Expert Details
Shell-and-Tube Heat Exchangers

ID: 721341
Colorado, USA
As a manufacturer (1957-1979) and as a consultant (1979-present), Expert has been deeply involved in all aspects of tube-to-tubesheet joining. He has published seven papers on the subject and helped advance the technologies of hydro-expanding and hybrid-expanding. He has been a member of the special working group on heat tran
As a consultant to several major utilities, Expert has trained personnel in inspecting, post mortem examination, repair of closed feedwater heaters, and shutdown cooling water coolers. He has examined, by fluid penetration and borescopy, various parts to locate failures, identify their causes, and specify the required repairs.
As a manufacturer from 1947-1979, Expert is experienced in all phases of heat exchangers. Based upon process information and mechanical parameters supplied by clients, Expert has provided complete specifications for the design and manufacture of tubular heat transfer equipment.
Expert has 45 years of experience in writing specifications, supervising, and consulting on alterations of heat exchangers. He has worked with repairs such as tube plugging and repairs of channels and shells of tubular heat exchangers. He has published a definitive paper on tube plugging and produced a commercially available "Guide to Tube Plugging."
Expert has experience designing, building, troubleshooting, repairing, and altering chemical process heat exchangers. This includes familiarity with TEMA Classes C, B, and R as well as non-TEMA exchangers. He is familiar with the application of US and foreign codes (ASME sec VIII, Div 1; BS B55500)
He is experienced in the design, construction, set-up, use, repair, and alteration of condensing heat exchangers.
Expert has designed and built "pump-around" reboilers and various types of pump through exchangers. He has also specified, altered, and repaired these exchangers.
Expert was responsible for completing mechanical and thermal evaluation of six very large low-pressure gas-to-gas heat exchangers for sulfuric acid recovery in a copper mining operation and subsequently two additional units.
Year | Degree | Subject | Institution |
Year: 1973 | Degree: Cert | Subject: | Institution: Industrial Radiography (Level II) - ASNT Course |
Year: 1947 | Degree: BChE | Subject: | Institution: New York University |
Work History
Years | Employer | Title | Department |
Years: 1988 to Present | Employer: Undisclosed | Title: Senior consultant | Department: |
Responsibilities:Available upon request. |
Years | Employer | Title | Department |
Years: 1979 to Present | Employer: Undisclosed | Title: President | Department: |
Responsibilities:Available upon request. |
Years | Employer | Title | Department |
Years: 1975 to 1994 | Employer: Yokell Sales and Construction | Title: Vice President and Director | Department: |
Responsibilities:Available upon request. |
Fields of Expertise
engineering specification, heat exchanger manufacturing, shell-and-tube heat exchanger design, heat exchanger tube-to-tubesheet joining, feedwater heater, heat exchanger, heat exchanger application, heat exchanger failure analysis, heat exchanger selection, high-temperature heat exchanger, shell-and-tube heat exchanger, heat exchanger factory, heat exchanger factory operation, shell-and-tube heat exchanger manufacturing, heat exchanger alteration, heat exchanger repairing, chemical process heat exchanger, condensing heat exchanger, forced-convection heat exchanger, gas-gas heat exchanger, heat exchanger failure, heat transfer equipment design, ASME boiler and pressure vessel code, condenser, construction inspection, quality assurance, natural convection heat exchanger, pressure vessel code, energy-efficient boiler, energy-efficient regenerative heater, energy-efficient waste heat recovery boiler, industrial plant design, energy-efficient heat exchanger, energy-efficient shell-and-tube heat exchanger, feedwater heater standard, American Society of Mechanical Engineers standard, American Society of Mechanical Engineers code, vacuum heat exchanger, regenerative heat exchanger, recuperator, mechanical engineering, liquid-liquid heat exchanger, inventory control, heat transfer, gas-liquid heat exchanger, forced convection, heat exchange condenser