulatory spectrum protection for AF spectrum-dependent systems
- Negotiated US/Canadian agreement protecting joint border radar operations
- Invited speaker on AF/DoD spectrum requirements to numerous industry groups and symposia
Years Employer Title Department
Years: 1982 to 1991 Employer: USAF Frequency Management Agency Title: Electronics Engineer, GS-14 Department: Engineering Section
- Quantified compliance of AF RF systems to national and international spectrum standards and policies
- Chaired interagency committee that generated federal necessary bandwidth policies and formulas
- Advanced international DOD spectrum interests as US member of the NATO Technical Advisory Group
Years Employer Title Department
Years: 1971 to 1982 Employer: DOD Joint Spectrum Center, Annapolis, MD Title: Electromagnetic Compatibility Engineer Department: US Army Office
- Generated comprehensive spectrum support program to obtain national and international spectrum approvals for federal radar
- Quantified adherence of federal agency RF systems to national and international spectrum standards
- Designated agency representative of Departmental frequency allocation approval working group
- Negotiated approval for temporary federal use of exclusive civil broadcast spectrum
Years Employer Title Department
Years: 1969 to 1971 Employer: Westinghouse Corporation Aerospace, Baltimore, MD Title: Radar Design Engineer Department: Radar Systems
- Authored System Theory chapter of L-band radar manual
- Designed digital twisted ring counter circuits for airborne military radar
- Evaluated and generated recommendations to enhance interference immunity of T2L logic devices

Government Experience

Years Agency Role Description
Years: 1991 to 2004 Agency: USAF Frequency Management Agency Role: Technical Director, GS-15 Description: He was responsible for advocating and defending USAF spectrum interests at the national-level Interdepartment Radio Advisory Committee (IRAC) and the International Telecommunications Union (ITU), as well as the generation of internal USAF spectrum policies.
Years: 1982 to 1991 Agency: USAF Frequency Management Agency Role: Electronic Engineer, GS-14 Description: He was responsible for advocating and defending the technical aspects of USAF spectrum use at the IRAC Technical Sub-committee (TSC) and representing US DOD technical spectrum requirements at the NATO EMC Agency (NEMCA).
Years: 1972 to 1982 Agency: Joint Spectrum Center Role: Electronic Engineer, GS-9/13 Description: He generated an overall multi-year spectrum compliance plan and several electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) analyses for a US Army Air Defense radar system

International Experience

Years Country / Region Summary
Years: 1985 to 1991 Country / Region: NATO EMC Advisory Group, Brussels, BE Summary: He represented the US military at the NATO EMC Advisory Group providing technical advice to senior NATO staff regarding the spectrum support and compatibility of NATO member radio frequency systems.
Years: 2003 to 2003 Country / Region: International Telecommunication Union, Geneva, Switzerland Summary: He served as the USAF representative on the US delegation to the 2003 ITU World Radio Communication Conference.
Years: 2012 to 2015 Country / Region: International Telecommunication Union, Geneva, Switzerland Summary: He served as a DOD representative to the US delegation to ITU Working Party 5B, where he successfully defended his papers advocating global C/Ku/Ka-band data link spectrum access.
Years: 2015 to 2015 Country / Region: International Telecommunication Union, Geneva, Switzerland Summary: He served as a DOD representative to the US delegation to the 2015 World Radiocommunication Conference (WRC-15), where he defended the US and NATO position advocating global Ku-band data link spectrum access.

Career Accomplishments

Associations / Societies
Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers - Senior Member (1970 - present)
Licenses / Certifications
Professional Engineer State of Maryland: 1969 - 2018
Advanced Class Amateur Radio License: 1975 - present
Awards / Recognition
His leadership and expertise have been consistently recognized and he has received numerous awards, including,
EXELIS “Small Business of the Year” Award
ITT Corporation “Lightning” Award
Defense Meritorious Service Award
Superior Performance Award
Letters of Commendation
Publications and Patents Summary
Author of over 20 publications whose topics include:
+ Civil / Military RF System Compatibility Analyses
• Spectrum Supportability Risk Assessments
• Evaluation of Millimeter Wave and Sub-Terahertz Frequency Bands for
Radar and Communication Applications,
• Identification of World Radiocommunication Conference Impacts to Future
Military System Spectrum Access
• Studies of Candidate Frequency Bands for Military Systems
• Quantification of EHF Satellite Communications (SATCOM) Spectrum
• Graphical Evaluation of Minimum Required Frequency-Distance
Separations to Achieve Mutual Electromagnetic Compatibility

+ International Telecommunication Union Recommendations
• Characteristics of and protection criteria for systems operating in the
mobile service in the frequency range 14.5-15.35 GHz, ITU-R M.2068
• Technical characteristics and protection criteria for aeronautical mobile
service systems in the frequency range 14.5-15.35 GHz, ITU-R M.2089
• Technical characteristics and protection criteria for aeronautical mobile
service systems in the frequency range 4400 – 4990 MHz, ITU-R M.2116
• Technical characteristics and protection criteria for aeronautical mobile
systems operating in the mobile service in the frequency range 21.2-22
GHz, ITU-R M.2120

Additional Experience

Training / Seminars
He presented original tutorials describing national and international spectrum management process at:
- MITRE Technical Institute
- IEEE Sarnoff Symposium,
- IEEE DySpan Conference
- Radio Spectrum Institute
- International Microwave Symposium,
- JIEDDO Consumer Electronics Focus Group
Marketing Experience
He served as a member of numerous marketing teams, where he generated text for the required spectrum management sections of RFIs and RFPs.
Other Relevant Experience
Advanced class amateur radio license 1980 - present

Fields of Expertise

Request Expert

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