Expert Details
Rubber Plantation sector: Seeds to Sheet

ID: 739036
Expert possesses 37 years of professional experience, including as a rubber research leader at the Rubber Research Institute of India (2008-2013). In this role, Expert monitored research and developmental activities in all four Regional Research Stations of Tripura, Assam, Meghalaya, and West Bengal. Expert was involved in various activities for the development and extension of rubber in the northeast region of India since 1986, serving in different positions in RRII, Rubber Board, and farm superintendent in Silk Board, India.
He was also a Senior Research Fellow at Calcutta University. Expert is also a professional society member of 6 associations in India. He has published 49 articles and journal papers on natural rubber and related disciplines and presented more than 30 papers in national seminars and symposia. Got exposure trips to all the major rubber growing areas of the world, viz. Malaysia, Indonesia, China, Thailand, Philippines, Myanmar, Cambodia, and Vietnam.
Year | Degree | Subject | Institution |
Year: 2005 | Degree: PhD | Subject: Agricultural Botany | Institution: GAUHATI University |
Year: 1975 | Degree: MSc(Agri) in Agricultural Botany | Subject: Plant Physiology | Institution: Calcutta University |
Work History
Years | Employer | Title | Department |
Years: 2008 to 2013 | Employer: The Rubber Board Govt of India | Title: Project Coordinator | Department: RRII |
Responsibilities:Monitoring & evaluation of all the Research and Developmental activities in all the four Regional Research Stations in Assam, Tripura, Meghalaya and Northern part of West Bengal. Execution of various infrastructural developments in Regional Research Stations including setting up of modern laboratories/offices.Was involved in various activities for the development and extension of rubber in the NE region. Was actively involved in infrastructure development in four stations in Northeastern region. Acted as member of the selection committee for Deputy Director (RS), RRS, Guwahati, Junior Field Officers/Field Assistants/Junior Assistants /Steno/Farm Assistant/Peon/ Watcher for the Research and Zonal Offices in the NE Region of the Rubber Board. Conducting training classes on harvesting/processing and general aspects of rubber plantations. Served as member of the Editorial Committee of the Natural Rubber Research /Rubber Science published by the Rubber Research Institute of India, Rubber Board, Kottayam, Kerala |
Years | Employer | Title | Department |
Years: 1995 to 2008 | Employer: The Rubber Board Govt of India | Title: Deputy Director | Department: RRII |
Responsibilities:Monitoring of 20 different research projects undertaken in RRS Guwahati & RES Nagrakata (West Bengal, India) to find out the real constraints for the growth and production of natural rubber from Hevea brasiliensis under nontraditional rubber growing tracts of Northeastern India encompassing analyses, evaluation of technical components involved in rubber crop production under two different Agro ecological regions of IndiaProvide technical assistance to the planters on crop production To find out the promising (like Tea) new alternative high value inter crops for small holders' livelihood improvement and income generation Prepare and edit technical papers for publication Generate and supply updated data and organize meetings etc. to promote quality production of rubber crop and latex processing. Conducting training classes on harvesting/processing and general aspects of rubber plantations. Perform other related tasks as and when assigned by the Director of Research. Serve in the selection committee for the appointment of Jr Field officer, Jr Assistants, Farm Assistants, Driver, Peons. Implement infrastructure development projects in RRS Tura (Meghalaya)and RRS Nagrakata (West Bengal) |
Years | Employer | Title | Department |
Years: 1986 to 1995 | Employer: The Rubber Board Govt of India | Title: Plant Physiologist | Department: RRII |
Responsibilities:Plan; execute all plant Physiological experimental Projects including preparation of various technical reports, publications etc. Main impetus was to find out the agro ecological constraints leading to the rubber crop production under nontraditional rubber growing tract of India. Maintenance of all equipment in the plant physiology laboratoryIn charge of crop (rubber latex yield) in the 85-ha farm. Conducting training classes on harvesting/ processing and general aspects of rubber plantations. Look after the overall administration of the Regional Research Station in absence of the Dy Director. Assist the Dy Director in organizing various training programme, Seminar, National level meetings etc. Any other related tasks as assigned by the Dy Director, RRS, Agartala |
Years | Employer | Title | Department |
Years: 1982 to 1986 | Employer: Central Silk Board Govt of India | Title: Farm Superintendent | Department: CSRTI Mysore |
Responsibilities:Monitoring the entire process of production of good quality mulberry leaves from 80 ha plantation following appropriate package of practices of cultivation including crop protection.Coordinating with mulberry agronomy/breeding, Silkworm Physiology/breeding/ Genetics divisions for rearing of silkworm throughout the year supplying good quality of leaves at various life cycle stages of silkworm Bombyx mori. Other related works as and when assigned by the Dy Director (Mori), Jt. Director (Mori)., Director |
Career Accomplishments
Associations / Societies |
Indian Society for Plantation Crops (ISPC), Kasaragod, Kerala Indian Society for Plant Physiology & Biochemistry, New Delhi Indian Society for Plant Physiology (ISPP), New Delhi Agricultural Society of India, Kolkata Indian Association of Biological Sciences, Kolkata Member Knowledge Management for Development. Brussels, Belgium, Senior Advisor, Institute of Rubber and Jatropha Research, Nepal, |
Publications and Patents Summary |
He has published 49 articles and journal papers on natural rubber and related disciplines and presented more than 30 papers in national seminars and symposia. |
Additional Experience
Training / Seminars |
No., TOPIC, VENUE, SPONSORED BY, DATE 1 The GIS Training Programme on ArcGIS Desktop 10 & Spatial Analyst RRII, Rubber Board, Kottayam, Kerala, RUBBER BOARD Govt of India 30/04/2012 to 04/05/2012 2 Recent trends of Geo-informatics in land resource database management for sustainable agriculture, NBSS&LUP,ICAR, Nagpur, Maharashtra ICAR, Govt. of India 15/11/2011 to 28/11/2011 3 16th Management Development Programme in Agricultural Research NAARM, ICAR, Hyderabad, Andhrapradesh ICAR, Govt. of India 20/10/2011 to 25/10/2011 4 Training Course on” Application for Remote Sensing & GIS in Land evaluation for Land Use planning” NBSS&LUP,ICAR Jorhat Assam ICAR, Govt. of India 10/01/2011 to 30/01/2011 5 Leadership development programme for Junior and middle level scientists LBSNAA, Mussoorie Uttarakhand DST, Govt of india 01/02/2010 to 05/02/2010 6 Winter School on “Remote Sensing & GIS application in Soil,Land and Agriculture” NBSS&LUP,ICAR, Nagpur, Maharashtra ISRO & ICAR Govt of India 09/02/2009 to 01/03/2009 7 Training on ”Remote Sensing and Geographical Information System(RS&GIS)in Land Resource Studies Towards Land Use Planning” NBSS&LUP,ICAR Jorhat Assam ISRO & ICAR Govt of India 05/03/2008 to 25/03/2008 8 Training on General Management for Senior Scientists ASCI, Hyderabad, Andhrapradesh DST Govt of India 20/08/2007 to 31/08/2007 9 Short Term Executive Programme on R&D Management IIPM Bangalore Karnataka, RUBBER BOARD Govt of India, 12/06/2000 to 14/06/2000 10 Short Course on Agroclimatological Approaches for managing Biotic and Abiotic stresses TNAU Coimbatore Tamilnadu ICAR Govt of India 22/06/1998 to 01/07/1998 11 Course on DOS/WINDOWS/MS OFFICE (Word/EXCEL/Power point TULEC Computer Education, Guwahati, Assam RUBBER BOARD 14/10/1997 to 18/02/1998 12 National Workshop on Bioinformatics and its application in Life Science Dept of Biotechnology, AAU, Jorhat, Assam DBT Govt of India 25/05/1995 to 27/05/1995 13 Technical training Cum Seminar on Operation Application & Maintenance of LICOR Instruments Division of Plant Physiology IARI, New Delhi LICOR-Inc USA 13/01/1991 to 20/01/1991 14 Bioenergetics of Photosynthesis: Studies on functional Aspects of energy transducing photosynthetic apparatus& related Bioenergetic processes School of Life Sciences, JNU New Delhi DBT, Govt of India 05/12/1988 to 24/12/1988 15 Training Cum seminar on the use of instruments for measurement of plant and environmental parameters IARI, New Delhi ICAR, Licor inc. & Elron Instruments 22/02/1988 to 29/02/1988 16 Advanced training on “Biochemical aspects of grain quality of rice” CRRI, ICAR, Cuttack Orissa, The Ford Foundation & ICAR 02/09/1980 to 31/12/1980 Training abroad: Overseas training for six weeks were undertaken as deputed by the rubber Board, Ministry of Commerce & Industry, Govt of India, w.e.f 01/01/2003 to 13/02/2003 to National Research Council Italy at the Institute of Agro-Environment and Forest Biology, Rome. Worked under Dr Angelo Massacci Responsible Scientist, IBAF, CNR on the “effect of low temperature and high light on Mandarin Orange grown at different temperature regimes”. |
Other Relevant Experience |
Relevant Skill Areas: • Leading implementation of various types of mixed-methods evaluations (impact, performance, meta, etc.), analyses, and assessments • Data quality control and analysis skills including command of statistics, sampling methodologies, statistical analysis software, and data validation techniques • Drafting and finalizing evaluation reports • Designing and implementing programs in agriculture sector including skill development |