Security, Premises Liability, Foreseeability, Guard Force Standards of Conduct, Espionage, Trades
ID: 724805
California, USA
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As a 25+ year veteran of the Directorate of Operations of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), Expert has extensive training and experience in conducting intelligence and counterintelligence operations worldwide. The development of effective Competitive Intelligence Countermeasures in the private sector requires an intimate understanding of how competitors target your company and how industrial espionage is conducted. An understanding of how espionage is conducted is a prerequisite to the development of effective countermeasures. Based on years of personal experience, Expert understands how governments and private corporate interests conduct espionage and what measures need to be taken to protect against these threats. Industrial espionage in the private sector, both abroad and within the United States, generally involves techniques and technology used by foreign intelligence services. In fact, foreign intelligence services are frequently involved in industrial espionage targeted against U.S. businesses, not only abroad but within the United States as well. Since leaving the government, Expert has been the managing director of a private Investigation Agency which provides consulting and investigative services to the Private Sector. These services are focused on evaluating both the physical security and the security of the Information Systems, with a view to providing tailored countermeasures to protect Trade Secrets and Proprietary Information, as well as protecting their personnel and other corporate assets. Expert also teaches a graduate course on Information Protection Systems at a local university .
Provided consulting services to fortune 500 companies to survey sites and develop measures to harden business sites against threat of terrorists.Provided security surveys to universities and solutions addressing the threat of violence on campuses.Evaluated and provided guidelines to develop an effective pre-hiring screening process for new employees.Conducted security surveys of various sites to evaluate adequacy of existing security measures and make recommendations for improvements.Provided guidance to corporate boards for protecting against threat of competitor intelligence collection and loss of proprietary information.