Expert Details
Maritime, Accidents, Boatbuilding, Marine Diesels, Accident Reconstruction Including Deaths, Marine Related Fields

ID: 733529
Florida, USA
Inspector of over 13,000 boats and ships for condition, valuation, insurance, donation, finance, risk, disaster, salvage, damage, repair, hull, moisture, delamination, corrosion analysis, wood, Kevlar, FRP, including Ships, Submarines, Submersibles Landing Craft, Barges, Tow Boats, Jack Up Rigs, Tankers, Mega Yachts, Yachts, Commercial fishing, Sport fish, Sail, Houseboats, Pontoon, Boat Trailers, I/O engines, Outboard gas engines, Gas and Diesel Inboard Engines, Freight, Sea Trials, On and Off Hire Surveys, Trip and Tow Surveys, as well as Cargo by all shipping methods. Extensive knowledge of scaffolding and ladders as well as the use of ladders and scaffolding to board vessels in boat and shipyards as well as the proper securing of ladders to vessels due to use in family boat yard in New York, as well as thousands of boarding of boats and ships in boat and shipyards to inspect vessels.
Expert has been a licensed USCG Master since 1963 and has held a USCG Engineering License > 4000 H.P, in addition to an unlimited towboat license. His experience goes all the way back as a boy of six starting in his family's business of party and commercial fishing boats (a family business which goes back to the 1920's in New York). As he grew older, he worked in the engine repair facilities and boatyards the family owned. At 14, Expert was docking 140' boats.
Expert has done hundreds of inspections, depositions and court cases since the mid 1980's including work on the BP Deep Horizon oil spill. He has testified as an expert witness in cases worldwide as well as the U.S. and Florida and has done accident reconstruction on small craft, yachts, as well as commercial fishing and work boats and large ships including the newest 1000' long passenger ships. These include collisions, sinking’s, fire, groundings, death cases including alcohol related.
Expert has also done diminished value claims. His business has built over 150 vessels in Fiberglass, composite, wood, steel and aluminum under the USCG Hull Identification AMS and in earlier years, before Hull Identifications, the "Ocean Horse" label. He has attended most of the marine engine schools over the years and did some work for GM on the early upgrades of the 53,71 and 149 engines as a young engineer. He is a certified FLIR Infrared Thermographer as well as a certified Non-destructive Testing audio-gauger, and has all the latest equipment including engine computers, bore-scopes, and ultrasound equipment in addition to the infrared thermal imager and audio-gauge.
Expert attended various schools and seminars throughout the year on accident reconstruction, electrical, and vessel construction. He does work for the Polish Registrar of Shipping, Lloyd's of London, as well as several French and domestic insurance companies. Expert has been hired by both plaintiff and defense and has always been accepted as an expert witness and surveyor. His position is always "just the facts."
As a ships Master, Engineer, as well as a surveyor, he has inspected ships elevators, electrically and hydraulically controlled water tight as well as passenger doors in used, as well as new condition or as the ship has been reconstructed. Expert does condition, appraisal inspections as well as valuation appraisals, Infrared Thermal Imaging, NDT audio-gauging, Accident Reconstruction, including death, fire collision sinking, collapsing hatch supports both mechanical, electric and hydraulic, slip and falls, boatyard accidents, Diminished Valuation, Seaworthiness, Proper Repairs and Build, Boat and ship engines, and Paint condition.
(1) Numerous experience as certified expert witness in the Marine Field in the past 33 years, including Diminished Valuation, Accident Reconstruction, Vessel collisions, Sinkings, Fire Reconstruction, Injury and Death, Cruise ships Accidents, Boat Construction, Repair and Quality Control, Marine Engines and Installations, Testifying in the United States, Great Britain, BVIs, Mexico, Spain, Puerto Rico, France, Poland and Greece.
(2) Experience with Docks (loading and unloading), Boatyards, and Marinas, Boat Construction, Repair and Quality Control, Boat and Ship Construction, as well as Management of New Construction and Repair.
(3) Experienced boat builder Ocean Horse Label (before HIN’s) 178FRP Commercial boats, 3 Steel, 3 Aluminum, 7 Wood, 8 sail 5 FRP and 3 Steel, and from 2007 on under the AMS HIN Experienced and licensed operator (Master since 1963).
(4) Experienced Marine Engineer License 4000 Horsepower or greater from 1970 to 1993 (not renewed due to lack of use).
(5) Appraiser for recreational, commercial charter, and fishing vessel safety (Certified to give the USCG inspections of commercial fishing vessels, sail, and commercial workboats).
(6) Inspector of over 16,000+ boats and ships for condition, valuation, insurance, donation, finance, risk, disaster, salvage, damage, repair, hull, moisture, delamination, corrosion analysis, wood, Kevlar, FRP, including Ships, Submarines, Submersibles Landing Craft, Barges, Tow Boats, Jack-Up Rigs, Tankers, Mega Yachts, Yachts, Commercial fishing, Sportfish, Sail, Houseboats, Pontoon, Boat Trailers, I/O engines, Outboard gas engines, Gas and Diesel Inboard Engines, Freight, Sea Trials, On and Off Hire Surveys, Trip and Tow Surveys, as well as Cargo by all shipping methods. Extensive knowledge of scaffolding and ladders as well as the use of ladders and scaffolding to board vessels in boat and shipyards as well as the proper securing of ladders to vessels due to the use in boatyards in New York, as well as thousands of boarding of boats and ships in boat and shipyards to inspect vessels.
(7) Inspect MOLEX INTERNATIONAL CORPORATION, Pumps, Motors, Electrical Panels, in two Plants in St. Petersburg, Florida. Using FLIR Infrared Thermal Imaging to test motors.
(8) FLIR INFRARED THERMAL IMAGING and Bore-scoping of marine vessels and land-based properties for mold and water intrusion. This includes specialized work for the United States Government and LOCKEED-MARTIN as subcontractors.
(9) Certified Internationally NDT testing (Audio gauging Steel and Aluminum).
(10) Learned Steel and Aluminum Construction under the tutelage of Duckworth Boats.
(11) Equipment Associated with Boats and Ships.
(12) 2010 POLISH REGISTRAR OF SHIPPING Inspection Course (2 weeks) on CE examinations and ship inspections (Gdansk, Poland).
(13) Certified Diver, Familiar with Deepwater work as well as shallow work, including remote as well as attached tankage, Deepwater saturation work.
(14) Engine Surveys and Inspections: Diesel Engine Schools Attended, GM Detroit Diesel and Gas (all venues), YANMAR, VOLVO PENTA Diesel, CATERPILLAR, JOHN DEERE, MAN, MTU, DEUTZ, LEHMAN, PERKINS, IZUSU, CUMMINS, and ONAN. Gasoline Engine Schools, MERCURY, MERCRUISER, VOLVO PENTA, YAMAHA, EVINRUDE, HONDA, SUZUKI, TOHATSU.
Project management for Yachts and Ship retrofitting.
Year | Degree | Subject | Institution |
Year: 1966 | Degree: Masters, Mechaical Engineering | Subject: Engineering, Marine Combustion Engines | Institution: University of Toledo |
Year: 1962 | Degree: High School Diploma | Subject: General | Institution: Westbury High School |
Work History
Years | Employer | Title | Department |
Years: 2010 to Present | Employer: Undisclosed | Title: Consultant (litigation) | Department: |
Responsibilities:Worked on Litigation against BP during Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill |
Years | Employer | Title | Department |
Years: 1991 to Present | Employer: Undisclosed | Title: Consultant, President, CEO | Department: |
Responsibilities:Marine and Maritime ExpertsBoat Surveys, Pre-Purchase, and Insurance Divorce and Donation Appraisals Accident Inspections and Investigations United States Federal Court Approved |
Years | Employer | Title | Department |
Years: 1970 to 1998 | Employer: NOT Just Maritime Services, SAGA Marine, Davie Marine Engine Rebuild and AAC Marine Surveyors | Title: President | Department: |
Responsibilities:Marine surveying of boats and engines including pre-purchase as well as damage, Vessel, and ship deliveries around the world which included commercial Tug and Barge Handling, as well as Yacht deliveries and Private Captain for large sport-fishing boats. Boat handling and operational experience including running and operational hands-on experience of Ships to 650 feet, Commercial Fishing Boats including, large trawlers, factory style vessels, shrimp boats, long line commercial fishing boats, offshore scallop boats, and commercial grouper fishing boats. Manufacturing and Construction of commercial boats. Owner of Davie Marine Engines, LLC, rebuilds marine diesel and gasoline engines, which were sold in 1982. |
Years | Employer | Title | Department |
Years: 1967 to 1979 | Employer: Family-owned Party Fishing boat fleet | Title: Manager | Department: |
Responsibilities:Management fleet of seven boats between New York, and other northeastern states. and Florida for the family. Spent half a year working for GM, as an engineer on upgrades concerning GM Diesel 53, 71, and 149, as well as early views of 92 series marine engines. Additional work as United States Government for the CIA in Vietnam and Cambodia. |
Years | Employer | Title | Department |
Years: 1963 to 1969 | Employer: Family Party Fishing Boats | Title: Part-time/Full-time Captain | Department: New York |
Responsibilities:Part-time and full-time captain of family party fishing boats, in New York, summers and weekends, helped run family-owned repair yard in New York, in addition to repairing boats and engines in our family-owned boatyard. |
International Experience
Years | Country / Region | Summary |
Years: 1994 to 2016 | Country / Region: Europe, Mexico, Caribbean, | Summary: Testifying |
Career Accomplishments
Associations / Societies |
- International Institute of Marine Surveyors (IIMS) - US Surveyors Association (Certified Master Marine Surveyor) - National Association of Marine Surveyors - American Boat and Yacht Council (ABYC) - National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) - Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers (SNAME). - International Association of Marine Investigators (IAMI). (Fraud and Accident Investigation Certified) - National Association of Marine Surveyors. (NAMS) - American Boat and Yacht Council (ABYC). - National Fire Protection Association (NFPA). - Society of Accredited Marine Surveyors (SAMS®), (Accredited Marine Surveyor) - US Boat Exchange. - Member Boat US CAT team |
Licenses / Certifications |
- USCG Merchant Marine Master', at one time, held an unlimited Engineering License Greater than 4000HP - International Bureau of Shipping (INSB) - Registered US boat builder under HIN: AMS. Given by USCG. - USPAP Certified (Certified appraiser) - US Boat Exchange - Certified Diver - USCG/Merchant Marine Master, 11th Issue since 1963 - Completed all STCW’s for US and International Requirements - Unlimited Towboat license since 1967 - Marine Engineering License Greater than 4000 H.P. - Level 3 Internationally Certified INFRARED THERMOGRAPHER (over 7900 vessels inspected since 1995) - Internationally Certified NDT Audio gauge certification - Approved Subcontractor to Lloyds of London - Certified and approved to testify in US Federal Court - Certified and Accredited Engine and Electrical Surveyor - Associate to PRS (Polish Registrar of Shipping) - Named associate to IMCI and EUROCONTROL, both European CE marking Notified Bodies - Maritime Services International- UK, Surveyor, and Expert - USCG 100 Ton Masters in 1962 - USCG High-Speed License since 1991 - USCG/Oceans Merchant Marine Master, 11th Issue since 1967. - Military Sea Lift Command as a Desert Storm as a Captain to deliver troops and equipment to the middle east 1990-1991. - Certified to Inspect Commercial Fishing and Work Boats and give “stickers”. - Maritime Law Classes at New York University - Approved Subcontractor to Lloyds of London. - Accident Inspections for Florida Wildlife Commission, which handles boating accidents and arrests. - United States Government Approved Marine Expert for The U.S. Coast Guard Maritime Litigation. |
Additional Experience
Expert Witness Experience |
Over 650 court cases since 1992. Numerous experience as certified expert witness in the Marine Field in the past 32 years, including Diminished Valuation, Accident Reconstruction, Vessel collisions, Sinking’s, Fire Reconstruction, Injury and Death, Cruise ships Accidents, Boat Construction, Repair and Quality Control, Marine Engines and Installations, Testifying in the United States, Great Britain, BVI’s, Mexico, Spain, Puerto Rico, France, Poland and Greece. |
Training / Seminars |
ABYC Electrical ABYC Electrical Systems ABYC Collision Investigation First Marine Claims Seminar Knox Claims Seminars 2007, 2009, 2012, 2014 ABYC Composites Course ABYC Electrical Corrosion Course ABYC Composites Course IBEXU Composites Course IBEXU Advanced Composites Course IBEXU Surveying and repairing Advanced Composites IBEXU Improving Gel Coat Quality IBEXU Demystifying Propeller Design, IBEX National Meetings 1996, 1998, 2000, 2002, 2004, 2006, 2008, 2010, 2012, 2014 WORKBOAT National Seminars, 1997, 1999, 2001, 2003, 2005, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2013 IAMI National Seminar 2003(Panama City Beach, Fl.), 2008 (Baton Rouge La) SAMS® National Seminars 1999, 2004, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014 |
Vendor Selection |
Experienced boat builder Ocean Horse Label (before HIN’s) 178FRP Commercial boats, 3 Steel, 3 Aluminum, 7 Wood, 8 sail 5 FRP and 3 Steel)), and from 2007 on under the AMS HIN |