Expert Details
Nanotechnology, Biomaterials, Sol-gel Sciences, Optics, Biotechnology, Glass, Ceramics, Spectroscopy

ID: 725726
To understand the structure-properties relationship, the reliability and the reproducibility of the materials, it is essential to characterize them. Thermal analysis involved thermomechanical analysis, differential scanning calorimetry to determinate respectively the softening and glass transition temperatures. The viscosity and rheology of the materials are also essential and have been studied; the microstructure and siloxane network have been determined by MAS NMR for reproducibility. Solubility experiments and viscosity were studied to obtain reproducible coating processes via dip- and spin-coating. Prism coupling technique was employed to determinate the thickness and the refractive index of the films. The coating process on different substrates has been studied and we enlightened a non-aqueous method permitting glass coating on titania, wood, silicon, silica, PET with controlled film thickness (JP patent in 2005).
Different optically active fluorescent dyes (anthracene, phtalocyanine, rhodamine) have been encapsulated and the optical properties (NLO properties) of the doped films have been studied and characterized (UV-Vis spectroscopy, fluorescence and so on) and led to important peer-reviewed publications and conferences presentations.
Recently, in collaboration with researchers at the University of Sassari (Italy), the crystallization and polymerization mechanism of 3-glycidoxypropyltrimethoxysilane. The results gave rise to a high impact publication with continuous development in the field. Indeed, the formation of an organized hybrid structure has been achieved for the first time via sol-gel without employing bridged organosilica precursors. 3-glycidoxypropyltrimethoxysilane, which is an organically modified alkoxide bearing a terminal epoxy group, has been used for the synthesis. The opening of the epoxy has been observed to produce poly/oligo(ethylene oxide) chains or p-dioxane species. In the second case crystalline hybrids have been formed by self-organization during gelation. Analysis performed by wide-angle X-ray scattering and X-ray diffraction have confirmed the crystalline nature of the aggregates, epoxy ring opening/self-condensation which resulted in a pillared-type organic-inorganic hybrid structure with Si-substituted 2,5-bis(propoxymethyl)-1,4 -dioxane organic spacer as pillar.
Expert is also involved in the development of drug delivery systems with collaborators at the Russian Academy of Sciences. The projects concern with study of silica nanoparticles as drug nano-carreers. He developed biocompatible fluoropolymers as host matrix for enzymes bioencapsulation and adsorption. Fluoro-Raman spectroscopy characterized the role of fluorine in enhancing the enzyme biological activity and therefore the functionality of the materials for bio-applications.
Expert is a specialist in the adhesion field. He has been working on the utilization of single molecule force spectroscopy for the sudy of polyacrylate films adhesion on different surfaces and substrates (C, Si and metallic) to probe the mechanical strength of the polymer films on the different surfaces. Wormlike Chain Model was applied. Imaging to study and determinate the morphology of the films (mushroom-like or brush type polymers) have been carried via Atomic Force Microscopy.
Bioadhesion has been studied successfully for proteins and enzymes on nanoporous sol-gels glasses and polymeric membranes. The adhesion behaviour and the biological activity of the biomolecules have been studied owing to the physical properties of the host matrix. The surface hydration (hydrophobic/hydrophilic aspect) has been characterized by contact angle measurement. The microstructure of the host matrix via solid state NMR and the surface characterization with the control an determination of the porosity and BET surface area as well as the conformation of the protein via spectroscopic charaterization involving among others the fluorescence and circular dichroism spectroscopic techniques are just some of few examples given here. Expert worked as research associate in San Jose (California) and Fluorotronics, Inc. (San Diego, CA) on the adsorption process of biomolecules onto nanoporous sol-gel glasses; the protein conformation on the glass surface has been studied and the results gave rise to multiple research publications in the field (Biophys. J and Int. J. Nanotech). As example, he is the author of an article recently published in Biophysical Journal and entitled: Protein Adsorption onto Organically Modified Silica Glass Leads to a Different Structure than Sol-Gel Encapsulation. Expert studied the effect of hydrophobic surface on the proteins. The molecular interactions between the host matrix surface and biomolecules were studied and the results showed the importance of hydrophobic surface character in the case of apoproteins.
The applications concerned with biocatalysis with enzymes and proteins capable to remain properly-folded and biologically active for the efficiency of their applications.
Expert carried also research on biosilification and surface morphology of silica-based biomaterials determination using SEM and AFM techniques. Silica particles and other shaped nano-particles were obtained via the reaction of putrescine and other amino-acids on silica and organically modified metal oxide precursors at room temperature.
Molecular recognition of complementary single DNA strands was probed by single molecule force spectroscopy. The effect of ligands on the stability and hybridization of the single strands with one chemisorbed on modified gold Mica substrate and its complementary onto a gold-coated cantilever permitted to be analyzed statistically via the force curves obtained, the strength and the stability of the hybrid DNA strands. The adhesion of the biomolecule on the substrate was also studied for each individually. The results were subjected to conference presentations and are currently submitted for peer-reviewed publications.
Expert has research experiences on aerogels and protein adsorption as well as the characterization of the mechanical strenght of the host materials after adsorption for reinforcement materials. This research is carried out with the collaboration of Researchers in the Air Glass Laboratory of Kohlapur (India) and Ecole Polytechnique de Lausanne (Switzerland).
Expert is specialist of glass coatings on silica and silicon using dip and spin-coating technology. He recently developed a patented non aqueous coating method for sol-gel glasses. Transparent and homogeneous films doped or not with fluorescent organic dyes (Rhodamine, Coumarin, Phtalocyanine etc...) can be easily obtained on all substrates: PET, silica, wood, titania...
sol-gel glass coating has been performed on inorganic phosphate glasses for cladding for the refractive index change and the development of integrated optics.
Expert is the author of a high impact world patent : "lead-free low melting phosphate glas and method for production thereof" (2007). Dr method enlightened for the first time the preparation of inorganic phosphate glasses via a non-aqueous acid-base reaction under inert atmosphere which differs from the conventional method involving the melt-quenching method leading to a high temperature process > 1000 degrees C. The method of Expert et al. allows the process at a relatively low temperature: 200 degrees C. The melting point temperature of these phosphate glasses is less than 200 degrees C, while the melting point of phosphate glasses obtained via the conventional method are about 500 degrees C.
The low melting phosphate glasses obtained via acid base reactions allows many applications: the facile preparation of films, fibers, the incorporation of fluorescent dyes during the process (which is not possible in the other case), the facile manufacturing and gel glass casting, the mastering of heat-treatment. The applications concerns with the development of optical fibers, hemetic seals for LCD, photonics, laser grating for optical waveguides. One challenge for phosphate glasses to date is the improvement of the durability for the glasses. Although the phosphate glasses obtained are durable, Expert enlightened the effect of polycarboxylic acid incorporation to improve the durability for different glass systems. The results have been reported and published in peer-reviewed journal.
The physical properties and structure of the glass and ceramics have been characterized via solid state NMR, thermal analysis, fluorescence, UV-Vis, among others.
Expert is involved in the determination of the hydration and crowding effects on the protein folding process. He published several papers on biochemistry.
Misfolded/unfolded proteins are the cause of devastating diseases (Alzheimer's...). It is necessary to study the different factors influencing the protein conformation owing to the local environment surrounding the protein. Nanoporous "wet" sol-gel glasses or hydrogels are then ideal host materials for bioencapsulation and to study the parameters (crowding effect, hydrophobicity, polarity...) due to facile surface modification of the host matrix. The helicity of the protein is characterized in his research by fluorescence techniques and circular dichroism spectroscopy.
Expert worked also in organic chemistry synthesis biomolecules using thio- and seleno- organics. Experience in heterocyclic chemsitry for therapeutics applications was acquired at the Research Institute in Fine Organic Chemistry/IRCOF University of Rouen, France. Techniques expertise in High Performance Liquid Chromatography, and re-crystallization processes for selective purification, solution NMR technique.
He is involved in collaboration with fluorotronics, Inc. (San Diego, CA, USA) in the design of fluoro-functionalized carbon nanotubes and fullerenes as C-F detection tool as tagged molecules in tumor cells and also for molecular recognition. He is involved in the business (commercially available technique), promotion and analysis of samples for companies that might be interested in this new technology. Publications, book chapters, reviews, participation in conference and congresses to develop university-industry partnership or industry-industry partnership, generate funds for theranostics, and diagnostics applications using this new technology.
Expert used developed biocompatible polymers based on organically modified silica based materials to study the protein structure via circular dichroism spectroscopy. Properly folded protein in biocompatible polymers is very important as it leads to the biological activity of the protein and consequently to the funtionality of the materials for applications as sensors, drug delivery systems and efficient herogeneous biocatalysts. For the preparation of biocompatible polymers, Expert used the sol-gel method that is a versatile method using mild conditions with a low temperature process that is appropriate to the health of the protein avoiding its denaturation. Different systems and materials composites have been synthesized and the biocompatibility and biological activity of enzymes have been studies.
Expert has undertaken intensive research on enzymes bioencapsulation in porous glasses and his research led a to a recent review in the International Journal of Nanotechnology
These materials concerned with fluoropolymers, in which fluorine plays an important role in the protein folding for instance. Glass and ceramics to produce biocompatible nanoporous materials for bioencapsulations. Expert played with different chemical precursors to design the most biocompatible host materials. Expert worked also with the development of microfluidic systems for cell growth that is currently submitted for publication. He worked on phosphate glasses for fibers and also bio-application especially for bone regeneration and delivery systems, respectively.
All the projects carried out by Expert involved different fields of research in biotechnology for which a wide range of analytical techniques has been employed.
In 2008, Expert, was a FNRS senior research fellow in Liege (Belgium), at the laboratory of nanochemistry and molecular systems. His research focused on the utilization of single molecule force spectroscopy as an active tool for bio- nanotechnology. This technique using Atomic Force Microscopy is applied for molecular recognition, the development of biosensors, and the studies of different molecular interactions at the level of single molecule that are not possible to probe using other techniques such as NMR. This specialized technique has been acquired during intensive research in the field at the Nanochemistry Laboratory in Liege (Belgium) as FNRS research fellow and during several trainings (ISEN-Lille Engineering School, November 2008) in Scanning Probe Microscopy (SEM, STM, AFM).
Two projects were undertaken using this technique, leading to conference presentations and under publication in peer-reviewed journals:
1. Molecular recognition between DNA complementary single strands and interactions studies with major and minor groove ligands. Correlation with equilibrium binding constants measured by mass spectrometry
2. Lytical activity and enzymes (e.g. expansins; lysozyme) on the peptidoglycan structure probed by single molecule force spectroscopy.
During the stay of Expert in the Silicon Valley, Circular Dichroism Spectroscopy was employed to probe the conformation and strcuture of proteins encapsulated and adsorbed in nanoporous sol-gel glasses (results published in peer-reviewed journals). The method was accompanied by UV-vis spectroscopy, fluorescence for ANS- tagged proteins. The aim of the work concerned with the determination wether unfavourable backbone hydration serves as a dominant force in aggregation of misfolded protein. In such context the hydration effect, and the thermodynamics of bulk water on the protein conformation was characterized via biocalorimetry (DSC, ITC).
Expert, is researcher and senior advisor, SVP for Fluorotronics, Inc (CA, USA) in nano-biotechnology; he is a specialist of Raman spectroscopy and particularly fluoro-Raman spectroscopy: a new patented technique for biomedical applications. This new patented technique is based on fluorine nanochemistry and the facile detection of the Raman signals in particular C-F biomarkers for applications in nanotechnology, nanomedicine and theranostics. The knowledge of this technology has been acquired during training at Fluorotronics, Inc. (CA, USA). Coupled Imaging Development Devices project is currenly undertaken by Expert with worldwide scientists.
Expert is the co-author of several international proceedings, patents that have been reported on this technique.
Magnetic Resonance Imaging with the design of new contrasting agents and Atomic Force Spectroscopy in liquid and in air constitute also f other specialized fields.
Most of the projects and fields of expertise of Expert rely to surface characterization of films and bulk materials. In fact Expert worked on sol-gel glass films for optics and photonics for which the homogeneity and uniformity was characterized by atomic force microscopy (Imaging).
In research projects involving protein encapsulation and adsorption, as well as biomimetics, bio-directed crystals arrays formation on glass slide surfaces, silicon, laser grating, nanofabrication, Scanning Electron Microscopy was mostly employed.
In the preparation of nanoporous sol-gel glasses, the porosity and surface area was determined to see the influence on the pore size and surface of the host matrix on the conformation and biological activity of the encapsulated proteins. Several papers have been published reporting the confinement of the proteins (4 nm) in the pores of the glasses (5-10 nm, depending on the glass systems and siloxane network).
The most important parameter that Expert enlightened and that has been published is the role of surface hydration, and water at the interface of silica surface and the protein encapsulated for instance. We reported that porous hydrophobic glasses obtained via the modification of hydrophobic organic groups for the unmodified tetramethoxysilane precursors enhance the protein folding. This modification induces a change in the surface hydration and consequently affects the silica/protein interactions. These results suggest also that the functionalized pores surface with the hydrophobic groups alter the average free energy of non-protein-associated (bulk) water and consequently, the strength of the hydrophobic effect on protein folding.This results were confirmed with apomyoglobin a model protein characterised by the removal of the heme group of myoglobin that makes it less stable and easily unfolded) has allowed us to quantify the properly folded protein in nanoporous silica glass systems hydrophilic unmodified or in hydrophobic organically modified glasses with fluorine, n-alkyl groups, or fluorophosphonates.
Surface chemistry is another specialized field with the utilization of single molecule force spectroscopy.
1. To study of the coating adhesion for polymers on glass for instance probed by force rupture curves.
2. To deliver single molecules on specific localization of the surface (or substrate) for nanopatterning.
3. To study the molecular interactions of chemisorbed and functionalized surfaces.
4. For molecular recognition.
These surface properties are characterized by the statistical studies of the force curves but also by the morphology obtained by imaging using atomic force microscopy.
Expert applied metal phosphonate materials for heterogeneous catalysis. Metal phosphonate materials are synthesized by hydrothermal method or via an autoclave involving a non-aqueous solid-solid process. Metal phosphonates materials are crystalline (and can be characterized by X-ray diffraction) and formed by inorganic layers (metals) with organic functional groups protuding into the interlayer space. Depending on the functionality of the organic groups (-COOH, -SO3H, -NH2 etc..), the materials can be applied to catalysis such as proton conduction with the aim to reach the well-known NAFION properties with all other advantages of metal phosphonate properties.
Numerous nanoporous sol-gel glasses host matrices for enzymes such as lipases among others have been synthesized in order to be employed as biocatalysts and energy bioconversion.
Expert is involved with collaborators in USA on the preparation of colloidal crystals bio-generated. Indeed, Expert enlghtened the formation of crystal arrays directed by proteins. It has been also shown that silica nanoparticles arrays can be obtained via the encapsulation of proteins during the sol-gel process (published in Biomaterials, 2008). The hydration effect, kinetic and thermodynamic process are then studied to determinate the mechanism of crystallization. The applications concern with optoelectronics, and photonics.
Expert was a project leader on biosilification using tetramethoxysilane and amino-acids, after ageing and centrifugations, biocompatible silica particles were obtained and employed (with Russian collaborators) as drug nano-carreers. A book chapter in the fied is currently under publication.
Expert worked on the development of zeotype porous metal organic framework based on new mixed metal phosphonate materials for use as sorbents. Due to the selective metal coordination of metals to organic substances, the materials can be applied as sorbents for environmental purposes but also as heterogeneous catalysis. 3 high impact factors articles have been published in peer-reviewed scientific journals. Mixed divalent metal phosphonates as layered inorganic-organic hybrid materials were synthesized via solventless melting point method and hydrothermal method.Intercalation properties with alcohols and amines were intensively studied. Cobalt, copper covalently bonded to the organic moieties were among the metals for which the coordination and content were determined via UV-vis spectroscopy, fluorescence and atomic absorption spectroscopy.
Expert has consulting experience with Fluortronics, Inc. (San Diego, CA, USA).
Participation to the management and organization of Fluorotronics, Inc.(San Diego, CA, USA) laboratory; Developing additional R&D projects and collaborations; Representing the company to several business and scientific meetings; Developing a team of international scientists. Participation to generate fundings.Driv'Ad: consulting on coating technology for car glasses
Year | Degree | Subject | Institution |
Year: 2002 | Degree: PhD | Subject: Materials Chemistry | Institution: St-Andrews/Birmingham Universities (UK) |
Year: 1998 | Degree: DEA (Diplome d'Etudes Approfondies) (French diploma) | Subject: Organic Chemistry | Institution: IRCOF (Institute for Fine Organic Chemistry; University of Rouen & Caen; France) |
Year: 1997 | Degree: Maitrise de Chimie (eq. Master) | Subject: General Chemistry | Institution: University of Caen (France) |
Year: 1996 | Degree: Licence de Chimie (eq. Bachelor) | Subject: General Chemistry | Institution: University of Rouen (France) |
Year: 1995 | Degree: DEUG SSM (Diplome d'Etudes Generales Universitaires) | Subject: Physical Sciences | Institution: University of Rouen (France) |
Work History
Years | Employer | Title | Department |
Years: 2009 to Present | Employer: Undisclosed | Title: SA, SVP, Head of the Research Group | Department: Nano-Biotechnology |
Responsibilities:He is currently investigating the role of fluorine in nanomaterials for applications in drug delivery, pharmaceutics, cell biology, optical and photonics devices development using a new patented method known as fluoro-Raman spectroscopy. he is Senior Advisor and Senior Vice President in Nano-biotechnolgy. He is promoting the company and the technology, via publications, conferences, and he is involved in the commercial business of the company. |
Years | Employer | Title | Department |
Years: 2008 to 2009 | Employer: University of Liege | Title: Research Fellow | Department: Nanochemistry Department |
Responsibilities:Expert was a senior scientist on nanotechnology and a FNRS researcher at the University of Liege (Belgium) working at NanoChem in the Nanochemistry and Molecular Systems Laboratory. He is using Atomic Force Microscopy as a tool for molecular recognition, drug delivery and for the integration of molecular assemblies for the development of biosensors and actuators involving among others fluorinated polymers. |
Years | Employer | Title | Department |
Years: 2007 to 2008 | Employer: San Jose State University Foundation (California, USA) | Title: Research Associate | Department: Chemistry |
Responsibilities:In 2006, as Research Associate through NIH funding in San Jose (CA, USA); he developed new transparent nanoporous sol-gel glasses in order to study by circular dichroism spectroscopy the proteins conformation and biological activity of encapsulated and adsorbed proteins in crowded and hydrophobic environment. |
Years | Employer | Title | Department |
Years: 2003 to 2006 | Employer: Kyoto University, Institute for Chemical Research (Japan) | Title: Research Associate | Department: Laboratory of Inorganic Photonics Materials |
Responsibilities:In 2003, He joined the Laboratory of Inorganic and Photonics Materials of Prof. T. Yoko and Prof. Takahashi; first, as a Center of Excellence research fellow to carry several projects on polymeric and sol-gel-derived organic-inorganic hybrid glass films (such as organically-modified silica glasses) for integrated optics and photonic applications. In 2005 obtained a Japan Science and Technology (JST-Presto) fellowship with Prof. M. Takahashi to develop and improve the durability of new phosphate hybrid glass systems and ceramics with low glass transition temperature for laser grating and applications as functional active optical devices and sealers for LCD. |
Years | Employer | Title | Department |
Years: 1998 to 2002 | Employer: University of Birmingham (United Kingdom) | Title: PhD - researcher | Department: Chemistry |
Responsibilities:Expert developed new mixed-divalent metal phosphonate materials that are organic-inorganic crystalline layered functional metal-organic framework with application to selective sorbents and heterogeneous catalysts. |
Government Experience
Years | Agency | Role | Description |
Years: 1996 to 1997 | Agency: Direction Regionale de L'Environnement, Prefecture de Basse-Normandie, Caen, France | Role: Researcher | Description: Expert was in charge of the determination of the eutrophication phenomenom in the water courses for the region of Normandie in France via physico-chemical methods such as fluorimetry. The method concerned the setup of new fluorimeter and the validation of calculation formulas (in particular for the determination for the content of chlorophyll A). The environmental agency used the formulas for future determination of the eutrophication phenomenon in every agencies at the national scale. The Eutrophication pheomenon is an indicator for the pollution in the watercourses. |
International Experience
Years | Country / Region | Summary |
Years: 1999 to 2003 | Country / Region: United Kingdom | Summary: Expert carried out his first academic research at the School of Chemistry of St-Andrews (Scotland) and Birmingham (UK)doing research on solid state and inorganic chemistry involving metal organic framework for applications as sorbents and heterogeneous catalysts. He spent nearly 4 years and had a great time of cultural exchange in the country. |
Years: 2003 to 2006 | Country / Region: Japan | Summary: Expert enjoyed very much his stay in Japan. Kyoto is very beautiful and remains a traditional city. For 3 years, Expert had the experience to live the Japanese culture. He still has strong collaborations with the University of Kyoto where he was research associate. He developed sol-gel silica glasses and inorganic metal-phosphate glasses for applications in optics, photonics and sealing for LCD in one of the most famous and world renowned research group specialized in the field. He participated to many business meetings including companies such as Sony, and Central Glass with which we obtained a patent. |
Years: 2007 to Present | Country / Region: USA/ Silicon Valey- California | Summary: Expert was involved in projects concerning the study of proteins folding and conformations in nanoporous sol-gel glasses with different crowding environments for the development of active biomaterials such as sensors, drug delivery systems, biocatalysts. This experience was acquired from 2007 to 2008 in California USA (at San Jose) Expert is currenly also SA, SVP and R&D consultant since 2007 in Nano-Biotechnology for Fluorotronics, Inc. (company based in San Diego (California, USA)). |
Years: 2008 to 2009 | Country / Region: Belgium | Summary: Dr Menaaa was involved in project topics concerning the utilization of force microscopy for the study of molecular interactions (e.g., effects of expansins on peptidoglycan structure; molecular recognition (DNA-aptamers); integration of molecular assemblies into micromechanical devices and force sensors; imaging of polymeric nanocapsules; cathodic surface electrografting and surfaces thermosensitive coating of polydiethtylenoxide; reactivity study via Diels-Alder reaction using AFM technique with a functionalized tip with N-succinimidyl acrylate – applications to the development of sensors devices; study of polyacrylate films adherence on different surfaces and substrates(C, Si and metallic) to probe the mechanical strength of the polymer films). |
Career Accomplishments
Associations / Societies |
His professional memberships 2000- Present: Member of the Royal Society of Chemistry; 2003- Present: Member of the American Ceramic Society; 2003- Present: Member of the Ceramic Society of Japan. Since 2009, he is Member of Bioencapsulation Research Group. |
Professional Appointments |
He is a referee for the following Scientific Journals: 2007- present: Journal of Materials Research; 2006- present: Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology A: Chemistry; 2006- present: Inorganic Chemistry; 2005- present: Journal of Sol-Gel Science and Technology; 2005- present: Journal of Solid State Chemistry; 2009-Present: Reviewer, Journal of Materials Chemistry (RSC) 2009-Present: Reviewer, Chemical Communications (RSC) 2009-Present: Reviewer, Dalton Transactions (RSC) 2009-Present: Reviewer, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics (RSC) 2009-Present: Reviewer, Journal of Biomedical Research-Part A (Wiley, InterScience) 2009-Present: Reviewer, Journal of Medicinal Plants Research (Academic Journals) 2010-Present: Reviewer, Medicinal Chemistry Communications (RSC) 2009- Present: Evaluator for the European Union Commission on Sciences and Nanotechnology (Brussels, Belgium) – European Research Programmes and International Cooperation Unit. Editorial Board Member: 2010-Present: International Journal of Smart Grid and Renewable Energy (IJSGRE) – Scientific Research Publishing (USA) – 2010-Present: Journal of Biomedical Sciences and Engineering (JBise) – Scientific Research Publishing (USA) - 2010-Present: Health - 2010-Present: Biosciences (Biosci) - Scientific Research Publishing (USA) - 2010-Present: Journal of Modern Physics (JMP) - Scientific Research Publishing (USA) - 2010-Present: Journal of Biophysical Chemistry (JBC) - Scientific Research Publishing (USA) - 2010-Present: Materials Sciences and Applications (MSA) - Scientific Research Publishing (USA) - 2007- present: Member of the Sciences Advisory Board (Pharmaceutical Nanotechnology expert) – Fluorotronics Inc. (San Diego, CA, USA) 2007-present: Member of the Sciences Advisory Board of Driv'Ad (San Diego, USA). |
Awards / Recognition |
*Honors 2006 - Who’s Who in the World; Sciences and Engineering; In Asia Nov. 2006: Assistant Professor Qualification: lectureship habilitation from the Ministere de L’Enseignement Superieur (France) - Organic, Mineral, Industrial chemistry (Section 32) and Materials Chemistry (Section 33). 2000: Teaching habilitation for training undergraduate students in practical chemistry, tutorials and workshops, University of Birmingham, UK 2001: EPSRC Graduate school programme award: skills and career development course, Northumberland, UK **Grants/Scholarships/Fellowships 2008- F.R.S-FNRS fellowship (Mandat d’Impulsion Scientifique): Fonds National de la Recherche Scientifique (Belgium) 2007-2008 San Jose State University Foundation through NIH grant 2005-2006 JST - PRESTO fellowship, Science ? Technology Agency, Japan 2003-2005 Center Of Excellence (COE) fellowship, Kyoto University, Japan 1999-2002 EPSRC scholarship, Birmingham University, UK |
Publications and Patents Summary |
He has 25 published and submitted articles in ISI peer-reviewed journals, 3 scientific reviews (one submitted, two are invited reviews in preparations), 2 patents, 2 book chapters and several conferences proceedings (including 3 major ones that have been peer-reviewed). |
Additional Experience
Expert Witness Experience |
He is involved in nanotechnology applied to pharmaceutics issues with Fluorotronics and Driv'Ad companies for high technology coating. As consultant, Senior Advisor and Senior Vice President for Fluorotronics, Expert deals in Materials Science legal matters, and provide Materials Science expert reports and testimony for judges, attorneys, lawyers, law firms, insurance companies and government agencies in Federal and State court trials and arbitrations if necessary. Conflict interests, but also different attempts to take over the company by some investors are some example Expert has to deal with in coordination with the CEO, CSO of the company and gives advices on these matters. |
Training / Seminars |
Different seminars, conferences and training have been given worldwide: - Courses, lectures and training given to postgraduate, PhD students in formation schools on different analytical techniques: Atomic Force Microscopy, Raman Spectroscopy, NMR, Optical Characterization (fluororescence, circular dichroism spectroscopy), thermal analysis, Single Molecule Force Spectroscopy. |
Vendor Selection |
As Research Fellow, faculty member, and consultant expert, it is necessary to source and locate vendors to purchase chemicals at low price and to get acquisition of new instruments. In that context, for the internet tool permits to have a first overview and a list of all the suppliers in the fields. For the chemicals, there is a series of catalogues specialized in the field with companies having special prices and agreements. The selection of the most interesting companies are based on the price, location and transport fee, but also of course, on the choice of the nature of the product needed such as organics in Aldrich, and silica-based materials in Gelest. So for many years, he had to deals with different companies to purchase chemicals for his research. He had also to purchase new analytical AFM machine. In such case, depending on the objective of research, our utilization (time spent on the machine), depending on the experimental desired (imaging or force with measurements in air or in liquids) depending on the price of the apparatus and its relation to the functions needed, depending on the quality and preciseness of the data, depending on the time of data acquisition (that is to be low), depending of the manipulation of the instrument (simple and effective), depending on the maintenance, he made a choice after a selection of 3 companies found online, and the choice of one appropriate apparatus responding to the criteria enumerated. He visited the company for a demonstration on the different samples he had. Finally, the choice was made. Expert is an outstanding renowned reserch scientist in nano and biotechnology. He is oftenly participating to different specific conferences and congresses to present his research and technology and to represent the compagny. It is the opportunity to develop contacts and partnerships with suppliers and vendors, to visit their stands and to locate the most appropriate suppliers of interest for the company. It is also the opportunity to meet with colleagues and research scientists who already have experience with the products and technology of interest and to discuss the reliability in order to make a good choice. |
Marketing Experience |
As researcher and faculty and expert for companies in technology (Fluorotronics, Inc., San Diego, USA and Driv'Ad), he has shown the ability to be an active and efficient resource for industry trends with his experience in getting information from the scientific literature, his scientific knowledge in various fields of materials sciences, chemistry and biotechnology. He has driven research and experiences in lab scale for companies to confront and improve his ideas. He has much worldwide collaboration in academics, in different fields and can be part of some projects in collaboration to confort the position of the company. He is Senior Advisor for commercial business of the company and lead discussions and negociations on different products and services puchases and sales. He organize meetings and conferences with all the partners to adjust the needs and to develop new commercial strategies for the relevant technology and research projects. he gives advices on the technical development, design and synthesis of new materials for different applications he is specialized on. Expert Co-designed and set up the entire laboratory at Fluorotronics, Inc.. He developed additional R&D projects and collaborations. He is representing the company to several business and scientific meetings. He developped a team of international scientists; He is involved in funds raising also for the companies. |
Other Relevant Experience |
He is very flexible with his research work and is available for consulting to give an appropriate and quick response to any consulting work. He is very involved in the projects and can also work and be contacted over the week-end. He has a record of impressive technical skills. The services includes among others: - Advices on industry growth, managing, commercial business, business management - Development, design and synthetic approaches of materials (in biotechnology, energy, catalysis, optics, photonics and so on) but also technical advices - Characterization techniques for chemicals, materials (biomaterials, analytical chemistry) - Develop contact and worldwide connections for desired technology - Provides characterization techniques of all kinds for samples sent (Chemicals, materials, surface characterization) - Provide fast efficient data analysis and interpretation of scientific results - Provide literature and bibliography research on different specialized fields in technology - Bio-applications - Company representation at conference, congress, meetings - Writting technical reports, patents, presentations, publications - Lab management and organization - Fund raising for companies with grants applications, and different approaches |
Language Skills
Language | Proficiency |
French | French is the mother tong language f |
English | As researcher, during conferencesm, seminar, congress, for publication and during all the different work carried out in different countries, English has been the most used language. |
Japanese | He can speak Japanese. Expert lived 3 years in Japan and has a very important link with that country as his fiancee is Japanese. |
Fields of Expertise
rheology, polymer thermal analysis, polymer structure-property relationship, crystalline polymer, polymer physical chemistry, polymer modification chemistry, polymer modification, polymer drug-delivery microsphere, polymer crystallization, polymer coating material, fluoropolymer coating material, polymer characterization, polymer aging, fluoropolymer technology, gel chemical reaction, glassy polymer, bioadhesion, biological cell adhesion, biomimetic chemistry, contact angle measurement, cell surface interaction, chemisorption, adhesion science, ceramic coating material, ceramic engineering, ceramic component manufacturing, ceramic drying technology, ceramic gel casting, ceramic material heat treatment, ceramic material reliability improvement, ceramic material surface evaluation, ceramic physical property, ceramic sintering, ceramic thin film, ceramics drying, polymer colorant, glass ceramic, ceramic chemical property, biochemical research, biochemical engineering, protein characterization, hydrogel, biocompatible polymer, bioactive ceramic material, biocompatible ceramic, biological ceramic, analytical biochemistry, surface characterization, surface chemistry, interfacial water, imaging spectroscopy, coating adhesion, controlled pore glass, biocatalysis, heterogeneous catalysis, colloid and interface chemistry, colloid technology, colloiding, colloidal silica, chemical compound absorption, sorption, polymer crystallinity, amorphous polymer, ceramic material manufacturing, polymer technology, crystalline-polymer structure-property relationship, polymer application, inorganic polymer chemistry, ceramic material, polymer science, organic coating process, adsorption, adhesion, surface, surface effect, absorption application, polymeric material, polymer property, polymer chemistry, polymer additive, molecular biology, glass, gel, elastomer, colloid, ceramic property, catalysis, biochemistry