Expert Details
Food Chemistry, Sensory Evaluation, Food Microbiology, Laboratories Accreditation, Quality Systems

ID: 724315
Several years of professional experience gained in Food Chemistry Laboratories, as Senior Analyst, then Technical Trainer and Assessor. Through this period Expert established the Chemistry Laboratory Manual of Ministry of health; contains test methods used by the ministry's laboratories, to support the Legal Conformity Inspection Body, ensuring that all food items including meat, poultry, and egg products are Safe, Wholesome, Accurately Labeled and Fit for Human Consumption. The Manual contains methods for the Analysis of Food Composition, Food Additives, Residues and Contaminants according to International Standards for analysis. In addition Expert has a long experience in assuring supervision on bench, facilitating Training, Performance, Quality Assessment, as well as interpretation of data.
Over 17years, Expert has Expertise in Food Control, through her direct contact with food control legislation, food inspection, general analysis and composition, and food analysis for quality, adulteration and other identity tests. Expert has an excellent input in governmental and regular food control laboratories, with an excellent experience in food laboratory accreditation, Good Laboratory Practices GMP, and proficiency testing sachems. The expert is a technical assessor on ISO/ IEC 17025:2005, and an auditor on ISO9000:2000, HACCP plan, ISO 22000:2005, and other Quality Systems. Expert Prepares and implements a management system in compliance with ISO/IEC 17025 and ISO 9000: 2000, ISO 22000:2005 as well as implements and conducts adequate satisfy internal audit system to assess the compliance of the unit operations with the requirements of these international standards. Expert can ensure that the developed and documented Procedures achieve system objectives. She Supervises and facilitates the training on quality management system for the staff at all levels and investigates deficiencies and non-conformities in the quality system. Expert maintains and monitors adequate quality control charts, identifies appropriate proficiency testing schemes and inter-laboratory comparison programs, and coordinates and monitors proficiency sample testing. Expert maintains and updates the (hard copy and electronic) filing system of the Programme to ensure that all the system records and documents are easily retrievable.
Several years of professional experience gained in Food Microbiology Laboratories, as Senior Analyst, then Technical Trainer. Through this period Expert Implemented the building capacity programme for the analytical staff, and established the Microbiological Laboratory Manual of Ministry of Health; contains test methods used by the ministry's laboratories, to support the Legal Conformity Inspection Body, ensuring that all food items including meat, poultry, and egg products are Safe, Free of Pathogens and Fit for Human Consumption. The Manual contains methods for Analytical Tests required by the Ministry regulatory activities on food items "exported and local" including meat, poultry and egg products. The manual includes specifically, Microbiological Methods are presented for sample preparation, isolation and identification of the major foodborne pathogenic microorganisms and some of their toxins, and the detection of extraneous materials. Media and reagent formulations and MPN Tables are contained in an appendix. This is according to International Standards for Microbiological Analysis. In addition Expert has a long Experience in Assuring Supervision on bench, facilitating training, performance, Microbiological Quality Assessment, as well as interpretation of results.
Expert has an excellent record in food processing mainly edible oil processing and related product improvement, as well as good experience in confectionary and ice cream processing factories. Expert can easily assemble a suitable appropriate good manufacturing practiced GMP's, HACCP plan and related Perquisite Programmes PRP's. Expert acts a pillar as a Technical Expert Team within the factory HACCP system. Expert holds the responsibilities of building up, establishing, implementing and maintaining the quality management system. She has supervised people and has engaged in both audits and evaluations of programmes. Technically expert supervises oil processing operational units " manual and through the control panel" and all the equipment during production, she controls the production process through several Quality Analyses of vegetable oil at different processing points.
Expert is Expert in Food Science based on her strong professional and academic background. Expert trains and advises in all basic topics of food science, these topics are; Food Chemistry which covers the basic composition, and properties of food and chemistry of changes occurring during processing., Food Microbiology including ecology, food safety and spoilage, pathogens.., Food Analysis covering methods and techniques to trace quality of foods, topics of food engineering, processing, as well as Food Sensory Science mainly olive oil sensory evaluation. Expert has advised on multiple topics including food analysis, Organolyptic Assessment of olive oil, food analysis database, assessment of training needs for food scientists, and related market surveys. General training materials implemented and supervised by the expert those are: Sensory Evaluation Techniques Training: olive oil, beverages, food in general, Statistical Analysis in Food control Training and Food Science Training: Food Processing, Food Microbiology, Food Chemistry, Food Development, Food Legislations and regulations, Food Analysis and Quality Assurance Laboratory.
The expert Assists and Helps three Governmental Bodies in Jordan to build up the Food Code System and Draw up the main frame of the Manual of Specifications regarding Food Analysis Technical part of the Food Laboratories’' Integrated Management System. Expert had advised on many topics including: Quality Systems, Laboratories’ Accreditation Plans and Scopes, Infrastructure, and Laboratories Instrumentation in three main Governmental Laboratories in Jordan: ASEZA- Laboratories Directorate, Aqaba Food Laboratory, and JFDA Laboratories Directorate.The Expert had advised by EU-IS- ASEZA / Food Component to Establish and Assess the Food Analysis Database. The Expert is consulted for the Infrastructure and Technical Requirements of the Organoleptic Evaluation Laboratory, according to the International Specifications and consulted to assess the Training Needs for Food Analysts this is to build up an Approved Team of Tasters.The Expert is consulted for Building up Technical Capacity of the technical staff of Aden, Mukalla, Al- hudeida fish quality control laboratories in Yemen, and provide the TA for Yemen Competent authority and Ministry of Fish wealth regarding Laboratories quality control.
Year | Degree | Subject | Institution |
Year: 1999 | Degree: Master | Subject: Food science | Institution: University of Jordan |
Year: 1989 | Degree: BS | Subject: Nutrition and Food Technology | Institution: University of Jordan |
Year: 2014 | Degree: PhD | Subject: Food Science and Technology | Institution: University of Jordan |
Work History
Years | Employer | Title | Department |
Years: 2007 to Present | Employer: Undisclosed | Title: Food Quality Consultant | Department: |
Responsibilities:Expert is advised on multiple topics including: Quality Systems, Laboratories’ Accreditation Plans, Quality Management Systems, Food Analysis, Food Analysis Database, Laboratory Infrastructure and Instrumentation, Assessment of Training Needs for Food Analysts, Integrated Laboratory Information Management System, and Market Surveys. |
Years | Employer | Title | Department |
Years: 2005 to 2007 | Employer: | Title: Quality Manager/ Acting Food Manager | Department: |
Responsibilities:She is responsible for building, implementation, assessing and maintaining of the quality system according to ISO17025, ISO9000. She is responsible for auditing, following up and supervising the progress of accreditation of the laboratories. She is responsible for offering lead consulting for any noncomplients, reviewing experts' reports, tenders, ToR's and market survey. She is acted as food laboratory manager and assisted in preparation of food database as well as supervised and facilitated the training on quality management system, food quality control, food regulations and standards. |
Years | Employer | Title | Department |
Years: 2004 to 2005 | Employer: | Title: Quality Coordinator/ Data Interpretation Responsible | Department: |
Responsibilities:She is responsible for Assure Implementation, Assessing and Maintaining of the Quality System according to ISO17025. She is Responsible for Auditing, Following up and Supervising the progress of Accreditation of the Laboratories. She is responsible for offering Lead Consulting for any noncomplients, Reviewing Technical Reports, Tenders, and Contracts. She acted as Principal Member in Interpretation and Explanation of the Final Laboratory Analytical Results of all tests methods. She participated efficiently through the managerial levels in Decisions Concerning Policy and Resources of Governmental Laboratories of Food. She supervised and facilitated the Training on Quality Management System, on Internal Audit, Statistical Analysis, Estimating of Uncertainty, Establishing and Implementing the Control Charts. She is responsible for Reviewing Manuals of Technical Work Methodology. She is responsible to Lead the Team of Quality of Drug and Food Laboratories. |
Years | Employer | Title | Department |
Years: 1999 to 2004 | Employer: | Title: Quality Coordinator/ Data Interpretation Responsible | Department: |
Responsibilities:She is the Focal Point of the lab for different International Programmes. She is responsible for Building, Implementation, Assessing and Maintaining of the Quality System according to ISO17025. She is responsible for Auditing, Following up and Supervising the progress of Accreditation of the laboratories. She is responsible for Offering Lead Consulting for any noncomplients, Reviewing Technical Reports, Tenders, and Contracts. She acted as Principal Member in interpretation and explanation of the final laboratory analytical results of all tests methods. She participated efficiently through the Managerial levels in decisions concerning Policy and Resources of Governmental laboratories of food. She supervised and facilitated the Training on Quality Management System, on Internal Audit, Statistical Analysis, Estimating of Uncertainty, establishing and implementing the Control Charts. She is responsible for preparing the Workbench Manuals. She participated in evaluation of Technical Capabilities of the Food Laboratories regarding the Microbiological Analysis, Mycotoxin Analysis, Residues Analysis, and participates in assessment of Risk Based System. And through the period of 1999- 2001 she is the Senior Analyst of the Lab. |
Years | Employer | Title | Department |
Years: 1996 to 1999 | Employer: | Title: Senior Analyst/ Chemical, Physical and Microbiological Analyst | Department: |
Responsibilities:In different sites of the country, she is the Senior Chemist and Microbiologist. She is responsible for issuing the final reports and result interpretation, ensuring that standards are up-to-date and in compliance with the regulatory requirements, updating the test methods and guides technical training on several methods of analyses as well as reallocating equipment and devices in the chemistry laboratory to ease monitoring of analytical work. She is responsible for Guiding, Advising, Training and Technically Supporting for many trouble shooting and nonconformities. |
Years | Employer | Title | Department |
Years: 1995 to 1996 | Employer: | Title: Senior Nutritionist and Diet Planner | Department: |
Responsibilities:She is Shift Supervisor for the preparation of all kind of Diets; Therapeutic and Normal diets, supervising staff of 50 persons, conducting systematic patient visits, to give advice and monitor their diet intakes. She is responsible for conducting statistical analysis for actual diet intake, patient satisfactory, and diet conformity. She is responsible for training and guiding juniors, and offering technical assisting where needed. She is responsible for planning diets and conducting training courses. |
Years | Employer | Title | Department |
Years: 1994 to 1996 | Employer: | Title: Head of the Quality Laboratories, Production Engineer | Department: |
Responsibilities:She is responsible for operating manual and through the control panel all the equipment during production, controlling the production process through several quality analyses of oil at different processing points. She is the head of the lab and one of the responsibilities is to maintain and monitor the laboratory equipment, control and monitor the softeners, boilers, condensers, and cooling towers in the factory, conduct different quality control analyses of water sample of all these units. She is responsible for assisting in new product developments. |
Years | Employer | Title | Department |
Years: 1993 to 1994 | Employer: | Title: Senior Analyst, Technical Supervisor | Department: |
Responsibilities:She is the senior analyst of the lab to conduct general Chemical, microbiological analysis of different items, and for quality and approximate analyses. She participated on Vit C search analysis using HPLC/ UV-VIS. and heavily worker on disinfectant analyses using R& D method for determination of phenol coefficient. |
Government Experience
Years | Agency | Role | Description |
Years: 2005 to 2007 | Agency: | Role: Quality Manager, Maintain the quality management system of the lab directorate. | Description: She is responsible for building, implementation, assessing and maintaining of the quality system according to ISO17025, ISO9000. She is responsible for auditing, following up and supervising the progress of accreditation of the laboratories. She is responsible for offering lead consulting for any noncomplients, reviewing experts' reports, tenders, ToR's and market survey. She is acted as food laboratory manager and assisted in preparation of food database as well as supervised and facilitated the training on quality management system, food quality control, food regulations and standards. |
Years: 2004 to 2005 | Agency: | Role: Quality Coordinator and team leader of quality in food and drug laboratories. | Description: She is responsible for offering lead consulting for any noncomplients, reviewing technical reports, tenders, and contracts. She acted as principal member in interpretation and explanation of the final laboratory analytical results of all tests methods. She participated efficiently through the managerial levels in decisions concerning policy and resources of governmental laboratories of food. She supervised and facilitated the training on quality management system, on internal audit, statistical analysis, estimating of uncertainty, establishing and implementing the control charts. She is responsible for reviewing manuals of technical work methodology. She is responsible to lead the team of quality of Drug and Food laboratories. |
Years: 1996 to 2004 | Agency: | Role: Quality coordinator/ Data Interpretation responsible/Senior analyst. | Description: She is the focal point of the lab for different international programmes. She is responsible for offering lead consulting for any noncomplients and for reviewing technical reports and data. |
International Experience
Years | Country / Region | Summary |
Years: 2008 to Present | Country / Region: Yemen | Summary: As Fish quality control laboratories Expert, the expert has the responsibility to Assess the technical and human resources of Fish quality Labs of Yemen coastal., Assess the process of installation and commissioning of lab equipments and instrumentation including general devices, HPLC, ASS, GC. assist in bid selection and assigning the required specifications. The expert is incharge to offer the TA for the labs' staff on operation of new equipments, including trouble shooting training as well as Elaborate a QCL training programme that conforms to European standards,elaborating training programme for chemical, physical and microbiologica analysis of fish and sea foods.. In addition offer the Advice and assistance to strengthen the laboratory management system in close liaison with the laboratory managers and the competent authority. Support and assist the QCL process with preparation for the accreditation against ISO 17025 is the main task to be established implemented by the expert. |
Career Accomplishments
Associations / Societies |
Institute of Food Technologists IFT; Full member Association of Agricultural Engineer; Full member. |
Licenses / Certifications |
•Auditor/ lead auditor: Successfully completed the ISO9000: 2000 series auditor/ lead auditor training course, IRCA certified training course, IATCA. Certificate SGS/SSCE/ LAC/ 505056/P/5926, Amman. •Technical assessor: Successfully completed the, training course Quality Management, Accreditation and Assessment Techniques according to ISO/ IEC 17025:2005. Certificate No. DAP- B- HKJ- 4.078-2006, approved by DAP “Deutsches Akkreditierungs system Prufwesen CMBH” & JAC, Amman. Olive oil Taster within the Jordanian national team for Organoleptic evaluation of olive oil. |
Awards / Recognition |
Prize Award: the Scientific Research Award, Amman, second level. |
Publications and Patents Summary |
Two scientific papers on vegetable oil "soybean, plamolien oil" presented in Malaysia, Saudi Arabia in International food Conferences – under publishing-. A scientific paper presented in the national conference of food and food processing. |
Additional Experience
Expert Witness Experience |
Depositions for certain analyses, their reliability and correctness. Has an Excellent Experience in Jordanian and EC legislations and standards, EurepGAP standards, Codex standards, Codex guidelines and Code of Practices, and her ability to assess the existing capacity and capacity building needs to analyze food in term of quality, adulteration, residues and safety help Her through Refute some violations related to food analysis. |
Training / Seminars |
Quality Systems Training: ISO/IEC; 17025, ISO 9000:2000, ISO; 22000:2005, HACCP programs, GLP’s, GMP's and EurepGAP; Assessment of training needs. Sensory Evaluation Techniques, Training: olive oil, beverages, food in general: Statistical Analysis in Food Laboratories Training: Food Science Training: Food Processing, Food Microbiology, Food Chemistry, Food Development, Food Legislations and regulations, Food Analysis and Quality Assurance Laboratory |
Vendor Selection |
Expert has an excellent experience in evaluation supplier services, specially those related to Integrated Laboratory Information Management System, and market surveys. |
Marketing Experience |
She's involved in many Feasibility Studies related to bringing up new food tests and analyses, LIMS/ FIMS studies in Jordan. |
Other Relevant Experience |
Holds the responsibilities of building up, establishing, implementing and maintaining the quality management system to comply the requirements of international standard and accreditation, she has worked in governmental sectors in Jordan, as well as the programmes funded by various donors including the European Commission, WHO, FAO, IOOC, USAID. Expert has supervised people and have engaged in both audits and evaluations of programmes |
Language Skills
Language | Proficiency |
Arabic | Mother language |
English | Almost, English is her official language in work and through study. |
Fields of Expertise
food testing laboratory, food analysis, food regulatory compliance, food safety, food chemistry, food analytical chemistry, food quality assurance, food industry quality assurance, food industry quality control, food industry quality management, food industry total quality control, food industry total quality management, food microbiology, food processing, edible oil processing, food processing good manufacturing practice, food product quality control, food product quality improvement, hazard analysis critical control point, food science, food sensory science, sensory, food quality control, mycotoxicosis, dieting, laboratory quality assurance, internal audit, sensory science, nutrition assessment, ice cream safety, ice cream manufacturing HACCP, food biotechnology, Bacillus cereus, Clostridium botulinum, food shelf life extension, infant food, food processing quality, beverage quality assurance, bacterial toxin, food research and development, food separation, food-borne pathogen, meat quality assurance, food pollutant, nutraceutical, Food and Drug Administration CFR-21 part 175, meat microbiology, food toxicity, applied chemistry, dairy product safety, Food and Drug Administration food packaging regulation, health food, food-borne illness, food-borne pathogenic bacterium, food inspection, Food and Drug Administration food regulation, food processing plant sanitizing, food processing technology, food plant layout, food preservative, food engineering, food component, dairy microbiology, food additive, food, virology, food stability, food shelf life testing, mycology, microbiology, microbial ecology, manufacturing, frozen food, food technology, food storage, food spoilage, food preservation, food ingredient, deodorizing, dairy processing, chromatography, applied microbiology