Expert Details
School Liability, Improper Supervision, Playground & Bus Safety, Bullying, Corporal Punishment, Child Custody

ID: 728426
New York, USA
He provides support and / testimony in the following:
· Child Custody School Determination Matters
· Education Neglect
· Improper School Supervision Cases
· School Liability Cases including Playgrounds, Bussing and Bullying Issues
· Special Education Impartial Hearings
· Corporal Punishment Matters
· 3020(a) hearings
· “U” Ratings
· Discontinuance Hearings
· Appeals and Reviews
He has served as a litigation consultant for Corporation Counsel NYC (Queens Office). He has mentored over 300 supervisory (Principal) candidates.He has mentored aprox. 150 M.S. in Education candidates. He was a consultant for the NYC and Mount Vernon School Districts. He has conducted seminars for the College of St. Rose, Pace University, and Touro College. He has served as a litigation consultant for teachers, parents and schools, and school districts.
Year | Degree | Subject | Institution |
Year: 1982 | Degree: P.D. | Subject: Education Supervision and Administration | Institution: Pace University |
Year: 1982 | Degree: M.S. | Subject: Education Supervision and Administration | Institution: Pace University |
Year: 1973 | Degree: M.S. | Subject: Education | Institution: Lehman College |
Year: 1970 | Degree: B.S. | Subject: Early Childhood and Elementary Education | Institution: Long Island University |
Work History
Years | Employer | Title | Department |
Years: 2004 to Present | Employer: Undisclosed | Title: Consultant and Principal Mentor | Department: |
Responsibilities:He is a court qualified, an experienced, expert witness who provides technical support for litigation involving school liability cases, school corporal punishment issues, school choice for child custody, educational malpractice, educational neglect, special education evaluation and placement, supervision of school personnel, “U” ratings and NYS Ed law 3020(a) proceedings. He is also a college mentor and he also provides consulting services to schools and school districts. |
Years | Employer | Title | Department |
Years: 1970 to 2003 | Employer: NYC Department of Education | Title: Principal and various other positions | Department: |
Responsibilities:He has served as an award-winning elementary school and secondary school principal, assistant principal, special education supervisor, crisis interventionist, and classroom teacher. |
Years | Employer | Title | Department |
Years: 2003 to Present | Employer: Undisclosed | Title: Adjunct Professor and Mentor | Department: |
Responsibilities:He was a mentor for 124 M.S. (General Education and/or Special Education) Candidates and teaches graduate-level course work. |
Years | Employer | Title | Department |
Years: 2007 to 2008 | Employer: Empire State College | Title: Adjunct | Department: |
Responsibilities:He was a mentor for 12 MAT Candidates/ NYC Teaching Fellows and taught graduate-level coursework. |
Years | Employer | Title | Department |
Years: 2001 to Present | Employer: Undisclosed | Title: Adjunct | Department: |
Responsibilities:He was a mentor for 324 Administrative Interns (Principal Candidates), taught graduate-level course work, presented seminars, and served on the graduate school of School Administration program's admissions committee. |
Years | Employer | Title | Department |
Years: 2003 to 2004 | Employer: Mercy College | Title: Mentor | Department: |
Responsibilities:He was a mentor and teacher in the ICP Masters Program |
Years | Employer | Title | Department |
Years: 1996 to 1997 | Employer: Pace University | Title: Adjunct Associate Professor | Department: |
Responsibilities:He taught graduate-level coursework. |
Years | Employer | Title | Department |
Years: 1995 to 1997 | Employer: ORPAL (NYC BOE Licensing Division) | Title: Testing Associate | Department: |
Responsibilities:He examined supervisory candidates for professional licensure. |
Career Accomplishments
Associations / Societies |
Phi Delta Kappa, Pace University, Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development, Council For Exceptional Children, Council of Supervisors and Administrators, Mentoring Leadership and Resource Network, Roundtable Scholar, Westchester Bar Association (non-lawyer affiliate) |
Licenses / Certifications |
He holds the following licenses: NYS School District Administrator, NYS School Administrator and Supervisor, NYS Teacher PreK-6, NYC Principal Day Elementary Schools, NYC Principal Junior High and Middle Schools, NYC Assistant Principal Elementary, Middle and Junior High Schools, NYC Supervisor of Special Education Programs, NYC Teacher Common Branch Subjects K-6, NYC Teacher Early Childhood Education Pre K-12, NYC Teacher Special Education Pre K-12, and NYCTeacher of Health Education and Recreation in Playgrounds, NYS DASA (Dignity for All Students Act/Bullying) Qualified Teacher Trainer, Playground Supervisor Certification |
Awards / Recognition |
Bachelor Degree-Granted Cum Laude, Masters Degree - Granted with Distinction, Professional Diploma -First in Class, Dean’s List- F/67, S/68, F/69, S/70, University Honors - Society of Optimates, Ed. Department Honors, Cedar Knolls School -Certificate of Honor, NYCBOE Division of Special Education -Letter of Commendation American Red Cross- Certificate of Appreciation, American Red Cross - Twenty-Year Pin, N.A.A.C.P. - Letter of Commendation, Close-up Foundation- Civic Achievement Award, Westchester County Clerk- Service Award, Certificate Westchester County Executive-Certificate of Appreciation, A.G.O.B.E. (A Group of Black Educators) Parenting Group/Trinity Baptist Church (Bx) PA, - Certificate of Appreciation Jewish Teachers Community Chest- Leadership Award, Bronx Borough President- Citations of Merit, Congressional Record - Citations, New York State Senate- Citations, and NYS Education Department- PS 111 Most Improved Schools (Math)1999-2003 |
Additional Experience
Expert Witness Experience |
He has testified and /or consulted in cases involving;· 3020(a) hearings · “U” Ratings · Discontinuance Hearings · Child Custody School Determination Matters · Education Neglect · Appeals and Reviews · Improper School Supervision Cases · School Liability Cases including Playground Accidents, Corporal Punishment and School Bus Problems, and School Bullying · Special Education Impartial Hearings |
Training / Seminars |
Dissertations, Presentations, and Publications “The Effects of NYC BOE Decentralization on Special Pupils’ Needs” B.S. Project “Developmental Training Equipment for Early Childhood Learning Disabled Students” M.S. Thesis “Patterning of Early Childhood Students” Pace U Learning Co-Op “Literacy Assessment Tools for Pupils with Special Needs” CSA Convention “School Choices in Child Custody Cases” WCBA News Letter “Differentiated Instruction” CITE presentation “Academic Success for Special Needs Students” CITE presentation “Moving Teachers in the Box” CITE presentation “Observation Techniques for School Supervisors” CITE presentation “Programming for Literacy and Numeracy Programs” Superintendent’s Conference |