Expert Details
Fire Origin and Cause, Products Liability, Equipment Failure, Management, O&M Evaluation

ID: 732173
Texas, USA
Expert has provided some of the key analytical input for state and federal government agencies during the TMI-2 nuclear accident investigation and recovery. As one of the key on-site supervisors during the recovery phase of this major accident event, he developed and implemented specialized test methods that were crucial in determining the stability of the nuclear reactor system and explosion prevention.
Adept in the application of scientific principles and methodologies in forensic engineering and analysis tasks. Provided sworn testimony in 19 cases, both civil and criminal, covering fire and explosion, products defect, wrongful death, personal injury, industrial accidents, and management performance/negligence issues. Provided over 200 additional forensic investigation reports for various applications by the insurance agencies, attorneys, industrial, and institutional clients. Expertise derived from extensive education and training in the principles and practices of applied fire science, engineering, the physical sciences, and business administration and management. The experience is derived through extensive “hands-on” investigations in both civil and criminal matters in the above specialization areas and over 40 years of lead assignments in engineering and analysis tasks in a variety of contexts.
Fifteen years of experience in product, process, and service development. This included process flow analysis, manufacturing equipment modifications and life cycle analysis, and operations and technical staff training. Served as manufacturing representative on process feasibility/validation review teams. Evaluated performance against established metrics using SPC methods and performed root cause analysis leading to process improvement and warranty liability determination. Developed design control protocols and implemented a post-maintenance test strategy to streamline equipment performance verification after major maintenance. Developed and executed validation and OQ protocols, including final reports, in the areas of solid dosage processing, gelatin encapsulation, API bulk processing, HVAC, and potent compounding facility design. Designed and implemented a decision support guide using statistical and pattern recognition methods to quantify process performance in plasma fractionation processes.
Twelve years of experience in engineering management and supervision. Directed all activities for facility systems and equipment installation, modification, and maintenance. Systems experience included cooling water, high purity nuclear reactor water cleanup systems, HVAC, electrical distribution, instrumentation and control, and diesel and DC power generation. Responsible for VFD power systems, static inverters, UPS inertial MG sets, and battery backup electrical systems. Developed and implemented waste reduction, rework, and productivity improvements. Performed failure analysis on over 10,000 individual components and converted findings into maintenance and modification tasks for performance and safety improvements.
Developed and implemented tooling design control to improve manufacturing processes. Developed and implemented waste reduction, rework, and productivity improvement strategies that included energy conservation effects on process performance. Developed and implemented the training and certification program for manufacturing and packaging operations including the applicable industrial safety practices. Trained and certified over 200 operators, supervisors, and engineers. Managed and supervised construction and installation projects involving facility systems and equipment installation, modification, and maintenance.
Experience included mechanical, electrical, and measurement, and control systems.
Experienced in operations evaluation and oversight review, organizational program design, and technical and leadership training. Developed and implemented operational action plans for industrial enterprises. Created an assessment and design methodology unique in TQM based on information flow networks for decision applications. Successfully applied this methodology in production management systems.
Expert provided expert witness services to a major international appliance manufacturer in areas related to subrogation claims regarding fire, personnel injury, products defect, and design issues. Appliances included dishwashers, micro wave ovens, washers and dryers, and refrigerators.
Expert provided consulting services to electric utility maintenance and modification superintendent and his staff to produce the station's 5 year "Conduct of Maintenance Functional Implementation Specification." The overall plan was positively reviewed by the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission which cited the plan as a clear statement of management policy and practice in terms of proactive long-term planning. He also developed and implemented a staff training program entitled "Functional Aspects of Management Effectiveness."
In the matter of a wrongful death lawsuit, he provided expert witness services on behalf of the deceased's estate that resulted in a favorable settlement. The deceased's attorney acknowledged his expertise by noting, "As you know, this was an extremely difficult case because it required expertise not only in fire science but electrical engineering and management negligence as well. Your expertise in all three areas made you a formidable expert witness and played a vital role in getting the case settled."
Expert provided consulting services to a major biotech company covering the application of statistical process control techniques in production and cleaning assessments and QA/QC practices. He also developed and implemented a strategic management guide.
Expert perfected a modified RCM methodology that was used to develop and implement an RCM program at the Rochester Gas and Electric nuclear facility as part of the Electric Power Research Institute's Nuclear Division O&M research program. The project at the nuclear facility was the first plant-wide RCM to be successfully implemented covering 26 major plant systems The project was completed on time and under budget and included a decision support function based in part on the Delphi technique to capture the operating experience knowledge of the plant staff.
Year | Degree | Subject | Institution |
Year: 1989 | Degree: Ph.D. | Subject: Business Administration and Management | Institution: Columbia Pacific University |
Year: 1976 | Degree: MS | Subject: Applied Science | Institution: State University of New York at Stony Brook |
Year: 1971 | Degree: BS | Subject: Electrical Engineering | Institution: Union College |
Work History
Years | Employer | Title | Department |
Years: 2003 to Present | Employer: Undisclosed | Title: Principal Engineer / Principal Consultant | Department: Engineering and Consulting |
Responsibilities:Expert provides engineering, management systems, and fire, arson, and explosion investigation services. Specialties include investigations in electrical engineering, industrial engineering, industrial equipment failure analysis, management negligence issues, and fire, arson, and explosion events. Expert also provides the firm’s consulting services in the area of operations, maintenance, and engineering in the government and commercial industrial business sectors. |
Years | Employer | Title | Department |
Years: 2007 to 2008 | Employer: University of North Texas | Title: Adjunct Instructor | Department: Management |
Responsibilities:Expert prepared and conducted classes in the University’s MBA program in the areas of operations management and project management as related to business administration and management in production and service organizations. |
Years | Employer | Title | Department |
Years: 2003 to 2008 | Employer: Raven Services Corporation | Title: Project Manager | Department: Government Contracting |
Responsibilities:Expert directed a staff of 55 technical and administrative personnel in operations, maintenance, and engineering assignments for the Bureau of Engraving and Printing at their Western Currency Facility in Fort Worth, Texas. In addition, expert executed a 20-million-dollar contract for operations, maintenance, engineering, and facility improvement project management, including contract administration and bargaining unit negotiations. |
Years | Employer | Title | Department |
Years: 2001 to 2003 | Employer: Forensic Analysis & Engineering Corporation | Title: Director of Engineering: Senior Principal Engineer | Department: |
Responsibilities:Expert served as Principal Engineer in charge of the Raleigh, North Carolina corporate office. He was responsible for the quality and technical accuracy of all work performed by Forensic Analysis & Engineering Corporation nationwide. He conducted fire and explosion investigation, design engineering, product failure investigation, product testing, and operational safety consultation with the firm’s clients. Forensic specialties included investigations in industrial safety, design defect analysis, regulatory compliance, equipment failure analysis, process control failures, Total Quality Management issues, and fire, arson, and explosion events. |
Years | Employer | Title | Department |
Years: 1999 to 2000 | Employer: Phoenix Imperative Inc. | Title: Senior Consultant | Department: |
Responsibilities:Expert developed and executed IQ, OQ, PQ, and Validation protocols for systems, equipment, and processes. He prepared final validation reports for bulk API processes, solid dosage processes, gelatin encapsulation, HVAC systems, and potent compounding facility systems and equipment. He developed and applied statistical and related analytical methods for process understanding, retrospective validation support, root cause analysis, and process improvement. |
Years | Employer | Title | Department |
Years: 1993 to 1998 | Employer: Bristol-Myers Products | Title: Manager, Production Services | Department: Solid Dosage Processing-Morrisville |
Responsibilities:Expert directed a staff of operations and maintenance personnel in the development and implementation of manufacturing support programs including records management/document control, inventory management and traceability, process improvement, and technical training and certification. He managed all technical operations related to the maintenance and engineering function in the manufacturing department including OSHA, FDA, NFPA, ANSI, and EPA requirements and SPC/TQM applications. |
Years | Employer | Title | Department |
Years: 1984 to 1990 | Employer: Advanced Technology Engineerings Systems, Inc. | Title: Chief Engineer | Department: Nuclear |
Responsibilities:Expert directed a staff of degreed engineers and technical graphic designers and instructional technologists in industrial facility operations, maintenance, and engineering. He designed and implemented programs that included OSHA, ANSI, and NRC requirements for nuclear plant facilities. Expert served as Operating Director for the Electric Power Research Institute’s International Equipment Monitoring and Diagnostic Center. |
Years | Employer | Title | Department |
Years: 1980 to 1984 | Employer: Electric Power Research Institute/Institute of Nuclear Power Operations | Title: Project/Senior Program Manager | Department: |
Responsibilities:Expert conducted detailed maintenance and operations bench marking and oversight activities at plant facilities. He developed upgrade programs in facility maintenance and engineering in compliance with standards and regulatory requirements. |
Government Experience
Years | Agency | Role | Description |
Years: 2003 to 2008 | Agency: Bureau of Engraving and Printing | Role: Contract Facility O&M Manager | Description: Expert directed a staff of 55 technical and administrative personnel in operations, maintenance, and engineering assignments for the Bureau of Engraving and Printing at their Western Currency Facility in Fort Worth, Texas. He executed a 20-million-dollar contract for operations, maintenance, engineering, and facility improvement project management including contract administration and bargaining unit negotiations. |
Years: 2000 to 2001 | Agency: NIEHS | Role: Contract Facility O&M Manager | Description: Directed a staff of 23 technical personnel in the operation and maintenance of the National Institute for Environmental Health Sciences 350 acre, eight building facility. Expert executed a five-million-dollar contract for technical services including contract administration and negotiating cost responsibility with the government client and vendors for various deficiencies. |
Career Accomplishments
Associations / Societies |
National Association of Fire Investigators (Member, Current); Society for Maintenance and Reliability Professionals (Member, Current) |
Licenses / Certifications |
PE (Texas); Certified Fire and Explosion Investigator-National Association of Fire Investigators; Certified Vehicle Fire Investigator-National Association of Fire Investigators; Certified DDI Facilitator-Dimensions Development International; Certified Training in Instructional System Design, Darryl L. Sink & Associates; Certified Training in Hazardous Waste Operations, Gebco Associates; Certified Maintenance and Reliability Professional-Society for Maintenance and Reliability Professionals |
Professional Appointments |
Industry Advisory Group, Three Mile Island Nuclear Accident Recovery; IEEE Committee Representative, Electric Power Research Institute; Session Chairman, Power Plant Reliability, Availability, and Maintainability-IEEE Power Generation Committee; Joint Power Generation Conference; Session Chairman, Time Series Analysis Applications-IEEE Power Generation Committee; Joint Power Generation Conference; ISA, Training Manager-Instrumentation, Measurement, and Control Systems- Manufacturing Execution Systems Exhibition Training; North Carolina Board of Examiners for Engineers and Surveyors, Board policy decision on a “Fire Safety Analysis for LP Gas as Required by NFPA 58, Liquefied Petroleum Gas Code” presentations. |
Additional Experience
Expert Witness Experience |
Cases: 15 |
Training / Seminars |
COURSE DEVELOPMENT/INSTRUCTOR ACTIVITIES: Basic Electrical Theory-US Naval Electrician School Advanced Electrical Theory-S3G Naval Nuclear Prototype Training Facility Nuclear Propulsion System Operations and Maintenance- S3G Naval Nuclear Prototype Training Facility Loose Parts Monitoring Technology Training Course-Babcock & Wilcox Company Value Oriented Decisional Analysis-Advanced Technology Engineering Systems, Inc. Production Maintenance Management- Advanced Technology Engineering Systems, Inc. Time Series Analysis Applications- Advanced Technology Engineering Systems, Inc. Functional Aspects of Management Effectiveness-Romesch, Inc. Pharmaceutical Processing and Packaging-Bristol-Myers Products Material Condition Inspection Techniques-Bristol-Myers Products Application of Statistical Process Control in Process Validation-Phoenix Imperative, Inc. UNIVERSITY OF NORTH TEXAS ADJUNCT FACULTY ASSIGNMENTS (2007-2008): Management Issues, Management Department MBA program Project Management, Management Department MBA program. |
Other Relevant Experience |
Expert is adept at formulating management goals and objectives into operational strategies and developing and implementing same. |
Fields of Expertise
accident causation, building fire, change management, commercial fire, electrical fire, electrical product safety, engineering project management, equipment failure analysis, facility maintenance management, fire, fire investigation, flame propagation, gas fire, household appliance liability, industrial fire, industrial maintenance management, machinery maintenance, maintenance control, maintenance engineering, maintenance management, management development, operability and maintenance review, performance evaluation, plant maintenance, predictive maintenance, preventive maintenance, process assessment, product failure, product liability, product reliability, product reliability improvement, propane fire, reliability-centered maintenance