Intellex Acquires Expert by Big Village

We're thrilled to announce that Intellex has acquired Expert by Big Village, effective March 22, 2024. This strategic move enhances our capabilities and strengthens our commitment to delivering exceptional solutions to our customers.

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Expert Details

Livestock Development

ID: 736150 Kenya

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Dairy Technology and Community Livestock Development Expert

Key qualifications: (Relevant to the project)
- Msc International Animal Health
- Milk Processing and Dairy Hygiene
- International animal health
- Skills in New dimension in agricultural extension management
- Design and plant layout of a Dairy Processing Plant
- Development of project proposal.
- Experience in informal dairy sector training
- Development of training modules and curriculum development.
- Skills in community consultancy, project management, conflict and disaster management.
- Ecosystem Services: a Method for Sustainable Development
- Project Management


Year Degree Subject Institution
Year: 2017 Degree: Master of Science Subject: International Animal Health Institution: University of Edinburgh
Year: 2012 Degree: BSc Subject: Community Development Institution: Egerton University
Year: 1988 Degree: Diploma Subject: Dairy Technology Institution: Egerton University

Work History

Years Employer Title Department
Years: 1988 to Present Employer: Undisclosed Title: Livestock Expert Department: Livestock Development
Designing and delivering specialized training programmes for dairy extension officers, farmers and processors.
Years Employer Title Department
Years: 1988 to Present Employer: Undisclosed Title: Community Dairy Consultant and Trainer Department:
- Milk Processing and Dairy Hygiene
-International animal health
-Skills in New dimension in agricultural extension management
-Design and plant layout of a Dairy Processing Plant
-Development of project proposal.
-Experience in informal dairy sector training
-Development of training modules and curriculum development.
-Skills in community consultancy, project management, conflict and disaster management.
-Ecosystem Services: a Method for Sustainable Development
-Project Management

Government Experience

Years Agency Role Description
Years: 1988 to Present Agency: Dairy Training Institute Role: Lecturer Description: Designing and delivering specialized training programmes for dairy extension officers, farmers and processors

International Experience

Years Country / Region Summary
Years: 2019 to Present Country / Region: KENYA, DJIBOUT , ETHIOPIA , SOUTH SUDAN , UGANDA Summary: EU Project Evaluation

Career Accomplishments

Associations / Societies
Dairy Technology Society of Kenya (Dairy Training Institute) (since 2011)
Licenses / Certifications
Certificate in International Milk Processing and Entrepreneurship, Dairy Training Centre
Certificate in New Dimension in Agricultural extension Methods, Manage, Hyderabad, India
Rural Dairy Processing, ILCA- Debre Zeit, Ethiopia
Certificate in MS Word, Infortech, Kenya
Certificate in Data Analysis- SPSS, Egerton University, Kenya
Certificate in Senior Management, Kenya School of Government, Kenya
Certificate for Training of Trainers, Kenya School of Government, Kenya

Development of draft dairy CBET curricular at diploma, certificate and modular levels sponsored by CAADP ATVET project- including food safety aspect
• Development of the following training modules and guides for the dairy sector
• Hygienic milk handling and processing.
• Production of cultured milk.
• Dairy equipment and maintenance.
• Cheese making.
• Milk testing and quality control.
• Milk and milk products marketing.

Additional Experience

Expert Witness Experience
Consultanting Experience:

- Kenya, Technical Expert, Reviewing of Learning Guides and Development of Training Guides on Aquaculture and Dairy for Micro Enterprise Support Programme Trust (MESPT) and TVETA /CDAAC Authority

- Kenya, Technical Expert
• Dairy Value Chain Curriculum Development- ASDSP II is a five year Programme being implemented by the Government of Kenya
o The Programme’s purpose is to “develop sustainable Priority Value Chains (PVCs) for improved income, food and nutrition security
• Output
o Dairy Value Chain Curriculum
o Training for Service Providers on dairy Business Skills.

- Djibouti, Ethiopia, South Sudan, Uganda, Technical Expert
• Evaluation assessment : Final Evaluation of the program "Animal Disease Surveillance in Support of Trade in IGAD Member States
• Systematic and timely evaluation of EU funded STSD project.
• Project scope-
o Animal Certification and Identification Systems in the IGAD Member States
o Surveillance Systems for Trade Sensitive Diseases at National and Regional levels
• Output
o Inception report
o Field visits-
o Gathering of primary evidence with the use of the most appropriate techniques
o Data collection and analysis linked to the hypotheses to be tested in the field and in view of filling the gaps
o an overall independent assessment of the past performance of the project
o Key lessons learned conclusions and related recommendations

- Kenya, Dairy Technologist
• Conducted Review business proposal of Nourishing Nomads equipment and machinery required to adjust to the budget consultancy for SRC under the Livestock Market Systems (LMS) Activity under SRC consultants and ACDI/VOCA -USAID Project
• Conducted Technical Advisory (Equipment) For Kulan Foods Business Feasibility Study for SRC under the Livestock Market Systems (LMS) Activity under SRC consultants and ACDI/VOCA -USAID Project

- Kenya, Technical Expert, Reviewing of existing CBET National Occupational Standards and Curricula for Dairy to incorporate Food Safety aspects and other occupations in value chains for Micro Enterprise Support Programme Trust (MESPT) and TVETA /CDAAC Authority

- Kenya, Technical Expert
Feed the Future Kenya Livestock Market Systems Activity (LMS)- Livestock Markets Building Resilience in Arid Lands
The project objective was to strengthen people’s resilience to climate shocks related to drought and reduce poverty, hunger, and chronic undernutrition through the target of pastoralist milk and milk products. The LMS activity was building local capacity to transform the livestock sector by catalysing economic growth among pastoralist communities in northern Kenya.
• Conducting training on Milk Hygiene and Handling Training for women milk traders and small livestock farmers in Turkana, Marsarbit, Wajir, Isiolo and Wajir County.
• Among the training is the spread and control of zoonotic diseases in milk and animal husbandry practices and reporting of disease outbreaks.
• Developing a basic training manual using the BMC model for the following module topics:
1.Milk production (Emphasis on productivity and hygiene)
2.Milk collection and testing (Emphasis on hygiene)
3.Small-scale milk processing (Emphasis on hygiene)
4.Hygienic milk trading
5. Dairy business management (marketing and record keeping).
Supporting the development of small scale milk business in the region.
ACDI/VOCA’s Feed the Future Resilience and Economic Growth in the Arid Lands – Accelerated Growth (REGAL-AG) project
• Project focused on building a more inclusive and competitive livestock value chain.
• The consultant provided advice to ensure dairy the products produced met the required sanitary and phytosanitary standards.
• REGAL-AG also issued a $250,000 grant to Classic Foods, a food processing company, to buy camel milk processing equipment and expand its operations to Isiolo County, allowing pastoralists there to market their milk through an already-established supply chain.

- Kenya, Technical Expert
Feed the Future Kenya Livestock Market Systems Activity- Livestock Markets Building Resilience in Arid Lands
The project objective was to strengthen people’s resilience to climate shocks related to drought and reduce poverty, hunger, and chronic undernutrition through the target of pastoralist milk and milk products. The LMS activity was supporting strengthening of institutions, systems, and governance through creating viable business in the region.
• Analysing of Business Models/Business Plans for Dairy value chain Business model canvas developed by the Livestock Market Systems (LMS) Activity under SRC consultants and ACDI/VOCA USAID Project,
• Analysing of Business Models/Business Plans for Dairy value chain Business model canvas developed by the Livestock Market make recommendation for technical improvement.

- Kenya, Technical Expert
Hygienic Milk Production, Loss Reduction and Value Addition Outreach
• To impart skills to the smallholder farmers and traders on important aspects of milk production, handling, processing, value addition and marketing,
• To develop on-farm practical formulations and management practices to reduce the cost of production,
• To induce business development skills in marketing of milk and milk products and promote dairy farming as an economic worthy enterprise to improve food security and improve the lives of the rural smallholder populations
• Team member in consultancy to provide capacity building for SDCP beneficiaries on hygienic milk production, loss reduction and value addition.

- Kenya, Technical Expert
Radio based training module for stakeholders along the DVC in the high potential areas and ASAL FAO’s Improved Community Drought Response and Resilience Programme (ICDRR)
Objective of the project was to aid the farmers to recover from effect of drought and PEV.
Participation in development of dairy regulations and milk quality assurance training modules and airing of EU/FAO sponsored radio training program conducted by DTI through Milele FM and KBC radio.
• Among the training delivered is value addition, the spread and control of zoonotic diseases in milk and livestock products, animal husbandry practices and reporting of disease outbreaks.

- Kenya/ Puntland (Somalia), Trainer/ Capacity Building Expert, Team member implementing value addition training programme for Somali Pastoral Dairy Development Project (SPDDP II) sponsored by VSF Germany conducted at Dairy Training Institute-Naivasha for Puntland participants

- Kenya, Team Member, The projects was aimed at enhancing the food safety of traded milk, working closely with the Kenya Dairy Board and reduce overall losses in the enterprise. There were concerns to the spread of zoonotic diseases for milk sold by informal sector.

- Kenya, Team Member, Conducting collection of data and report writing in a case study on “Lessons of training in dairy development in Kenya’- FAO-funded to assess the impact of training intervention in the Kenyan dairy industry

- Kenya, Capacity Building Expert
The objective of the project was to prepare and initiate the implementation of a programme to restructure and commercialize KDB into a modern, cost-efficient, self-reliant body that works to promote the dairy industry, and which is accountable to the entire dairy industry. Specific tasks included:
• Milk processing technology and associated training;
• Reviewing the operation of KDB with a view to establish training in milk processing technologies.

- Kenya, Technical Expert
Radio based training module for stakeholders along the DVC in the high potential areas and ASAL
FAO’s Improved Community Drought Response and Resilience
Programme (ICDRR)
Objective of the project was to aid the farmers to recover from effect of drought and PEV.
Participation in development of dairy regulations and milk quality assurance training modules and airing of EU/FAO sponsored radio training program conducted by DTI through Milele FM and KBC radio.
• Among the training delivered is value addition, the spread and control of zoonotic diseases in milk and livestock products, animal husbandry practices and reporting of disease outbreaks.
Training / Seminars
Dissertation topic: Public Health Risks Related to Informal and
Formal Milk Marketing in Kenya: A Study of Brucellosis and
Antibiotic Residue Health Risks Knowledge Base of Milk
Handlers (68% award)
o Subject specialization
• Wildlife animal health and environment
• Pathogen strategies for transmission and survival
• Project planning and decision support for animal disease control,
• Surveillance and control of transboundary diseases affecting international trade,
• Technology advances in veterinary diagnostics,
• Zoonotic disease,
• Applied epidemiology and surveillance.
• Bsc Community Development-Project planning and management
Subject specialization
• Management and leadership for community development.
• Community Mobilization in Development
• Use of Appropriate Technology in community development
• Gender and Development
• Management of small and Micro Business
• Project planning and Management
• Communication Technology in Human Ecology
• Community Consultancy
• Project proposal development
• Community Nutrition Assessment and Surveillance
• Extension Methods in Human Ecology

Diploma in Dairy Technology
 Dairy Plant Design Operations and Management
 Fermented Milk Products Technology
 Frozen Dairy Products Technology
 Dairy Quality Assurance and Sensory Evaluation
 Evaporated and Dried Milk Products
 Milk Collection and Transportation
 Cheese making Technology
 Butter and Fat based Technology
 Dairy Equipment Maintenance

Language Skills

Language Proficiency
English Proficient

Fields of Expertise

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