Expert Details
Psychologist, Psychotherapist and Clinical Supervisor
ID: 736044
Expert is a Counselling Psychologist, Psychotherapist and Supervisor living and practicing in Cork, Ireland. She has over 20 years' professional experience, most of which has been in private practice as a counselling psychologist and psychotherapist. As a supervisor, Expert supervises other therapists, counselors, and social workers. More recently, she has begun offering supervision to medical practitioners as well as workshops to organisations such as the RNLI Lifeboats.
Expert receives referrals from GP's, psychiatrists, and various organisations and agencies via EAPs. She has specialized experience in bereavement and trauma work and worked part time for Barnardos Bereavement Service for Children and Families for over six years.
Expert has developed and delivered a substance misuse and personal development module to transition year students for 17 years. She has a keen interest in working with teenagers in both individual and group settings and am a constant advocate for improved sex education and communication with this age group.
Expert very much enjoys writing her own blog; she co-authored and has contributed to other sites, particularly, but not exclusively around parenting and teenage issues.
Expert is concentrating on and very much enjoying a busy full time private practice. She is open to consultation and research opportunities.
Year | Degree | Subject | Institution |
Year: 2020 | Degree: Diploma | Subject: Certified Cyber Therapy | Institution: Online Therapy Institute |
Year: 2019 | Degree: Certificate | Subject: EMDR Therapy | Institution: Cork Institute of Technology |
Year: 2007 | Degree: Certificate | Subject: European Certificate Psychotherapy | Institution: European Association of Psychotherapy |
Year: 1994 | Degree: MA Couns Psych | Subject: Counseling Psychology | Institution: Univsersity College Cork, Ireland |
Year: 1992 | Degree: BA | Subject: Pure Psychology | Institution: National University Galway, (then UCG), Ireland |
Work History
Years | Employer | Title | Department |
Years: 1995 to Present | Employer: Undisclosed | Title: Counselling Psychologist, psychotherapist, Supervisor | Department: |
Responsibilities:Full time private practice. |
Years | Employer | Title | Department |
Years: 1999 to 2017 | Employer: Midleton College, Cork. | Title: Personal Development, Substance Abuse Prevention and Sexual Health facilitator | Department: Teaching |
Responsibilities:Designed and delivered a ten module programme to 15 and 16 year old in a school setting with weekly 2 hour sessions. |
Years | Employer | Title | Department |
Years: 2004 to 2011 | Employer: Barnardos | Title: Child and family bereavement counsellor | Department: Family Bereavement Section |
Responsibilities:As part of a team worked with individual parents, children and family groups specialised in traumatic bereavement and maintained CPD and upskilling with art and play therapy. Liaised with social work departments, GPs, community services and psychiatrists where appropriate. |
Career Accomplishments
Licenses / Certifications |
BA Psych, MA Couns Psych MIAHIP, SIAHIP, EAP, MICP. Assoc member PSI. (Dip Cyber therapy will be awarded within next month). |