Intellex Acquires Expert by Big Village

We're thrilled to announce that Intellex has acquired Expert by Big Village, effective March 22, 2024. This strategic move enhances our capabilities and strengthens our commitment to delivering exceptional solutions to our customers.

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Expert Details

Medicated Aerosol and Inhalers

ID: 735088 Egypt

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Expert has been in the field of Medicated aerosol (MDI, DPI and nebulizers) since 2004. His PhD was in this field and most of his 77 published paper and 48 conferences presentations are in this field. Expert has a respiratory lab in Beni Suef University that could help solving any problem related to medicated aerosol from formulation to evaluation.

Some notable accomplishments are:
1. Membership of International Society for Aerosols in Medicine (ISAM), 2007-2008.
2. Research assistant in school of life science, Huddersfield University, in a project sponsored by Advanced Gel Technology Limited (AGT science Ltd), Huddersfield, UK 2008.
3. Honorary contract with the NHS to perform a study on non-evasively ventilated patients in respiratory care unit in St. James hospital, Leeds, UK 2009.
4. Researcher in a post doctoral job in Institute national de la santé et de la recherché médicale (INSERM), Faculty of medicine, Francois-Rabelais University, in a project sponsored by TELEMAQ, Tours, France 2009.
5. Member of research team to answer a question raised by the GRAM association (Aerosol Research Group for CF patients in France) of Cystic Fibrosis about the possibility to use a single-use disposable jet nebuliser with home care patients to avoid the risk of bacterial contamination and to decrease the total nebulisation time, Tours, France 2009.
6. Preparing and teaching Community Pharmacy, Clinical Pharmacy 1, Clinical Pharmacy 2, Hospital Pharmacy, Clinical Pharmacokinetics, Dermatology, Treatment of respiratory disease, oncology and drug information courses for Undergraduates and Clinical Pharmacokinetics, Pharmacy Practice and Pharmaceutical Care courses for postgraduates in Faculty of Pharmacy, Employer, Beni-Suef.

Many more accomplishments available upon request.

Expert is an expert in formulation, design and evaluation of inhalation devices and aerosol generators.

Expert has formulated different molecules in the form of Dry powder inhaler (DPI), solution and suspension suitable for nebulization and solution suitable for metered dose inhaler (MDI).

Expert has designed several inhalers before.

Expert has evaluated several DPI e.g. Ellipta, Turbuhaler, Aerolizer, Diskus and others.

Expert has evaluated different nebulizers e.g. different jet nebulizer (over 30) and vibrating mesh nebulizer e.g. NIVO, Aerogen Pro, Aerogen Solo, eFlow.

Expert has evaluated several add on devices e.g. Aerogen Ultra, Combihaler and Aerochamber spacers

Expert has evaluated aerosol delivery in-vitro, ex-vivo and in-vivo.

Expert has evaluated delivery to normal volunteers, asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) patients, ventilated patients (invasive and non-invasive ventilation) and even delivery to patient using high flow nasal cannula.

Expert has worked in counseling MDI, DPI using verbal counseling and training devices e.g. Clip-Tone, Trainhaler, Flow-tone and in-Check DIAL.

Expert is ready to help in any research that includes inhalation device or consult in any problem related to any type of inhalation device or aerosol generator.


Year Degree Subject Institution
Year: 2009 Degree: PhD Subject: Clinical Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Innovation Institution: Institute of Pharmaceutical Innovation, School of Pharmacy, Bradford University
Year: 2006 Degree: Mphil Subject: Clinical Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Innovation Institution: Institute of Pharmaceutical Innovation, School of Pharmacy, Bradford University
Year: 2003 Degree: Master Subject: Pharmaceutical science Institution: Faculty of Pharmacy, Cairo University
Year: 1996 Degree: Bachelor Subject: Pharmaceutical science Institution: Faculty of Pharmacy, Cairo University

Work History

Years Employer Title Department
Years: 2019 to Present Employer: Undisclosed Title: Professor - Faculty of Pharmacy Department: Clinical Pharmacy
Available upon request.
Years Employer Title Department
Years: 2014 to 2019 Employer: Beni-Suef University Title: Associate Professor Department: Clinical Pharmacy
Lecturing and research supervision
Years Employer Title Department
Years: 2009 to 2014 Employer: Beni-Suef University Title: Lecturer Department: Clinical Pharmacy
Lecturing and research supervision
Years Employer Title Department
Years: 2003 to 2009 Employer: Faculty of Pharmacy, Beni-Suef University Title: Associate lecturer Department: Pharmaceutics
Lab supervision
Years Employer Title Department
Years: 1998 to 2003 Employer: Faculty of Pharmacy, Beni-Suef University Title: Demonstrator Department: Pharmaceutics
Lab supervision

Career Accomplishments

Associations / Societies
Member in the American Association of Pharmaceutical since 2015
Membership of British Pharmacological society (BPS)
Professional Appointments
1. Membership of International Society for Aerosols in Medicine (ISAM)
2. Research assistant in school of life science, Huddersfield University, in a project sponsored by Advanced Gel Technology Limited (AGT science Ltd), Huddersfield, UK.
3. Honorary contract with the NHS to perform a study on non-invasively ventilated patients in respiratory care unit in St. James hospital, Leeds, UK.
4. Researcher in a post doctoral job in Institute national de la santé et de la recherché médicale (INSERM), Faculty of medicine, Francois-Rabelais University, in a project sponsored by TELEMAQ, Tours, France 2009.
5. Member of research team to answer a question raised by the GRAM association (Aerosol Research Group for CF patients in France) of Cystic Fibrosis about the possibility to use a single-use disposable jet nebuliser with home care patients to avoid the risk of bacterial contamination and to decrease the total nebulisation time, Tours, France 2009.
6. Preparing and teaching Community Pharmacy, Clinical Pharmacy 1, Clinical Pharmacy 2, Hospital Pharmacy, Clinical Pharmacokinetics, Dermatology, Treatment of respiratory disease, oncology and drug information courses for Undergraduates and Clinical Pharmacokinetics, Pharmacy Practice and Pharmaceutical Care courses for postgraduates in Faculty of Pharmacy, Employer, Beni-Suef.
7. Preparing and using the Clinical Pharmacy course as an e-course uploaded and used on the Egyptian National e-learning courses website
8. Visiting lecturer to prepare and teach Clinical Pharmacy 1 and Clinical Pharmacy 2, Clinical Pharmacokinetics and Community Pharmacy course syllabuses in Faculty of Pharmacy, Nhda University, Beni-Suef, Egypt 2009-2012.
9. Visiting lecturer to prepare and teach Clinical Pharmacy course syllabus in Faculty of Pharmacy, Al-Arab Medicine University, Bengazi, Libya 2009-2010.
10. Visiting lecturer to teach Clinical Pharmacy 1, Clinical Pharmacy 2, Drug and poison information, Hospital Pharmacy courses in Faculty of Pharmacy, Al-Ahram Canadian University (ACU), Giza, Egypt 2009-2013.
11. External evaluator of the syllabuses of the courses produced and taught to undergraduate and postgraduate students, since 2009/2010, till now by Clinical pharmacy department, Faculty of Pharmacy, Cairo University, Cairo, Egypt.
12. Creating and supervising training for clinical pharmacy undergraduate, Faculty of Pharmacy, Employer, Beni-Suef, in the teaching hospital of Faculty of Medicine, Employer for two months in Surgery, Gynaecology, pulmonary, cardiology, ICU, nephrology, infectious diseases, oncology, Gastroenterology and paediatric words, summer of academic years 2009-2010, 2010-2011, 2011-2012.
13. Visiting Associate Professor to participate in preparing and teaching Oncology therapeutics, Treatment of respiratory disease and pharmaceutical care Immunological disorder course syllabuses to Pharm D students in Faculty of Pharmacy, Cairo University, Cairo, Egypt 2010-2011 and 2013-2014.
14. Membership of British Pharmacological society (BPS), 2011-2012.
15. Visiting lecturer to teach Clinical Pharmacy course in Faculty of Pharmacy and supervisor of the final year project of the clinical pharmacy undergraduate projects, Modern Science and art (MSA) University, Giza, Egypt 2011-2012.
16. Editorial Board Member of World Journal of Respirology, Baishideng Publishing Group Co., Limited
17. Associate editor of Employer Journal of Applied Sciences (BUJAS) the official journal of Employer, Elsevier.

Reviewer of several scientific journals e.g. Current Gene Therapy, European Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Expert Review of Respiratory Medicine, Respirology Journal, Lung, Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology, Pharmaceutical Development and Technology Journal, Research in Social & Administrative Pharmacy Journal, Journal of Pharmacy Practice, Journal of Asthma and Allergy, International Journal of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease, Journal of Allergy & Therapy, Pharmacology and Pharmacy Journal, Employer Journal of Applied Sciences (BUJAS) the official journal of Employer, Universal Journal of Medicine & Dentistry (UJMD), World Journal of Respirology, DARU Journal of Pharmaceutical Science, Journal of Clinical Pharmacology (JCP), SAGE Open Medicine, Journal Bulletin of Faculty of Pharmacy, International Journal of Diabetes in Developing Countries, Journal of Pulmonary & Respiratory Medicine, Multidisciplinary Respiratory Medicine Journal, World Journal of Clinical Pediatrics, Iranian Journal of pharmaceutical research, Journal of Pharmacy Technology and The Annals of Pharmacotherapy, Palgo Journals, Advances in Therapy, Pulmonary Therapy, Pharmacy practice, Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine, Journal of Drug Delivery Science and Technology, The Clinical Respiratory Journal and Clinical, Experimental Pharmacology and Physiology and International Journal of Risk, Safety in Medicine, Current Respiratory Medicine Reviews, International Research Journal of Medicine and Medical Sciences, Experimental Lung Research, BMC Pulmonary Medicine, Journal of Asthma, Saudi Pharmaceutical Journal, The Journal of Visualized Experiments, Pulmonary Pharmacology & Therapeutics, Clinical pharmacy and Therapeutics, Journal of Aerosol Medicine and Pulmonary Drug Delivery, American journal of infection control, and PLOS ONE.
Awards / Recognition
1. University of Beni-Suef incentive Award
2. Inclusion in Who's Who in the World
3. Nomination by the American Biographical Institute (ABI) to be included in the, sixth edition.
4. Best research article in Employer (2 years)

Medical / Professional
1. Research assistant in school of life science, Huddersfield University, in a project sponsored by Advanced Gel Technology Limited (AGT science Ltd), Huddersfield, UK
2. Honorary contract with the NHS to perform a study on non-invasively ventilated patients in respiratory care unit in St. James hospital, Leeds, UK.
3. Researcher in a post doctoral job in Institute national de la santé et de la recherché médicale (INSERM), Faculty of medicine, Francois-Rabelais University, in a project sponsored by TELEMAQ, Tours, France.
4. Member of research team to answer a question raised by the GRAM association (Aerosol Research Group for CF patients in France) of Cystic Fibrosis about the possibility to use a single-use disposable jet nebuliser with home care patients to avoid the risk of bacterial contamination and to decrease the total nebulisation time, Tours, France.
5. Preparing and teaching Community Pharmacy, Clinical Pharmacy 1, Clinical Pharmacy 2, Hospital Pharmacy, Clinical Pharmacokinetics, Dermatology, Treatment of respiratory disease, oncology and drug information courses for Undergraduates and Clinical Pharmacokinetics, Pharmacy Practice and Pharmaceutical Care courses for postgraduates in Faculty of Pharmacy, Employer, Beni-Suef.
6. Preparing and using the Clinical Pharmacy course as an e-course uploaded and used on the Egyptian National e-learning courses
7. Visiting lecturer to prepare and teach Clinical Pharmacy 1 and Clinical Pharmacy 2, Clinical Pharmacokinetics and Community Pharmacy course syllabuses in Faculty of Pharmacy, Nhda University, Beni-Suef, Egypt
8. Visiting lecturer to prepare and teach Clinical Pharmacy course syllabus in Faculty of Pharmacy, Al-Arab Medicine University, Bengazi, Libya
9. Visiting lecturer to teach Clinical Pharmacy 1, Clinical Pharmacy 2, Drug and poison information, Hospital Pharmacy courses in Faculty of Pharmacy, Al-Ahram Canadian University (ACU), Giza, Egypt.
10. External evaluator of the syllabuses of the courses produced and taught to undergraduate and postgraduate students, by Clinical pharmacy department, Faculty of Pharmacy, Cairo University, Cairo, Egypt.
11. Creating and supervising training for clinical pharmacy undergraduate, Faculty of Pharmacy, Employer, Beni-Suef, in the teaching hospital of Faculty of Medicine, Employer for two months in Surgery, Gynaecology, pulmonary, cardiology, ICU, nephrology, infectious diseases, oncology, Gastroenterology and paediatric words, summer of academic years
12. Visiting Associate Professor to participate in preparing and teaching Oncology therapeutics, Treatment of respiratory disease and pharmaceutical care Immunological disorder course syllabuses to Pharm D students in Faculty of Pharmacy, Cairo University, Cairo, Egypt
13. Visiting lecturer to teach Clinical Pharmacy course in Faculty of Pharmacy and supervisor of the final year project of the clinical pharmacy undergraduate projects, Modern Science and art (MSA) University, Giza, Egypt
14. Editorial Board Member of World Journal of Respirology, Baishideng Publishing Group Co., Limited
15. Associate editor of Employer Journal of Applied Sciences (BUJAS) the official journal of Employer, Elsevier.
16. Establishing and supervising a Clinical Pharmacy department in the public Hospital of Fayoum )Al-Nabwy El-mohandes)
17. Preparing and teaching “Woman health care” module in the first OTC-Certification in Egypt sponsored by Sanofi Aventis Egypt and Egyptian Pharmacist Syndicate
18. Visiting lecturer to participate in teaching of Oncology Pharmacy Preparatory Review Course and The Pharmacotherapy Preparatory Review and Recertification Course to Pharm D students in Faculty of Pharmacy, MUST University, Giza, Egypt
19. External evaluator of Science and Technology Development Fund (STDF) to evaluate research proposals
20. Visiting Associate Professor to participate in preparing and teaching Therapeutics course syllabus to Hospital Pharmacy Diploma students in Faculty of Pharmacy, Cairo University, Cairo, Egypt
21. Visiting Associate Professor to participate in preparing and teaching Therapeutics course syllabus to clinical pharmacy premaster students in Faculty of Pharmacy, Cairo University, Cairo, Egypt
22. Supervising many master and PhD thesis since 2009.
23. Head of Clinical Pharmacy Department
24. Speaker for Pfizer Egypt, preparing and giving a lecture called "Common Upper and lower Respiratory Tract Infections", “Erectile Dysfunction” and “Fungal Infections”
25. Speaker for Novartis Egypt, preparing and giving a lecture called "Drug interactions"
26. Evaluator of many master and PhD thesis in different Universities; in Egypt (Beni-Suef, Helwan and Cairo Universities), In United Arab Emirates (Ajman University of Science and Technology).
27. Advisory board member of journal of Pulmonary therapy
28. External evaluator of National Science Centre (Poland) to evaluate research proposals.
29. External evaluator of Research Grant Proposal-Ajman University (United Arab Emirates).
30. External evaluator of Research Grant Proposal-Imperial College (London, UK).
Publications and Patents Summary
Papers: 94
Conferences: 66

Fields of Expertise

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