Expert Details
Plumbing System Design; Water Fittings Design; UK Water Regulations; Legionella

ID: 728951
United Kingdom
Expert maintains my knowledge of the current requirements as an unbiased expert by using the NEWA Newsletters to keep up to date with the latest requirements of legal procedures.
Expert's experience in the Expert Witness field includes:
He was engaged to advise the UK's Advertising Standards Agency (ASA) on technical issues relating to water products. He undertook research for the ASA on research into the science of electro-magnetic water conditioners and also on other water related issues. The report He wrote on electro-magnetic devices has led the Agency to revise their guidance on allowable advertising for these devices.
Expert's experience of testing and standards has resulted in many reports being used in expert testimony. He was involved as a joint-expert on a case relating to the use of water meters in domestic and commercial properties; and another case regarding the protection if hose union bib-taps when installed in farm buildings and he gave evidence on behalf of the buildings user.
Expert has worked in the past on mains pipe-line failures, sewer failures, MDPE electrical ducting failures upon a large industrial estate, failure to a copper jointing system within a large government office complex, numerous small-bore copper pipe failures, incidents of "blue" water and plumbing failures, valve failures etc.
I have undertaken work in the design and construction of hot and cold water systems for both commercial and domestic facilities. In particular I have undertaken work on buildings where the original design has failed to meet the owner's requirements; or to meet the requirements of the plumbing codes existing in the UK.
I have been involved in the design of a complete new water system in a large domestic dwelling in North Wales which contained five en-suite bedrooms and large living areas where the installed system was both expensive to operate and did not meet the UK Water Regulation's requirements. The new system was fully designed and new plans, scope of works, programme of works etc provided so as to ensure the plumber installed the system in accordance with the new design were provided. I oversaw and approved the installation and was fully involved in the commissioning process which resulted in successful completion of the works.
In addition I have designed and oversaw the construction and commissioning of a large water storage system for a southern hospital trust, and later was awarded a further contract to oversee the analysis and inspection of the site's bore holes and the design and construction of a new water storage system for the same hospital. I undertook the contractual arrangements and design of a large cistern refurbishment to another hospital trust and commissioned the system after its installation.
I had fourteen years employment with WRc-NSF and have been 15 years as proprietor of RAH Consultancy. I have been involved in the inspection of a large number of plumbing systems so as to ensure that they complied with the requirements of the UK Water Regulations in particular the British Standard BS6700 regarding plumbing installation, commissioning and testing. I have been involved in the investigation of failures which have occurred to piping systems and water fittings and attachments within premises. these buildings included high rise office blocks, government offices etc as well as domestic properties.
In particular I was involved in the inspection of a number of failed mains during a water companies refurbishment and installation of water metering systems, I identified the cause of failure and provided a means of restitution.
Expert was involved in the inspection of a large sewer tunnel lately installed by a major UK water undertaker and which had failed within one year of its construction. The installation within the tunnel of 500mm GRP pipe-work within a concrete benching had failed, and the pipes were breached and leaking. The cause of the failure was proven to be due to a failure in the design of the concrete benching and this was accepted by parties acting for the contractor gaining the water company satisfactory damages.
Expert has carried out superstore water system inspections on behalf of a major retailer so as to ensure the stores were compliant with the Water Regulations and he wrote detailed reports on the changes necessary so as to ensure they would remain compliant.
Expert has been involved in the production of various Standards from the start of his career with WRc-NSF to the present day. The UK water companies have long used Water Byelaws which have now been replaced by the Water Regulations. They now form the basis of all the work conducted by RAH Consultancy. Products are tested to a range of UKAS Accredited Test Methods which are based on the relevant parts of British and later, European Standards. In the past he was involved in the writing of test criteria and this experience is still of great relevance to RAH Consultancy.
In addition to working on internal standards Expert has been a Member of European Standard Committees including TC 164 WG7 & WG8. In British Standards he has served on the UK Mirror Group pertaining to Water Meters and their testing.
Expert is particularly proud that he initiated the Standard- "Safe Working Temperature Thermostatic Mixing Valves" for the NHS. These types of valve are produced for use in the NHS initially and he instigated the initial meeting of a panel of Health Service Engineers, Valve Manufacturers and the WRc test house which he represented at that initial meeting. As a result of this meeting an Industry Standards Committee was formed on which he served during the drafting of test criteria to ensure valve would be anti-scald. This standard was accepted by the industry and a Certification Scheme was set up which was managed by WRc. He wrote all the test methodologies for the scheme, designed and built the test rig and obtained UKAS Accreditation for the rig. He acted as secretary to the Scheme for some time and continued to serve the committee as a technical advisor. The Scheme successfully continues to this day and has been extended to include domestic anti-scald valves as well.
Expert was the Secretary of Kiwa Watertec UK Water Regulations Scheme for over 10 years. This position allows him to remain au-fait with the latest Guidance and proposed Regulation of the plumbing and heating industries.
In Water Metering Expert had been heavily involved in the design, construction and operation of a water meter testing rigs and successfully gained UKAS Accreditation for a rig of this type. He wrote all the test code sheets, manuals etc. and provided the numerical calculations for the test rigs limits of error. This experience has remained a pillar of his competence.
Expert has contributed to various standards committees through reading and annotating standards studied during the production of testing criteria and during the editing stages of Standards production.
RAH Consultancy has recently been engaged in the writing of new Industry Standard for High Temperature Taps (boiling taps). This Standard is now approaching completion and publication.
Expert had been contracted by H.M. Prison Service to write a revised Manuel relating to Legionella Control within their establishments; this including producing draft contracts and procedures to ensure compliance with health & safety legislation. This contract required study of current legislation world-wide to ensure best possible practice. The document was accepted and issued.
Expert was also co-opted to a Committee of the Building Research Establishment which was tasked with producing an Industry standard for the testing and certification of "grey-water systems." This standard consisted of two sections, one relating to installation, commissioning and safety requirements, including relevant Building and Water Regulations; and the other setting out a testing method for proving the efficiency of such devices. This Standard is still current.
As mentioned above, Expert was involved in the writing of Guidance on the control of legionella on behalf of the H.M.Prison Service.
Expert also managed a project, undertaken on behalf of H.M.Prison Service, investigating the growth of Fungi within G.R.P. Cisterns installed in prison premises. This project, due to concerns as to the presence within these growths of legionella. The report was able to conclude that the dangers from these growths were moderate but were of concern.
Expert undertook a contract within a large hospital in the South East trust for the examination of the water system of the entire site of several hectares. He produced diagrammatic arrangement drawings of the established works and the wrote a subsequent report as to the design changes necessary to ensure current best practice and design changes to the system, including the provision and erection of new water storage facilities.
Expert's work continued with the inspection of a large luxury apartment block in London where high water temperatures were regularly occurring. This work resulted in long term monitoring of the premises until recommended reconstruction could commons.
Expert was involved in a Expert dispute concerning a death from Legionella in a resort hotel on the Red Sea. He was the Expert for the widow of the deceased, he examined all the legionella risk assessments and the recorded data and produced a report on the quality of the hotel's systems. He engaged with the opposing Expert but regrettably was unable to produce a joint Expert's declaration. Shortly afterwards the Solicitors involved were able to conclude a satisfactory conclusion for our Client.
RAH Consultancy was further involved with a Legionella casualty who had contracted the illness whilst using the shower in the offices of a steelworks. He was able to produce a Report heavily criticising the company's risk assessment procedures. A difficult negotiation occurred between himself and the opposing Expert but a report conclusion was agreed which continued to criticise the steelworks. This case again satisfied RAH Consultancy's Client.
He maintains currency with the latest developments by regular updates from noted internet sites.
Expert was involved for many years in helping manufacturers to design their products so as to comply with the very specific requirements of the UK Water Supply (Water Fittings) Regulations 1999. These Regulations require that devices be manufactured from specific materials (which have themselves been tested for compliance) and may also limit water usage of devices and require specific types of back-flow protection depending on where the water will be discharged. In recent years whilst self-employed he has continued to provide guidance to manufacturers in the design of products some of which are listed below.
Expert designed a Type DC Backflow Prevention device for the manufacturer of invalid bathing equipment. The design of this device was exclusively for the Manufacturer's use. Designed the prototype which then the Manufacturer produced.He tested this device prior to its submission to the Test and Assessment Group of WRAS and negotiated with the TAG as to its suitability for use and as to its meeting the design requirements of the relevant European Standard. As a result of his assistance the product was “listed”.
Expert worked for a manufacturer of jug filters regarding the design of a new product range for direct connection to the water supply. He was required to investigate possible tap Manufacturers, their product and quality and report on suitable choices. The consultancy continued with RAH Consultancy being involved in the design process, RAH Consultancy was particularly involved in the design of a flow monitor that was required to inform the user of the continued efficiency of the device. He advised on materials of construction etc. and on the unit's back-flow requirements. WRAS certification was obtained.
A particular area of Expert's expertise is in the testing of products for compliance with British, European and world-wide standards. This has often led to consultancy work on a product so as to make it more saleable in a variety of markets. In many cases this requires either changes to the materials or to the product design itself. This has been particularly relevant to Thermostatic Mixing Valves in which area he has a great deal of knowledge.
Expert has been involved in the production of a thermostatic valve that was required to meet the anti-scalding specification legislation in the UK. This valve was falling behind in its design and he was called in to provide advice on the product. As a result of studying the device's operation under test he was able to rapidly suggest the required alterations in it's design. The prototype was rapidly brought up to production quality and entered the market on schedule.
Has been requested to act as the Secretary of the Advisory and Audit Committee of the KIWA UK Water Regulations Approval Scheme. This Committee has been set up to act as an overseeing body for this scheme which offers approval of products to the requirements of the Regulator’s Criteria. This committee acts as an overseeing body to ensure probity in the operation of the above Scheme and is not intended to act as a rival to WRAS but to seek to operate in liaison with it.
Has advised the Dutch national test house KIWA on the design and testing of Thermostatic Mixing Valves for Domestic and Health-Care applications.
Has provided an experts report with regard to a bore hole system on a country property in the north of England. Inspection of the property water supply, taking of water samples and instructing the laboratory on the required testing. Provision of a report on the boreholes compliance with good practice and the necessary rehabilitation of the same.
Has advised the householders of a property in North Wales as to the quality of the plumbing and heating systems within their premise. Providing a detailed report as to the systems compliance with the Water Regulations and to BS 6700 and the Plumbing Design Guide. Negotiation with the Builder as to the requisite actions to be taken. On his eventual agreement with the reports findings the total plumbing system was redesigned by him, working drawings provided and all the plumbing re-installed in accordance with best practice. The plumbing works was overseen by him, and was installed and commissioned to the complete satisfaction of the building’s owner and without occasion to go to court. Has provided advice regarding the failure of a water supply system within a hotel situated in Northern Ireland where the local water undertaking and his contractor had been conducting a mains water repair in the area. Testing of the failed fitting and provision of a report on the failure.
Year | Degree | Subject | Institution |
Year: 2001 | Degree: City & Guilds | Subject: Certificate for Utility Operations– Water Distribution - Water Regulations for Enforcement Staff. | Institution: City & Guilds Certificate |
Year: 1976 | Degree: Cerificate of Competency 1st class | Subject: Engineering - Motorship | Institution: Board of trade |
Year: 1970 | Degree: Endorsement to O.N.D. | Subject: Marine Engineering | Institution: Institution of Marine Engineers, in assoc. Dept of Educ. |
Year: 1968 | Degree: O.N.D. | Subject: Marine Engineering | Institution: Institution of Marine Engineers, in assoc. Dept of Educ. |
Work History
Years | Employer | Title | Department |
Years: 2004 to 2018 | Employer: (Undisclosed) | Title: Director | Department: |
Responsibilities:Is sole proprietor of a water consultancy business specializing in commercial and domestic water systems. |
Years | Employer | Title | Department |
Years: 1989 to 2004 | Employer: (Undisclosed) | Title: Senior Account Executive | Department: New Projects |
Responsibilities:Was responsible for contract management of many projects such as water meter testing, thermostatic valve testing and was promoted to head up the new certification scheme "Buildcert" |
Years | Employer | Title | Department |
Years: 1984 to 1988 | Employer: (Undisclosed) | Title: Proprietor | Department: |
Responsibilities:Had undertaken expatriate works on projects in South America, Saudi etc and also owned a hotel-restaurant. |
Years | Employer | Title | Department |
Years: 1980 to 1983 | Employer: (Undisclosed) | Title: Commissioning Engineer | Department: |
Responsibilities:Had responsibility for mechanical commissioning of diesel power stations at New Marte, Nigeria and north Mole, Gibraltar. |
Years | Employer | Title | Department |
Years: 1978 to 1980 | Employer: (Undisclosed) | Title: Engineer | Department: Large Engines Division |
Responsibilities:Had a position as Engineer in the overhauling and maintenance of large bore diesel engines within this organisation. Final position at New Marte, Nigeria where he was offered a position with the main contractor. |
Years | Employer | Title | Department |
Years: 1976 to 1978 | Employer: (Undisclosed) | Title: 2nd Engineer Officer. | Department: |
Responsibilities:Had served as Second Engineer Officer on the bulk carrier fleet of Canadian Pacific. Served on vessels up to 250,000 tons. His career at sea was terminated by an accidental slip and fall down a ship’s hatch whilst dry docking in Setubal. Portugal, this resulted in a fractured pelvis that required six months to recuperate. |
Years | Employer | Title | Department |
Years: 1966 to 1976 | Employer: (Undisclosed) | Title: 2nd Engineer Officer | Department: |
Responsibilities:Has served in all ranks from Cadet Engineer Officer to Second Engineering Officer. Completed a five and a half year apprenticeship that included experience within the companies ship repair shore based staff. Attained a First Class Certificate of Competency and sailed as Second Engineer Officer at the early age of 26. |
Government Experience
Years | Agency | Role | Description |
Years: 2006 to 2007 | Agency: Advertising Standards Authority | Role: Consultant | Description: Has provided detailed research regarding the fitness for purpose of various water conditioning devices. The culminating reports were used in assessing the content of a number of adverts regarding such devices. |
Years: 1996 to 1996 | Agency: H.M. Prison Service | Role: Consultant | Description: Has contract manager and author of a revision of the Control of Legionella Document. |
Years: 1994 to 1995 | Agency: H.M. Prison Service | Role: Consultant | Description: Was Contract Manager of an investigation into ungi and Nematodes colonising GRP Water Storage Cisterns. |
Years: 1998 to 2004 | Agency: NHS Estates | Role: Committee Member | Description: Has been heavily involved in co-operating with NHS Estates in the production of Health guidance Note "Safe" hot water and surface temperatures and Standard D 08 Thermostaic Mixing Valves for use in health care premises. |
International Experience
Years | Country / Region | Summary |
Years: 2006 to 2010 | Country / Region: Holland | Summary: Advice and secratarial work to Dutch National Test Labaratory. Auditing of test files. |
Years: 2006 to 2008 | Country / Region: Austria | Summary: He was involved in the design of a back-flow preventer for incorporation within an invalid bath for sale in the U.K. |
Years: 2001 to 2001 | Country / Region: Australia | Summary: He was flown out to Australia to advise a company on the design and operation of a Thermostatic Mixing Valve test rig. |
Years: 2000 to 2000 | Country / Region: Oklahoma, U.S.A. | Summary: Had been called to advise a manufacturer of control valves on the required testing of these valves for British Approvals. |
Years: 1997 to 1998 | Country / Region: India | Summary: Had a major role within a contract advising the Corporation of Mumbai on their future policy on water meter selection and revenue collection. |
Years: 2015 to 2018 | Country / Region: Sweden | Summary: Advising Manufacturer on design and water Regulations |
Years: 2015 to 2018 | Country / Region: Chicago, USA | Summary: Advising Manufacturer on design and water Regulations |
Years: 2015 to 2018 | Country / Region: Bulgaria | Summary: Advising Manufacturer on design and water Regulations |
Years: 2015 to 2018 | Country / Region: India | Summary: Advising Manufacturer on design and water Regulations |
Years: 2015 to 2018 | Country / Region: Swizerland | Summary: Advising Manufacturer on design and water Regulations |
Years: 2015 to 2018 | Country / Region: China | Summary: Advising Manufacturer on design and water Regulations |
Career Accomplishments
Associations / Societies |
FCIPHE. IEng. IMarEng. M.I.MarEST. UK Register of Expert Witnesses. |
Licenses / Certifications |
Approved Plumber Status (Can sign off installations without the need of a water inspector) CSCS |
Professional Appointments |
Secratary, Kiwa (U.K.) Water regulations Approval Scheme, Advisory and Auditing Committee. |
Awards / Recognition |
Construction & Engineering Awards- "Best Water Engineering Consultancy" Acquisition International- "Most Highly Regarded Expert Witnesses" |
Additional Experience
Expert Witness Experience |
Expert has been involved for many years in Expert Witness work. he has long been a member of the U.K. Register of Expert Witnesses. He joined this organisation in particular due to the fact that the Register has a policy of vetting members work on a regular basis. He has also recently been admitted as a Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Plumbing and Heating Engineers and is listed on their web-site of Engineers available f reports and testimony. He has been involved in both criminal and civil litigation and has acted as a joint expert. He understands his overriding duty is to the court and that he should not deviate from his opinion and his reports should be accurate and complete. |
Training / Seminars |
Designing a course and then acting as a lecturer with regard to the current Water Regulations and the Installation, Commissioning and Testing of Thermostatic Mixing Valves meeting TMV2 and TMV3 requirements. The work included the provision of all course notes, exam papers etc for an in-house City and Guilds course on behalf of a large water condition monitoring organisation. Seminars to the Institute of Healthcare Engineering and Estate Management regarding latest developements in Legionella Control as part of their continuous professional developement. A Series of lectures on Water Regulations and Thermostatic Control to groups of health service staff throughout the country on behalf of a bathing equipment manufacturer. Lectures to the countries major water company staff on the requirements of the Water Regulations. |
Vendor Selection |
Sourcing of equipment for a range of projects, such as test rig building and developement, parts and materials of construction for the production of water fixtures abd fittings on behalf of manufacturers. In addition negotiating price and delivery of bulk water items such as large capacity water cisterns, pumps, housings etc. |
Marketing Experience |
Due to his position as Secratary of the KIWA (U.K.) Water Regulations, Advisory and Auditing Committee he is well to the forefront gaining knowledge of industry and government attitudes regarding legilation and testing. |
Fields of Expertise
commercial dispute, compensation dispute, construction defect, construction dispute, construction safety, consumer safety, contract dispute, damage, defect, dispute, contractor safety, expert testimony, failure analysis, expert witness, plumbing, pumping system design, water treatment system design, piping system, piping system design, plumbing system, drafting code, drafting standard, industry standard, plumbing code, plumbing standard, British Standards Institution, building code, engineering specification, legionellosis, Legionella pneumophila, Legionnaires' disease, health safety, environmental design, building safety, cooling equipment code, hospital safety, European statute, design engineering, design for cost, design review, design-for-quality, engineering design, standardization, product design, automatic control device