Expert Details
Nanotechnology, Electromagnetics (RF, Microwave, Optics), Computational Physics (FEA, CFD), Computational Fluid Dynamics, Solar Wind Turbines and Fuel Cells, Mathematics

ID: 728274
Washington, USA
Computer languages, OS and applications, etc.
Operating systems: Linux (Ubuntu); MS
Scripting languages: Python; C++; C, Fortran; Java
Algebraic systems: Matlab(Scilab); Maple; Mathematica; Sagemath
Applications: Digital signal processing (DPS); Digital image processing; AI application programming;
Numerical modeling; Computational electrodynamics; Multiphysics modeling; Computational fuid dynamics; Feedback and control systems; 3D printing; and Robot programming.
Year | Degree | Subject | Institution |
Year: 1999 | Degree: PhD | Subject: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics | Institution: Michigan Tech University |
Year: 1995 | Degree: M.S. | Subject: Nuclear Physics | Institution: Central Michigan University |
Year: 1990 | Degree: B.S. | Subject: Physics & Mathematics | Institution: Central Michigan University |
Year: 1988 | Degree: A.S. | Subject: Physics and Chemistry | Institution: West Shore Community College |
Year: 1979 | Degree: Cerf. | Subject: Electronics & Communications Technology | Institution: RETS Electronics Schools |
Work History
Years | Employer | Title | Department |
Years: 2006 to Present | Employer: Undisclosed | Title: Physicist & Engineer | Department: |
Responsibilities: Developing 10 kW vertical axis wind turbine (VAWT) for home/business markets. Modeled and simulated VAWT using Matlab to calculate rotor size, rotational speed and power output. Built prototype rotor and tested its operation at diferent wind speeds. Designing NdFeB (Neodyminum) permanent magnet generator to produce 3-phase power. Developing PEM fuel cell that uses a nanostructured catalyst to increase energy efciency. Developing high efciency, fexible, low cost. printable solar cells. |
Years | Employer | Title | Department |
Years: 1999 to Present | Employer: Undisclosed | Title: Physicist/CEO | Department: |
Responsibilities: Developing tabletop nanomanufacturing system, to directly pattern a substrate with nanoparticles of metals, semiconductors, dielectric and biomolecules, with nanometer resolution. The system is based on my dissertation work to develop a serial, laser writing nanomanufacturing process. System uses sub-wavelength optics, to improve resolution. Performed preliminary research to develop nanorobots for a nano medical imaging system. Wrote proposal ( Proposal for a Vascular Cartographic Scanning Nanomedical Imaging Device) to fund project. Used ball milling process to produce nanoparticles. Currently researching the use of ink jet printing to produce RFID tags. |
Years | Employer | Title | Department |
Years: 2002 to 2003 | Employer: Tennessee Tech University | Title: Visiting Assistant Physics Professor | Department: Physics |
Responsibilities: Initiated interdisciplinary nanotechnology research at the university. Coauthored NSF NIRT proposal to develop a direct writing nanolithography process, incorporating a selfassembling polymer template. Developed piezoelectric nano surface machining process. Coauthored several journal articles with colleagues and graduate students that were submitted for publication. Supervised nanotechnology research projects of several graduate students, including a research on using nano coatings on artificial hip joints to extent the life of the prosthesis. Audited a MEMS development course (Textbook: MEMS & Microsystems Design and Manufacturing by Tai-Ran Hsu). Used MEMS development software and multiple physics software to design MEMS projects. Audited a rapid manufacturing course (currently at Purdue University). Analyzed Biological samples in the microscopy lab using a Quanta environmental SEM and a EDAX mass spectrometer made by FEI Company. |
Years | Employer | Title | Department |
Years: 1996 to 1999 | Employer: Michigan Technological University | Title: Adjunct Physics Professor; Research Scientist; Graduate student | Department: Physics |
Responsibilities:Current responsibility is teaching a course on entrepreneurship & business planning to the nanotech student enterprise. previous responsibilities included nanomanufacturing R&D; and teaching various undergraduate labs. |
Years | Employer | Title | Department |
Years: 1992 to 1995 | Employer: Central Michigan University | Title: Graduate Research Assistant | Department: Physics |
Responsibilities:Super-conducting Cyclotron, Michigan State University, Lansing, MI. Built nuclear particle, multiwire, gas detector for giant nuclear resonance experiment. Used detector in experiments at Michigan State and GANIL Labs, Caen France. Collected data for future analysis. |
Years | Employer | Title | Department |
Years: 1985 to 1986 | Employer: BIF Accutel | Title: Systems Engineer | Department: |
Responsibilities: Designed supervisory control data acquisition(SCDA) systems. Wrote ladder logic to control the SCDA systems. Built SCDA systems for Chicago, Dallas and others smaller cities. |
Years | Employer | Title | Department |
Years: 1983 to 1985 | Employer: California Amplifier | Title: Electrical Engineer | Department: |
Responsibilities:Design low noise blockdown converter (LNBC) for satellite TV.Model rf/microwave systems using microwave CAD software. Design filter circuits, oscillators, mixers and amplifiers. Use Smith charts and s-parameters to design circuits. Analysis prototypes using a HP network analyzer. |
Years | Employer | Title | Department |
Years: 1981 to 1983 | Employer: Phelps Dodge Communications | Title: Electrical Engineer | Department: |
Responsibilities:Design electronic instrumentation to monitor RF output and VSWR of communication systems. |
Years | Employer | Title | Department |
Years: 1981 to 1981 | Employer: Goodyear Aerospace | Title: Engineering Technician | Department: |
Responsibilities:Worked on various classified counter measure and counter-counter measure projects. |
Years | Employer | Title | Department |
Years: 1979 to 1981 | Employer: Rockwell Collins | Title: Engineering Technician | Department: |
Responsibilities: Built and tested antenna tuner for frequency hoping communications system. |
Career Accomplishments
Associations / Societies |
-Board Member of LifeBoat Foundation - Expert is involved in a COVID-19 project to develop better N95 masks. Finding a way to interrupt the life-cycle of the virus. -Board Member of Michigan Small Tech Advisory Board- Duties are to provide strategic guidance to the Michigan Small Tech Association (MISTA) on MEMS and nanotechnology for economic development in the State of Michigan. -Fellow World Innovation Foundation |
Awards / Recognition |
AAPT MAAPT Society of Physics Students (President at CMU) Sigma PI Sigma Physics Honor Society KCP Fellow Geier Visiting Professor at Tennessee Tech University |
Publications and Patents Summary |
Publications: 8 Papers Pending Submission for Publication: 7 Patents & Invention Disclosures: 3 Presentations: 13 Funded Grants: 1 |
Additional Experience
Expert Witness Experience |
Testified in fatal crash, single car accident. Driver was accused of being under control of a controlled substance. Worked for the defense team. Because of work on this case and testimony, most charges against this driver were dropped. Expert was opposed by 3 expert witnesses and the state's toxicologist. Expert has been involved in depositions. Expert was teaching in Tennessee at the time. Consulting Experience: Currently working with an anonymous client ( Expert is under an NDA), to measure small levels of electromagnetic energy. This is a feasibility study that requires a theoretical and experimental approach. Several prototypes were constructed in his machine shop and electronics lab, to answer the question of this investigation. Expert has to build a new, delta style 3d robotic printer, with the ability to print in multiple materials, to print a functional prototype for the study. He programmed the robot with an Arduino IDE. Expert also had to make changes in the Marlin firmware (C language) and upload the sketch via a USB serial interface to flash the memory of the microcontroller. He is using a Lanovo G50 laptop with an Ubunto 16.04 OS, Ardunio IDE (for Linux) and MaterControl host program to communicate with my robotics printer. This is the 2nd robotics printer that he has built. In addition, Expert has to build a capacitor sensor and build/buy a electromagnetic field meter to measure electromagnetic energy from the prototypes (March 2018-present). (Jan 2013-present). Research and developing company applying communication theory, Electrodynamics and quantum mechanics to applications in different domains. A list of projects and areas of applications that we looked at follows: 1) Design of a shallow-well, injection geothermal energy system for a client in the middle east. 2) Design on a new theory of RF communications and encryption with multiple applications: a) 3D printed antenna systems b) Multiplexing of 100s or 1000s of different separate radio channels c) Encryption d) Image analysis e) Bomb detection f) RFID tags and reader g) Last mile solutions Expert used Sagemath, and Mathcad to write the image processing, encryption and communications code. (August 09-present) Computational fluid dynamics calculation (cfd) of innovative jet propulsion system. Initially hired as a consultant, I was then asked to be the PI on the project. Project is currently on going. (May 2009). Contracted to perform electromagnetic, fnite element analysis (FEA) and simulation of a power generation system. (July 2001). Contracted to eliminate noise in a MEMS resonator biosensor used to detect water contamination. (May 2003). Project: Development high resolution ultrasonic spectrometer to identify medicines inside a prescription bottle. (December 1999). Contracted to determine problem with resolution of X-ray/gamma ray detectors. (April 2005). Contracted to inspect damage antenna system, designed for the National Oceanographic Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), to determine how the accident happen, who was at fault and what equipment was recoverable. Contracted (2004) to examine the scientific evidence, in a child abuse case. |
Training / Seminars |
Many years experience as a professor of physics and mathematics, teaching in various universities and colleges as an adjunct professor. Current consulting project is teaching a course in entrepreneurship and business planning. Professional Development Courses currently enrolled in: 1) Artificial Intelligence A-Z: Learning how to build AI (includes a sub-course on Deep Learning 2) Object Oriented programming (currently talking). 3) Understanding the Fourier Transform and its applications 4) Digital Signal Processing with Matlab (almost done) 5) Deep Learning and NLP A-Z: How to create a ChatBot (waiting to start). 6) Introduction to Robotics & Entrepreneurship (waiting to start). 7) ROS Basics: Program Robots (waiting to start). 8) Beyond Arduino: Electronics for Developers & Makers (waiting to start). 9)PLC & Drive course. Programming and controlling SCADA systems, using various sensors (including optical sensors), to control the operations of motors. Inland Northwest Industrial Training Project Management Course (self study) 10)Export Control Briefing: Technology Controls, Michigan Technological University 11)International Trade and Export Assistance, Michigan Tech University, Advance Technology Development Complex Equity Investment Strategies, Michigan Tech University, Advance Technology Development Complex Successful Government Contracting, Biotechnology Business Consultants SBIR/STTR 101 General Program Overview, Biotechnology Business Consultants, Michigan Tech University, Advance Technology Development Complex SBIR/STTR Proposal Preparation, Biotechnology Business Consultants, Michigan Tech University, Advance Technology Development Complex Commercialization Planning, Biotechnology Business Consultants, Michigan Tech University, Advance Technology Development Complex Marketing basics, Biotechnology Business Consultants, Michigan Tech University, Advance Technology Development Complex SBIR/STTR Workshop, Grants: How to Get Funded, Biotechnology Business Consultants, Wayne State University, Detroit, MI Professional Sales Skills For Manufactures, Constant Training & Northern Michigan University, Houghton Business Planning Seminar, Center for Technology Innovation, Leadership and Entrepreneurship, Michigan Tech University Grant Writing Mini-Course, GrantStreet, Northwest Michigan Council of Governments, Traverse City, MI |
Other Relevant Experience |
Teaching Experience: Washington State University Adjunct professor of mathematics. Currently teaching calculus for life science majors and college algebra 3. Saylor Academy. Currently doing curriculum development, on line, for physics courses. Central Washington University Adjunct professor of mathematics & physics. Courses taught: Finite math; Calculus I & II; Precalculus I & II; and University physics I. Washington State University Adjunct professor, I taught a graduate course in nanoengineering. The course covered the following topics: Quantum Mechanics; Statistical Mechanics; Nanotools; Organic Chemistry; Top Down and Bottom Up Nanomanufacturing; Solid State Physics and applications of nanomaterials in nanostructured materials and semiconductors. Washington State University. Adjunct professor of physics, teaching engineering and algebra based physics lecture and lab courses. Labs focused on optics, laser optics, electricity & magnetism, and electronic circuits. Columbia Basin Community College, Adjunct Instructor in the Math & Science Department. Courses taught: university physics (calculus based); intermediate algebra; statistics; Precalculus II, Business Calculus; ordinary & partial differential equations; and multivariable calculus. Big Bend Community College, Adjunct Instructor, Math/Science Department. Taught beginning algebra. Michigan Tech University, Adjunct Assistant professor (Physics department). Consultant on a NSF grant with Michigan Tech, Teach a entrepreneur/ business planning/economics course to the nanotechnology enterprise students. The course trains students how to start Keweenaw Bay Ojibwa Community College, Courses taught: All math courses including basic math, beginning algebra, intermediate algebra and college algebra. The college algebra course focuses on modeling, simulation and curve fitting. Tennessee Tech University, Courses taught: Nanotechnology, astronomy labs, physics labs. Northern Michigan University, Courses taught: College physics, electronics instrumentation for physicist. University of Wisconsin, Courses taught: College physics, physical science. Mid Michigan Community College, Courses taught: Calculus for business majors. Central Michigan University, Courses taught: Introductory electronics, college physics labs. Michigan State University, Courses taught: managed lab for self study physics program; physics labs. Service: NSF study session: Reviewed proposals on micro and nano-structured materials. |