Expert Details
Retail Pharmacy, Drug to Drug Interactions, Medication Management Therapy
ID: 731404
New York, USA
Expert does most off the consultations with patients when at work for CVS. In his own store, he used 3x5 index cards before computers to install a system of patient record keeping indicating allergies to drugs, patients who were on blood thinners, and certain of their medical information to provide better care for them
Year | Degree | Subject | Institution |
Year: 1957 | Degree: BS | Subject: Pharmacy | Institution: Brooklyn College of Pharmacy, Long Island University |
Work History
Years | Employer | Title | Department |
Years: 2000 to Present | Employer: Undisclosed | Title: Part time staff pharmacist | Department: Retail Pharmacy |
Responsibilities:Expert can take care of customers at drop off but spends almost all the time of his shift doing quality verification of almost all scripts filled while he is there. His focus also is to answer all questions the customers will ask either in person or on the phone. Calling physicians for patients Rxs and questioning doctors about prescriptions is also a daily function. |
Years | Employer | Title | Department |
Years: 1970 to 2000 | Employer: Seventh Avenue Pharmacy | Title: owner and operator of the pharmacy | Department: |
Responsibilities:Responsible for all pharmacy operations from purchasing prescription drugs and otcs to managing the financial aspects of a business. Determining the focus of the pharmacy to achieve certain goals, hiring of proper personal to achieve those goals, and having the pharmacy succeed in a highly competitive area of the city was an everyday challenge that Expert was successful in inviting the buy out from CVS |
Years | Employer | Title | Department |
Years: 1967 to 2000 | Employer: Smith, Kline and French Labs. | Title: Sales representative to Health Services Administrator | Department: Professional Services Division |
Responsibilities:Calling on both private office based physicians and hospital practice physicians to keep the SKF product line foremost in their prescribing habits. Serving as Liaison to all the Medical Schools in the country, the student AMA, the AOA, selecting the recipients of grant money from SKF to various professional organizations, and generally representing SKF at various functions |
Career Accomplishments
Associations / Societies |
Expert is a member of the Pharmaceutical Society off the State of New York |
Licenses / Certifications |
Registered Pharmacist |
Additional Experience
Expert Witness Experience |
Exert has never been called as an expert witness but have been called upon to explain many issues related to retail pharmacy such as Medicaid, Medicare, PBM and marketing issues |
Vendor Selection |
Expert was able to locate vendors who sold certain items as DME which he sold in his pharmacy both privately and on Medicare. Expert also was a leader in the neighborhood in stocking and selling vitamins and health related supplements before it was the huge business it is today carrying many lines of product offering the consumer a wide choice |
Marketing Experience |
Expert was able to convince SKF that selling the same products across America in certain areas just did not make sense from a very practical point of view. He arranged his hours to see more physicians by simply changing a 9-5 to 8-4 schedule as most hospital physicians such as residents and internes were available then. |
Other Relevant Experience |
Expert is a very concerned pharmacist and seems to be able to reach out to customers who are in need and not always able to do so. His maturity allows him to be empathetic with both young and old alike in a retail setting while still being comfortable in the physicians office when discussing a professional subject. |