General Internal Medicine- Geriatrics- Primary Care
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Doctor Expert is board certified in general internal medicine by the American Board of Internal Medicine and a Fellow of the American Colege of Physicians. He received " Added Qualifications in Geriatric Medicine" in 1992. Expert is a " generalist" who provides care to men and women from puberty through their geriatric years in the office setting, hospital, home visits and local rehabilitative facilities. He believes in personalized care choosing to schedule extended patient visits to allow sufficient doctor -patient contact so he may understand his patients needs and goals. ExpertReznick is a strong proponent of " evidence based" prevention in traditional allopathic medicine as well as complimentary and alternative treatments that through evidence based evaluation have been shown to work. He is a strong advocate and advisor for his patients in a complicated health care system. Expert has thirty years of experience practicing in the same community which has grown from a sleepy seasonal village to a thriving year round community. His medical experiences are now being taught to medical students at the University of Miami Miller School of Medicine FAU Campus program in his capacity as an Associate Professor of Biomedical Sciences. His experiences include membership on the initial Delray Community Hospital Construction and Governing Board, Director of South Florida HealthCare Associates, a 44 physician group practice without walls, Vice President of Pro Health (a 16 physician multispecialty group) and a current Vice President of University Medical Associates, a two physician concierge primary care internal medicine practice. His current practice stresses " promoting good health and peace of mind" through meticulous attention to his patients physical and emotional needs and goals
I am a consultant for Signature MD a three year old Southern California firm which transforms traditional medical practices into a boutique or concierge model.Original Consultant for federal publication " Put Prevention Into Practice" a textbook for primary care physicians on incorporating prevention into a general medical practiceI am a member of the " Kitchen" advisory panel of Medical Economics magazine. I review potential articles and comment on the business of health care for them.